274 research outputs found

    Contact of Single Asperities with Varying Adhesion: Comparing Continuum Mechanics to Atomistic Simulations

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    Atomistic simulations are used to test the equations of continuum contact mechanics in nanometer scale contacts. Nominally spherical tips, made by bending crystals or cutting crystalline or amorphous solids, are pressed into a flat, elastic substrate. The normal displacement, contact radius, stress distribution, friction and lateral stiffness are examined as a function of load and adhesion. The atomic scale roughness present on any tip made of discrete atoms is shown to have profound effects on the results. Contact areas, local stresses, and the work of adhesion change by factors of two to four, and the friction and lateral stiffness vary by orders of magnitude. The microscopic factors responsible for these changes are discussed. The results are also used to test methods for analyzing experimental data with continuum theory to determine information, such as contact area, that can not be measured directly in nanometer scale contacts. Even when the data appear to be fit by continuum theory, extracted quantities can differ substantially from their true values

    Negative stiffness and enhanced damping of individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes

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    The mechanical instabilities and viscoelastic response of individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes and nanofibers (MWCNTs/Fs) under uniaxial compression are studied with atomic force microscopy. Specific buckling events are evident by regimes of negative stiffness, i.e., marked drops in force with increasing compression. Uniaxial cyclic loading can be repeatedly executed even in initially postbuckled regimes, where the CNTs/Fs display incremental negative stiffness. Increases in mechanical damping of 145–600 % in these initially postbuckled regimes, as compared to the linear prebuckled regimes, are observed. Increased damping is attributed to frictional energy dissipation of walls in buckled configurations of the MWCNTs/Fs. This represents the extension of the concept of negative stiffness to the scale of nanostructures and opens up possibilities for designing nanocomposites with high stiffness and high damping simultaneously

    Friction and Molecular Deformation in the Tensile Regime

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    Recent molecular level studies of energy dissipation in sliding friction have suggested a contribution from adhesive forces. In order to observe this directly, we have constructed a scanning force microscope with decoupled lateral and normal force sensors to simultaneously observe the onset of both friction and attractive forces. Measurements made on self-assembling alkanethiol films with chemically different tail groups show that friction can increase with stronger adhesive intermolecular forces and from the associated tensile deformation and collective motion of the thiol chains

    A variable temperature ultrahigh vacuum atomic force microscope

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    A new atomic force microscope (AFM) that operates in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) is described. The sample is held fixed with spring clamps while the AMF cantilever and deflection sensor are scanned above it. Thus, the sample is easily coupled to a liquid nitrogen cooled thermal reservoir which allows AFM operation from ≈ 100 K to room temperature. AFM operation above room temperature is also possible. The microscope head is capable of coarse x-y positioning over millimeter distances so that AFM images can be taken virtually anywhere upon a macroscopic sample. The optical beam deflection scheme is used for detection, allowing simultaneous normal and lateral force measurements. The sample can be transferred from the AFM stage to a low energy electron diffraction/Auger electron spectrometer stage for surface analysis. Atomic lattice resolution AFM images taken in UHV are presented at 110, 296, and 430 K

    Origin of Ultralow Friction andWear in Ultrananocrystalline Diamond

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    The impressively low friction and wear of diamond in humid environments is debated to originate from either the stability of the passivated diamond surface or sliding-induced graphitization/rehybridization of carbon. We find ultralow friction and wear for ultrananocrystalline diamond surfaces even in dry environments, and observe negligible rehybridization except for a modest, submonolayer amount under the most severe conditions (high load, low humidity). This supports the passivation hypothesis, and establishes a new regime of exceptionally low friction and wear for diamond
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