866 research outputs found

    Public-private substitution in higher education : has cost-sharing gone too far?

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    This paper looks at the current challenge facing higher education by exploring the historical relationship between higher education funding and long economic cycles in the UK, USA and France. It examines the consequence of the transformation of public-private income in higher education that followed the 1970s downturn, questioning whether the rise of private resources acted as additional or substitutive resources for public spending. The paper suggests that there is a risk that the cost-sharing strategy could be turned into a policy of public-private substitution of funding and provision, leading to a transfer rather than an increase of resources with strong implications on quality and equity. However, the Kondratiev cycle suggests an alternative route by designating the impact of the 1970s economic downturn on education as unique. Previous economic crises were contemporary of accelerations of public funding towards education which in fact contributed to economic recovery. The current crisis could represent an opportunity to revive counter-cyclical policy by looking not only at efficient public spending but also at developing fairer taxation. A revival of public funding complemented by an additional rather than substitutive diversification of income would rebalance the public-private structure of funding and drive a sustainable higher education system capable of playing a key part in these counter-cyclical transformations

    Funding in Higher Education and Economic Growth in France and the United Kingdom, 1921-2003

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    The 2004 Higher Education Act generated important debates about the relationships between higher education (HE), economic growth and social progress. The range of positions expressed in relation to the increase of annual tuition fees raises crucial questions about the public and private funding of HE and its individual and social economic benefits. The analysis of new historical data from the 1920s onwards shows that the expansion in university resources was not linear and may be related to long economic cycles. Moreover, private funding periodically increased in order to replace diminishing public funding, rather than taking the form of additional resources. In consequence, private funds did not provide an overall rise in the universities’ income. The considerable fluctuations of funding, combined with a more consistent growth of enrolment, led to a recurrent mismatch between resources for and access to HE, explaining the wide fluctuations of resources per student over the period. Such historical trends question whether, in the future, increased fees will be a substitute for public spending. Or will variable fees rather combine with even greater increases in public funding as part of a national project to support HE students from all social backgrounds and to boost expenditure per student

    Quantitative sources for the history of education

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    This paper proposes a critical reflection on the use of quantitative sources for the historian of education. It identifies and discusses key promises and challenges related to the construction and interpretation of historical statistics in education, drawing on a number of British and some French historiographical examples. Ultimately, the article encourages, where possible and appropriate, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in order to identify trends and patterns in education and facilitate their contextualisation in terms of processes and meanings

    Jort – Le Moulin Fouleux (lot A)

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    En septembre 2018, une opĂ©ration de fouille motivĂ©e par l’amĂ©nagement d’une habitation a Ă©tĂ© conduite Ă  Jort au lieu-dit « Le Moulin Fouleux », parcelle B 682p1, lot A, sur une superficie de 1 100 m2. La prescription fait suite Ă  un diagnostic rĂ©alisĂ© au printemps 2018 par Ludovic Le Gaillard. Elle s’inscrit dans une suite de huit opĂ©rations menĂ©es Ă  Jort entre 1997 et 2015, dont les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que cette partie de la commune correspond, d’une part, Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de l’agglomĂ©ration..

    Blainville-sur-Orne – Terres d’avenir (site 3)

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    La fouille s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 6 au 19 novembre 2017, sur une surface de 3 724 m2 amĂ©nagĂ©e par la sociĂ©tĂ© Foncim. Les vestiges mis au jour consistent en traces de parcellaire protohistorique en lien avec les occupations adjacentes (sites 1 et 2, fouilles E. GhesquiĂšre et C.-C. Besnard), et moderne Ă  contemporain, ainsi qu’en 15 abris enterrĂ© de type « trou d’homme » datĂ©s des premiers temps de la bataille de Normandie. Une moitiĂ© d’entre eux prĂ©sente un plan oblong et se trouvent dĂ©nuĂ©s de trac..

    Vivoin – Le Grand Coudray

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    Le site du Grand Coudray, Ă  Vivoin, correspond Ă  un Ă©tablissement rural marquĂ© par quatre phases d’occupation, Ă©tagĂ©es du dĂ©but du ier s. apr. J.-C. Ă  la fin du viiie ou au dĂ©but du ixe s. au plus tard. La premiĂšre phase d’occupation voit au cours du ier s. la mise en place d’un systĂšme orthonormĂ© de dĂ©limitation parcellaire, qui s’organise autour d’un enclos quadrangulaire, partiellement compris dans les limites de l’emprise. Une mare est Ă©tablie sur le gisement afin de collecter les eaux de..

    Colleville-Montgomery – La Mare Gobe

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    Une fouille a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en octobre-novembre 2015, dans l’emprise de la parcelle AN34p de la commune de Colleville-Montgomery, sous la direction de V. Carpentier (Inrap). Cet espace enherbĂ© de 11 650 m2, situĂ© Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©rie immĂ©diate du village, est concernĂ© par un projet de lotissement pilotĂ© par la sociĂ©tĂ© FONCIM. Les vestiges mis au jour se dĂ©ploient sur la totalitĂ© de la surface dĂ©capĂ©e, correspondant Ă  un fond de vallon humide, sous-tendu par une formation gĂ©ologique complexe, inclua..

    Port-en-Bessin-Huppain – Avenue du GĂ©nĂ©ral de Gaulle

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) :http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=-0.801;49.324;-0.744;49.353 Un diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© en fĂ©vrier 2013 dans le centre de Port-en-Bessin-Huppain, Ă  8 km au nord de Bayeux, sur un terrain de 5339 m2 sis avenue du GĂ©nĂ©ral de Gaulle, immĂ©diatement au sud du cimetiĂšre dont il est mitoyen. Cet espace est promis Ă  l’amĂ©nagement d’un lotissement d’habitation. L’emprise du projet est assise sur la partie basse d’un..
