78 research outputs found

    La Iniciación a la lectura en la escuela : base fundamental para el aprendizaje

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    La lectura, es un instrumento de gran valor para la formación integral del individuo. Leer es un proceso muy complejo, por eso es importante que el docente enfoque correctamente la lectura para que el niño tenga la oportunidad desde los primeros años de escolaridad de disfrutarla, crear, imaginar y explorar; puesto que en muchas ocasiones el niño se enfrenta a textos no adecuados por tanto la actividad lectora resulta tediosa y puede llevarlo a la frustración de su aprendizaje

    La Iniciación a la lectura en la escuela : base fundamental para el aprendizaje

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    La lectura, es un instrumento de gran valor para la formación integral del individuo. Leer es un proceso muy complejo, por eso es importante que el docente enfoque correctamente la lectura para que el niño tenga la oportunidad desde los primeros años de escolaridad de disfrutarla, crear, imaginar y explorar; puesto que en muchas ocasiones el niño se enfrenta a textos no adecuados por tanto la actividad lectora resulta tediosa y puede llevarlo a la frustración de su aprendizaje

    Organic solvents as risk factor for autoimmune diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Genetic and epigenetic factors interacting with the environment over time are the main causes of complex diseases such as autoimmune diseases (ADs). Among the environmental factors are organic solvents (OSs), which are chemical compounds used routinely in commercial industries. Since controversy exists over whether ADs are caused by OSs, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to assess the association between OSs and ADs. Methods and Findings: The systematic search was done in the PubMed, SCOPUS, SciELO and LILACS databases up to February 2012. Any type of study that used accepted classification criteria for ADs and had information about exposure to OSs was selected. Out of a total of 103 articles retrieved, 33 were finally included in the meta-analysis. The final odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained by the random effect model. A sensitivity analysis confirmed results were not sensitive to restrictions on the data included. Publication bias was trivial. Exposure to OSs was associated to systemic sclerosis, primary systemic vasculitis and multiple sclerosis individually and also to all the ADs evaluated and taken together as a single trait (OR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.25-1.92; p-value, 0.001). Conclusion: Exposure to OSs is a risk factor for developing ADs. As a corollary, individuals with non-modifiable risk factors (i.e., familial autoimmunity or carrying genetic factors) should avoid any exposure to OSs in order to avoid increasing their risk of ADs

    Cardiovascular disease in latin american patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study and a systematic review

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    Objective. This study was performed to determine the prevalence of and associated risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Latin American (LA) patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods. First, a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 310 Colombian patients with SLE in whom CVD was assessed. Associated factors were examined by multivariate regression analyses. Second, a systematic review of the literature on CVD in SLE in LA was performed. Results. There were 133 (36.5%) Colombian SLE patients with CVD. Dyslipidemia, smoking, coffee consumption, and pleural effusion were positively associated with CVD. An independent effect of coffee consumption and cigarette on CVD was found regardless of gender and duration of disease. In the systematic review, 60 articles fulfilling the eligibility criteria were included. A wide range of CVD prevalence was found (4%–79.5%). Several studies reported ancestry, genetic factors, and polyautoimmunity as novel risk factors for such a condition.Conclusions. A high rate of CVD is observed in LA patients with SLE. Awareness of the observed risk factors should encourage preventive population strategies for CVD in patients with SLE aimed at facilitating the suppression of cigarette smoking and coffee consumption as well as at the tight control of dyslipidemia and other modifiable risk factors

    Introducing polyautoimmunity: secondary autoimmune diseases no longer exist

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    Similar pathophysiological mechanisms within autoimmune diseases have stimulated searches for common genetic roots. Polyautoimmunity is defined as the presence of more than one autoimmune disease in a single patient. When three or more autoimmune diseases coexist, this condition is called multiple autoimmune syndrome (MAS). We analyzed the presence of polyautoimmunity in 1,083 patients belonging to four autoimmune disease cohorts. Polyautoimmunity was observed in 373 patients (34.4%). Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) and Sjögren's syndrome (SS) were the most frequent diseases encountered. Factors significantly associated with polyautoimmunity were female gender and familial autoimmunity. Through a systematic literature review, an updated search was done for all MAS cases (January 2006–September 2011). There were 142 articles retrieved corresponding to 226 cases. Next, we performed a clustering analysis in which AITD followed by systemic lupus erythematosus and SS were the most hierarchical diseases encountered. Our results indicate that coexistence of autoimmune diseases is not uncommon and follows a grouping pattern. Polyautoimmunity is the term proposed for this association of disorders, which encompasses the concept of a common origin for these diseases

    Simultaneous assessment of rotavirus-specific memory B cells and serological memory after B cell depletion therapy with rituximab

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    Q2Q11-12The mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of serological memory are still unclear. Rotavirus (RV) memory B cells(mBc) are enriched in IgM+and CD27-subpopulations, which are associated with autoimmune diseases pathogenesis. Inpatients with autoimmune diseases treated with Rituximab (RTX), some autoantibodies (auto-Abs) decrease after treatment,but other auto-Abs and pathogen-specific IgG Abs remain unchanged. Thus, maintenance of autoimmune and pathogen-specific serological memory may depend on the type of antigen and/or Ab isotype evaluated. Antigen-specific mBc andantigen-specific Abs of different isotypes have not been simultaneously assessed in patients after RTX treatment. To study the relationship between mBc subpopulations and serological memory we characterized total, RV- and tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific mBc by flow cytometry in patients with autoimmune diseases before and after treatment with RTX. We also measured total, RV- and TT-Abs, and some auto-Abs by kinetic nephelometry, ELISA, and EliA tests, respectively. Minor differences were observed between the relative frequencies of RV-mBc in healthy controls and patients with autoimmune disease. After RTX treatment, naı ̈ve Bc and total, RV- and TT-specific mBc [IgM+, switched (IgA+/IgG+), IgM+only, IgD+only, and CD27-(IgA+/IgG+/IgM+)] were significantly diminished. An important decrease in total plasma IgM and minor decrease in total IgG and IgA levels were also observed. IgM rheumatoid factor, IgG anti-CCP, and IgG anti-dsDNA were significantly diminished. In contrast, RV-IgA, RV-IgG and RV-IgG1, and TT-IgG titers remained stable. In conclusion, in patients with autoimmunity, serological memory against RV and TT seem to be maintained by long-lived plasma cells, unaffected by RTX, and an important proportion of total IgM and serological memory against some auto-antigens seem to be maintained by short-lived plasma cells, dependent on mBc precursors depleted by RTX

    Cytokine and autoantibody clusters interaction in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Evidence supports the existence of different subphenotypes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the pivotal role of cytokines and autoantibodies, which interact in a highly complex network. Thus, understanding how these complex nonlinear processes are connected and observed in real-life settings is a major challenge. Cluster approaches may assist in the identification of these subphenotypes, which represent such a phenomenon, and may contribute to the development of personalized medicine. Therefore, the relationship between autoantibody and cytokine clusters in SLE was analyzed. Methods: This was an exploratory study in which 67 consecutive women with established SLE were assessed. Clinical characteristics including disease activity, a 14-autoantibody profile, and a panel of 15 serum cytokines were measured simultaneously. Mixed-cluster methodology and bivariate analyses were used to define autoantibody and cytokine clusters and to identify associations between them and related variables. Results: First, three clusters of autoantibodies were defined: (1) neutral, (2) antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA)-dominant, and (3) anti-dsDNA/ENA-dominant. Second, eight cytokines showed levels above the threshold thus making possible to find 4 clusters: (1) neutral, (2) chemotactic, (3) G-CSF dominant, and (4) IFN?/Pro-inflammatory. Furthermore, the disease activity was associated with cytokine clusters, which, in turn, were associated with autoantibody clusters. Finally, when all biomarkers were included, three clusters were found: (1) neutral, (2) chemotactic/APLA, and (3) IFN/dsDNA, which were also associated with disease activity. Conclusion: These results support the existence of three SLE cytokine-autoantibody driven subphenotypes. They encourage the practice of personalized medicine, and support proof-of-concept studies. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Generations UNAB No.4

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    Esta cuarta edición de la revista Generaciones UNAB, gira en torno a la celebración de los 40 años de inicio de labores de la Facultad de Derecho, cuyo primeros 25 graduados obtuvieron su título en 1978; así como a la celebración de los primeros 30 años de inicio de labores de la Facultad de Comunicación Social que graduó a sus primeros 17 estudiantes en 1987. Hoy, cuatro y tres décadas después del inicio de labores respectivamente, y atendiendo al compromiso institucional con la región, ña Universidad ha permitido que Santander, Colombia y el mundo cuenten con 3.104 abogados y 1.647 comunicadores sociales que se destacan por su compromiso con la sociedad, su trabajo en equipo, ética y valores en el ejercicio profesional.Editorial; Por Marcela Peralta Bautista…03 Columnista invitado, Facultades bien dirigidas; Por Alfonso Gómez Gómez…06 40 años de la Facultad de Derecho…08 Cuatro décadas formando futuro; Por José Manuel Arias Carrizosa…09 Una facultad de libertadores; Por Jaime Gutiérrez Rivero…10 Defendiendo la libertad del conocimiento; Por Sergio Rangel Consuegra…11 La cara humana del derecho; Por Jorge González Aranda…13 La decanatura marcó mi vida; Por Gabriel Burgos Mantilla…14 La unión hace la fuerza; Por Jorge Castillo Rugeles…16 Mis estudiantes son lo más importante; Por Rodolfo Mantilla Jácome…18 La hermenéutica jurídica como sello diferenciador; Por Juan Carlos Acuña Gutiérrez...20 Equipo de trabajo y apoyo directivo; Por Jorge Eduardo Lamo Gómez…22 30 años de la Facultad de Comunicación Social…25 Haciendo el sueño realidad; Por Carlos H. Gómez…26 Un compromiso de vida; Por Maria Isabel León Carreño…28 Construir debatiendo; Por Rodrigo Velasco Ortiz…30 La importancia de potenciar capacidades; Por Luz Amalia Camacho Velásquez...32 Una propuesta académica única; Por Iván Darío Montoya Osorio…34 Graduados Destacando…37 Docente en la Facultad de Derecho UNAB…38 Comunicación Social-Periodista de la UNAB; Por Sonia Díaz…39 Emprendedores UNAB “Apps.com”; Por Marcela Peralta Bautista…40 Instigación “Trata de personas”; Por Lya Fernández de Mantilla, Johana Marcela Reyes…42 Encuentros…45This fourth edition of the magazine Generaciones UNAB, revolves around the celebration of 40 years of beginning of work of the Faculty of Law, whose first 25 graduates obtained their degree in 1978; as well as the celebration of the first 30 years of beginning of work of the Faculty of Social Communication that graduated its first 17 students in 1987. Today, four and three decades after the start of work respectively, and in response to the institutional commitment to the region, ña University has allowed Santander, Colombia and the world to have 3,104 lawyers and 1,647 social communicators who stand out for their commitment to society , their teamwork, ethics and values ​​in professional practice

    Improving Metabolic Health Through Precision Dietetics in Mice

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    The incidence of diet-induced metabolic disease has soared over the last half-century, despite national efforts to improve health through universal dietary recommendations. Studies comparing dietary patterns of populations with health outcomes have historically provided the basis for healthy diet recommendations. However, evidence that population-level diet responses are reliable indicators of responses across individuals is lacking. This study investigated how genetic differences influence health responses to several popular diets in mice, which are similar to humans in genetic composition and the propensity to develop metabolic disease, but enable precise genetic and environmental control. We designed four human-comparable mouse diets that are representative of those eaten by historical human populations. Across four genetically distinct inbred mouse strains, we compared the American diet’s impact on metabolic health to three alternative diets (Mediterranean, Japanese, and Maasai/ketogenic). Furthermore, we investigated metabolomic and epigenetic alterations associated with diet response. Health effects of the diets were highly dependent on genetic background, demonstrating that individualized diet strategies improve health outcomes in mice. If similar genetic-dependent diet responses exist in humans, then a personalized, or “precision dietetics,” approach to dietary recommendations may yield better health outcomes than the traditional one-size-fits-all approach

    Avance en el diseño de un péptido bloqueador del receptor opioide kappa 2 humano

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    Se evaluó la posibilidad de predecir una probable estructura secundaria para el Receptor Opioide Kappa 2 humano tomando como base la secuencia de aminoácidos del Receptor Opioide Kappa 1 humano. La estructura predicha mostró ser compatible con los datos que se poseen acerca de este tipo de receptores. Con esta prueba inicial, el proyecto que tiene como objetivo principal diseñar un análogo proteico para el Receptor Opioide Kappa 2 humano, ha mostrado el nivel mínimo de viabilidad necesario para ser continuado