31,703 research outputs found

    The Debate over "Wittgensteinian Fideism" and Phillips’ Contemplative Philosophy of Religion

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    When surveying the scholarly literature over Wittgensteinian fideism, it is easy to get the sense that the principal interlocutors, Kai Nielsen and D.Z. Phillips, talk past one another, but finding the right words for appraising the distance between the two voices is difficult. In this paper, I seek to appreciate this intellectual distance through an exploration of the varying philosophical aims of Nielsen and Phillips, of the different intellectual imperatives that guide their respective conceptions of philosophical practice. In so doing, I seek to show how a contemplative mode in philosophy may be used to appraise a philosophical dispute and the terms of disagreement. In this case, a contemplative approach to understanding the dispute would frame Nielsen’s and Phillips’ contributions against the backdrop of the ends they conceive philosophy to have

    Metaphor and Apophatic Discourse: Putting Sells in Dialogue with Lakoff and Johnson

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    In the book, Mystical Languages of Unsaying, Michael A. Sells presents a performative theory of apophatic discourse. His idea is that apophatic discourse functions as a semantic analogue to mystical experience through \"meaning events.\" Although he acknowledges that an appreciation of the subtleties of metaphor is crucial to an understanding of mystical language, Sells does not discuss the extensive literature on metaphor theory from the last few decades. In this essay, the author explores how George Lakoff and Mark Johnson\'s theory of metaphor may enrich Sells\' theory. Further, he addresses what Lakoff and Johnson may learn from Sells\' treatment. While there are no conflicts, strictly speaking, between the metaphysical pictures suggested by the two theories. Sells\' picture of the world allows for fissures of meaning at which Lakoff and Johnson\'s theory at best hints. Ultimately, Lakoff and Johnson\'s conception of metaphor requires that Sells\' theory of apophatic discourse be reexamined

    The method of endogenous gridpoints for solving dynamic stochastic optimization problems

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    This paper introduces a method for solving numerical dynamic stochastic optimization problems that avoids rootfinding operations. The idea is applicable to many microeconomic and macroeconomic problems, including life cycle, buffer-stock, and stochastic growth problems. Software is provided. Klassifikation: C6, D9, E2 . July 28, 2005

    Precautionary saving and the marginal propensity to consume out of permanent income

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    The budget constraint requires that, eventually, consumption must adjust fully to any permanent shock to income. Intuition suggests that, knowing this, optimizing agents will fully adjust their spending immediately upon experiencing a permanent shock. However, this paper shows that if consumers are impatient and are subject to transitory as well as permanent shocks, the optimal marginal propensity to consume out of permanent shocks (the MPCP) is strictly less than 1, because buffer stock savers have a target wealth-to-permanent-income ratio; a positive shock to permanent income moves the ratio below its target, temporarily boosting saving. Keywords: Risk, Uncertainty, Consumption, Precautionary Saving, Buffer Stock Saving, Permanent Income Hypothesis

    QMC and the nature of dense matter: written in the stars?

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    We discuss the recent progress in calculating the properties of 'hybrid stars' (stellar objects similar to neutron stars, classified by the incorporation of non-nucleonic degrees of freedom, including but not limited to hyperons and/or a quark-matter core) using the octet-baryon Quark-Meson Coupling (QMC) model. The version of QMC used is a recent improvement which includes the in-medium modification of the quark-quark hyperfine interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of Achievements and New Directions in Subatomic Physics: Workshop in Honour of Tony Thomas' 60th Birthday, Adelaide, South Australia, 15-19 Feb 201

    Clarifying Conversations: Understanding Cultural Difference in Philosophical Education

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    The goal of this essay is to explain how Wittgenstein's philosophy may be helpful for understanding and addressing challenges to cross-cultural communication in educational contexts. In particular, the notions of “hinge,” “intellectual distance,” and “grounds” from On Certainty will be helpful for identifying cultural differences. Wittgenstein's dialogical conception of philosophy in Philosophical Investigations will be helpful for addressing that cultural difference in conversation. While here can be no panacea to address all potential sources of confusion, Wittgenstein's philosophy has strong resources that are helpful for curbing some of our human tendencies to misunderstand other people

    Death to the Log-Linearized Consumption euler Equation! (And Very Poor Health to the Second-Order Approximation)

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    This paper shows that standard empirical methods for estimating log-linearized consumption Euler equations cannot successfully uncover structural parameters like the coefficient of relative risk aversion from a dataset of simulated consumers behaving exactly according to the standard model Furthermore consumption growth for simulated consumers is very highly statistically related to predictable income growth -- and thus standard 'excess sensitivity' tests would reject the hypothesis that consumers are behaving according to the standard model Results are not much better for the second-order approximation to the Euler equation The paper concludes that empirical estimation of consumption Euler equations should be abandoned and discusses some alternative empirical strategies that are not subject to the problems of Euler equation estimation

    Solving Dynamic Stochastic Optimization Problems Using the Method of Endogenous Gridpoints

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    Numerical Optimization; Dynamic Programming; Precautionary Saving

    Precautionary Saving and the Marginal Propensity to Consume out of Permanent Income

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    The budget constraint requires that, eventually, consumption must adjust fully to any permanent shock to income. Intuition suggests that, knowing this, optimizing agents will fully adjust their spending immediately upon experiencing a permanent shock. However, this paper shows that if consumers are impatient and are subject to transitory as well as permanent shocks, the optimal marginal propensity to consume out of permanent shocks (the MPCP) is strictly less than 1, because buffer stock savers have a target wealth-to-permanent-income ratio; a positive shock to permanent income moves the ratio below its target, temporarily boosting saving.
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