2,217 research outputs found

    On the relevance of polyynyl-substituted PAHs to astrophysics

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    We report on the absorption spectra of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules anthracene, phenanthrene, and pyrene carrying either an ethynyl (-C2H) or a butadiynyl (-C4H) group. Measurements were carried out in the mid infrared at room temperature on grains embedded in CsI pellets and in the near ultraviolet at cryogenic temperature on molecules isolated in Ne matrices. The infrared measurements show that interstellar populations of polyynyl-substituted PAHs would give rise to collective features in the same way non-substituted PAHs give rise to the aromatic infrared bands. The main features characteristic of the substituted molecules correspond to the acetylenic CH stretching mode near 3.05 mum and to the almost isoenergetic acetylenic CCH in- and out-of-plane bending modes near 15.9 mum. Sub-populations defined by the length of the polyynyl side group cause collective features which correspond to the various acetylenic CC stretching modes. The ultraviolet spectra reveal that the addition of an ethynyl group to a non-substituted PAH molecule results in all its electronic transitions being redshifted. Due to fast internal energy conversion, the bands at shorter wavelengths are significantly broadened. Those at longer wavelengths are only barely affected in this respect. As a consequence, their relative peak absorption increases. The substitution with the longer butadiynyl chain causes the same effects with a larger magnitude, resulting in the spectra to show a prominent if not dominating pi-pi* transition at long wavelength. After discussing the relevance of polyynyl-substituted PAHs to astrophysics, we conclude that this class of highly conjugated, unsaturated molecules are valid candidates for the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ 2 April 201

    Cross-Over between universality classes in a magnetically disordered metallic wire

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    In this article we present numerical results of conduction in a disordered quasi-1D wire in the possible presence of magnetic impurities. Our analysis leads us to the study of universal properties in different conduction regimes such as the localized and metallic ones. In particular, we analyse the cross-over between universality classes occurring when the strength of magnetic disorder is increased. For this purpose, we use a numerical Landauer approach, and derive the scattering matrix of the wire from electron's Green's function.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in New Journ. of Physics, 27 pages, 28 figures. Replaces the earlier shorter preprint arXiv:0910.427

    Current facilitation by plasmon resonances between parallel wires of finite length

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    The current voltage (IV) characteristics for perpendicular transport through two sequentially coupled wires of finite length is calculated analytically. The transport within a Coulomb blockade step is assisted by plasmon resonances that appear as steps in the IV characteristics with positions and heights depending on inter- and intrawire interactions. In particular, due to the interwire interactions, the peak positions shift to lower voltages in comparison to the noninteracting wires which reflects the facilitation of current by interactions. The interwire interactions are also found to enhance the thermally activated current.Comment: 5 pages, 1figur

    New evidence for super-roughening in crystalline surfaces with disordered substrate

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    We study the behavior of the Binder cumulant related to long distance correlation functions of the discrete Gaussian model of disordered substrate crystalline surfaces. We exhibit numerical evidence that the non-Gaussian behavior in the low-TT region persists on large length scales, in agreement with the broken phase being super-rough.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figures, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.html . We have extended the RG discussion and minor changes in the tex

    Two dimensional anisotropic non Fermi-liquid phase of coupled Luttinger liquids

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    We show using bosonization techniques, that strong forward scattering interactions between one dimensional spinless Luttinger liquids (LL) can stabilize a phase where charge-density wave, superconducting and transverse single particle hopping perturbations are irrelevant. This new phase retains its LL like properties in the directions of the chains, but with relations between exponents modified by the transverse interactions, whereas, it is a perfect insulator in the transverse direction. The mechanism that stabilizes this phase are strong transverse charge density wave fluctuations at incommensurate wavevector, which frustrates crystal formation by preventing lock-in of the in-chain density waves.Comment: (4 pages, 2 figures

    Melting of two dimensional solids on disordered substrate

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    We study 2D solids with weak substrate disorder, using Coulomb gas renormalisation. The melting transition is found to be replaced by a sharp crossover between a high TT liquid with thermally induced dislocations, and a low TT glassy regime with disorder induced dislocations at scales larger than ξd\xi_{d} which we compute (ξd≫Rc∼Ra\xi_{d}\gg R_{c}\sim R_{a}, the Larkin and translational correlation lengths). We discuss experimental consequences, reminiscent of melting, such as size effects in vortex flow and AC response in superconducting films.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTeX, Amssymb, multicol,eps

    Absence of Two-Dimensional Bragg Glasses

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    The stability to dislocations of the elastic phase, or ``Bragg glass'', of a randomly pinned elastic medium in two dimensions is studied using the minimum-cost-flow algorithm for a disordered fully-packed loop model. The elastic phase is found to be unstable to dislocations due to the quenched disorder. The energetics of dislocations are discussed within the framework of renormalization group predictions as well as in terms of a domain wall picture.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, 3 figures included. Further information can be obtained from [email protected]
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