3 research outputs found

    Identifying what makes a good question in a mechanics diagnostic test

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    Many students entering engineering degrees encounter problems with the mathematics involved. More recently, research has shown that freshers may have insuffi cient knowledge of mechanics. In order to assess this, the authors created and administered a multiple-choice mechanics diagnostic test. This paper gives details of the test, and evaluates, using item analysis, how students performed on the questions and on the topics assessed by it. It also makes recommendations for devising questions which allow a diagnostic test to discriminate between students

    Engineering students understanding mathematics (ESUM): research rigour and dissemination

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    The Engineering Students Understanding Mathematics (ESUM) project was a developmental research project aimed at enhancing the quality of mathematics learning of students of materials engineering in terms of their engagement and conceptual understanding. The initial phase of the project consisted of an innovation in mathematics teaching-learning which was designed, implemented and studied, with feedback and concomitant modification to practice. Details are reported in Jaworski (2011b). The second phase of the project, reported here, focused more overtly on the analysis of data in relation to theoretical perspectives. In particular, Activity Theory (AT) was used to make sense of emerging findings. A literature review was undertaken and showed evidence of so-called ‘constructivist’ methods being introduced to the teaching of mathematics in higher education (HE). Dissemination has taken place both internally within the institution and externally and is still ongoing. It has generated interest and activity beyond the local setting. Findings from the project include students’ views on elements of the innovation, improved scores on tests and examinations compared with earlier cohorts and students’ strategic approaches to their studies and ways in which this creates tensions with lecturers’ aims in designing the innovatory approach. The gains from the projects can be seen in terms of developing knowledge of the complexities of achieving principles for more conceptual understandings of mathematics within the context and culture in which teaching and learning take place

    The SEFI Maths Working Group: current offerings and future tasks

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    In this discussion paper we firstly summarise the current offering of the SEFI Mathematics Working Group with regard to orientation for those who are interested in the mathematical education of engineers. Based on this summary we identify directions for further work. Finally, we present some ideas of how progress might be made in these directions