461 research outputs found

    Dynamical compactification from de Sitter space

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    We show that D-dimensional de Sitter space is unstable to the nucleation of non-singular geometries containing spacetime regions with different numbers of macroscopic dimensions, leading to a dynamical mechanism of compactification. These and other solutions to Einstein gravity with flux and a cosmological constant are constructed by performing a dimensional reduction under the assumption of q-dimensional spherical symmetry in the full D-dimensional geometry. In addition to the familiar black holes, black branes, and compactification solutions we identify a number of new geometries, some of which are completely non-singular. The dynamical compactification mechanism populates lower-dimensional vacua very differently from false vacuum eternal inflation, which occurs entirely within the context of four-dimensions. We outline the phenomenology of the nucleation rates, finding that the dimensionality of the vacuum plays a key role and that among vacua of the same dimensionality, the rate is highest for smaller values of the cosmological constant. We consider the cosmological constant problem and propose a novel model of slow-roll inflation that is triggered by the compactification process.Comment: Revtex. 41 pages with 24 embedded figures. Minor corrections and added reference

    Discussing Quantum Aspects of Higher-Derivative 3D-Gravity in the First-Order Formalism

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    In this paper, we reassess the issue of deriving the propagators and identifying the spectrum of excitations associated to the vielbein and spin connection of (1+2)-D gravity in the presence of dynamical torsion, while working in the first-order formulation. A number of peculiarities is pointed out whenever the Chern-Simons term is taken into account along with a combination of bilinear terms in the torsion tensor. We present a procedure to derive the full set of propagators, based on an algebra of enlarged spin-type operators, and we discuss under which conditions the poles of the tree-level 2-point functions correspond to physical excitations that do not conflict with causality and unitarity

    Finite sum of gluon ladders and high energy cross sections

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    A model for the Pomeron at t=0t=0 is suggested. It is based on the idea of a finite sum of ladder diagrams in QCD. Accordingly, the number of ss-channel gluon rungs and correspondingly the powers of logarithms in the forward scattering amplitude depends on the phase space (energy) available, i.e. as energy increases, progressively new prongs with additional gluon rungs in the ss-channel open. Explicit expressions for the total cross section involving two and three rungs or, alternatively, three and four prongs (with ln2(s)\ln^2(s) and ln3(s)\ln^3(s) as highest terms, respectively) are fitted to the proton-proton and proton-antiproton total cross section data in the accelerator region. Both QCD calculation and fits to the data indicate fast convergence of the series. In the fit, two terms (a constant and a logarithmically rising one) almost saturate the whole series, the ln2(s)\ln^2(s) term being small and the next one, ln3(s)\ln^3(s), negligible. Theoretical predictions for the photon-photon total cross section are also given.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 2 EPS figures, uses axodraw.st

    New mechanism to cross the phantom divide

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    Recently, type Ia supernovae data appear to support a dark energy whose equation of state ww crosses -1, which is a much more amazing problem than the acceleration of the universe. We show that it is possible for the equation of state to cross the phantom divide by a scalar field in the gravity with an additional inverse power-law term of Ricci scalar in the Lagrangian. The necessary and sufficient condition for a universe in which the dark energy can cross the phantom divide is obtained. Some analytical solutions with w<1w<-1 or w>1w>-1 are obtained. A minimal coupled scalar with different potentials, including quadratic, cubic, quantic, exponential and logarithmic potentials are investigated via numerical methods, respectively. All these potentials lead to the crossing behavior. We show that it is a robust result which is hardly dependent on the concrete form of the potential of the scalar.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figs, v3: several references added, to match the published versio

    Domain Wall Junction in N=2 Supersymmetric QED in four dimensions

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    An exact solution of domain wall junction is obtained in N=2 supersymmetric (SUSY) QED with three massive hypermultiplets. The junction preserves two out of eight SUSY. Both a (magnetic) Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term and complex masses for hypermultiplets are needed to obtain the junction solution. There are zero modes corresponding to spontaneously broken translation, SUSY, and U(1). All broken and unbroken SUSY charges are explicitly worked out in the Wess-Zumino gauge in N=1 superfields as well as in components. The relation to models in five dimensions is also clarified.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, comments on zero modes added, a few references adde

    Cosmological evolution of interacting dark energy in Lorentz violation

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    The cosmological evolution of an interacting scalar field model in which the scalar field interacts with dark matter, radiation, and baryon via Lorentz violation is investigated. We propose a model of interaction through the effective coupling βˉ\bar{\beta}. Using dynamical system analysis, we study the linear dynamics of an interacting model and show that the dynamics of critical points are completely controlled by two parameters. Some results can be mentioned as follows. Firstly, the sequence of radiation, the dark matter, and the scalar field dark energy exist and baryons are sub dominant. Secondly, the model also allows the possibility of having a universe in the phantom phase with constant potential. Thirdly, the effective gravitational constant varies with respect to time through βˉ\bar{\beta}. In particular, we consider a simple case where βˉ\bar{\beta} has a quadratic form and has a good agreement with the modified Λ\LambdaCDM and quintessence models. Finally, we also calculate the first post--Newtonian parameters for our model.Comment: 14 pages, published versio

    Hubble expansion and structure formation in the "running FLRW model" of the cosmic evolution

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    A new class of FLRW cosmological models with time-evolving fundamental parameters should emerge naturally from a description of the expansion of the universe based on the first principles of quantum field theory and string theory. Within this general paradigm, one expects that both the gravitational Newton's coupling, G, and the cosmological term, Lambda, should not be strictly constant but appear rather as smooth functions of the Hubble rate. This scenario ("running FLRW model") predicts, in a natural way, the existence of dynamical dark energy without invoking the participation of extraneous scalar fields. In this paper, we perform a detailed study of these models in the light of the latest cosmological data, which serves to illustrate the phenomenological viability of the new dark energy paradigm as a serious alternative to the traditional scalar field approaches. By performing a joint likelihood analysis of the recent SNIa data, the CMB shift parameter, and the BAOs traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we put tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters. Furthermore, we derive the theoretically predicted dark-matter halo mass function and the corresponding redshift distribution of cluster-size halos for the "running" models studied. Despite the fact that these models closely reproduce the standard LCDM Hubble expansion, their normalization of the perturbation's power-spectrum varies, imposing, in many cases, a significantly different cluster-size halo redshift distribution. This fact indicates that it should be relatively easy to distinguish between the "running" models and the LCDM cosmology using realistic future X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster surveys.Comment: Version published in JCAP 08 (2011) 007: 1+41 pages, 6 Figures, 1 Table. Typos corrected. Extended discussion on the computation of the linearly extrapolated density threshold above which structures collapse in time-varying vacuum models. One appendix, a few references and one figure adde

    Coherent QCD phenomena in the Coherent Pion-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleus Production of Two Jets at High Relative Momenta

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    We use QCD to compute the cross section for coherent production of a di-jet (treated as a qqˉq\bar q moving at high relative transverse momentum,κt\kappa_t ). In the target rest frame,the space-time evolution of this reaction is dominated by the process in which the high κt\kappa_t qqˉq\bar q component of the pion wave function is formed before reaching the target. It then interacts through two gluon exchange. In the approximation of keeping the leading order in powers of αs\alpha_s and all orders in αsln(κt2/k02),\alpha_{s}\ln(\kappa_{t}^2/k_{0}^2), the amplitudes for other processes are shown to be smaller at least by a power of αs\alpha_{s}. The resulting dominant amplitude is proportional to z(1z)κt4z(1-z) \kappa_t^{-4} (zz is the fraction light-cone(+)momentum carried by the quark in the final state) times the skewed gluon distribution of the target. For the pion scattering by a nuclear target, this means that at fixed xN=2κt2/sx_{N}= 2\kappa_{t}^2/s (but κt2\kappa_{t}^2\to \infty) the nuclear process in which there is only a single interaction is the most important one to contribute to the reaction. Thus in this limit color transparency phenomena should occur.These findings are in accord with E971 experiment at FNAL. We also re-examine a potentially important nuclear multiple scattering correction which is positive and A1/3/κt4\propto A^{1/3}/\kappa_t^4. The meaning of the signal obtained from the experimental measurement of pion diffraction into two jets is also critically examined and significant corrections are identified.We show also that for values of κt\kappa_t achieved at fixed target energies, di-jet production by the e.m. field of the nucleus leads to an insignificant correction which gets more important as κt\kappa_t increases.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Cosmological evolution and statefinder diagnostic for new holographic dark energy model in non flat universe

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    In this paper, the holographic dark energy model with new infrared cut-off proposed by Granda and Oliveros has been investigated in spatially non flat universe. The dependency of the evolution of equation of state, deceleration parameter and cosmological evolution of Hubble parameter on the parameters of new HDE model are calculated. Also, the statefinder parameters rr and ss in this model are derived and the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r plane are plotted. We show that the evolutionary trajectories are dependent on the model parameters of new HDE model. Eventually, in the light of SNe+BAO+OHD+CMB observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r and qrq-r planes for best fit values of the parameters of new HDE model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Astrophys. Space Sc