7 research outputs found

    Data analysis from the Spanish Registry of Cardiac Surgery (RECC) 2021-2022

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    Cardiovascular surgery; Acquired cardiac disease; Aortic surgeryCirurgia cardiovascular; Cardiopaties adquirides; Cirurgia aòrticaCirugía cardiovascular; Cardiopatías adquiridas; Cirugía aórticaIntroducción Desde el 8 de febrero de 2021, la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Endovascular (SECCE) puso en marcha el Registro Español de Cirugía Cardiaca (RECC) que está disponible para las diferentes unidades de cirujanos cardiovasculares de nuestro país. Es una herramienta que permite recopilar datos de pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca, vascular o endovascular. Tras dos años de desarrollo, hemos llevado a cabo un análisis de la calidad de la información obtenida para adquirir una visión general de su contenido. Métodos La información ha sido analizada de forma anónima a nivel de paciente, hospital y provincia. Para la estimación de la mortalidad ajustada por riesgo se utilizó la escala de estimación de riesgo preoperatorio EuroSCORE II. Resultados Se han incluido en el RECC un total de 7.087 intervenciones, de las cuales 6.267 se trataban de cirugías cardiacas mayores. Del total de intervenciones mayores, 53,9% eran cirugías valvulares, 25,2% de revascularización miocárdica y 14,9% de aorta. La mortalidad global de la serie fue de 5,0% y el índice de mortalidad ajustada al riesgo (IMAR) de 0,88. La calibración del EuroSCORE II en la muestra global fue buena en los pacientes de riesgo más bajo, aunque sobreestimó la mortalidad en los de alto riesgo. Conclusiones El RECC se trata de una base de datos clínica nacional que permite el análisis de datos de pacientes con el fin de evaluar de forma precisa el volumen de la actividad, riesgo y resultados. A nivel local, podría utilizarse como una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la atención y el desarrollo de programas correctivos.Introduction Since February 8, 2021, the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery got under way the Spanish Registry of Cardiac Surgery (RECC), which is available for the different units of cardiovascular surgeons in our country. It is a tool that allows collect patient-level data of patients undergoing cardiac, vascular or endovascular surgery. After two years of development, we have carried out an analysis of the quality of the information obtained in order to acquire an overview of its content. Methods The information has been analyzed anonymously at patient, hospital and province level. For risk-adjusted mortality estimation, the EuroSCORE II preoperative risk estimation scale was used. Results A total of 7087 interventions have been included. Six thousand two hundred and sixty-seven were major cardiac surgeries: 53.9% valvular, 25.2% coronary artery bypass grafting, and 14.9% aortic procedures. The overall mortality was 5.0% and the risk-adjusted mortality rate was 0.88. The EuroSCORE II calibration in the overall sample was good in the lowest-risk patients, although it overestimated mortality in high-risk patients. Conclusions RECC is a nationally defined clinical database in the field of cardiovascular surgery. RECC allows a patient-level data analysis in order to perform an accurate analysis of the volumen of activity, risk adjustment and results. Locally, it could be used as a tool to improve the quality of care and development of corrective programs

    National survey: Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular surgery services in Spain (SECCE-COVID19 Study)

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    Introduction and objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has put the Spanish health system in a situation of serious overload. As a consequence, the care of cardiovascular diseases has been affected. We want to quantify at the Spanish level the impact that the pandemic has on the number of surgical interventions, in order to be able to plan for the new post-pandemic normality.Methods: At the request of the Spanish Cardiovascular National Society, an anonymous telematic survey of 10 questions was sent to all Heads of Service in Spain. The study period was between January 1 and September 30, 2020 (9 months), and as a control period the same dates in 2019.Results: Data were received from 32 Hospital Centers. The 22% of all cardiovascular surgeons were infected with COVID-19, with an average of 1.3 +/- 1.5 infected surgeons/center. There were deaths on the waiting list in 46% of the centers, with a mean of 1.5 +/- 3.6 patients/center. There was a global decrease of 13% in the number of surgeries (43 less than average/center compared to 2019, p=0.03), from 300 (230-444) in 2019 to 253 (172-389) in 2020 (p=0.03), with an increase of 12% (+7 patients/center, p=0.68) on the waiting lists.Conclusions: There was a global decrease in surgeries of 13% compared to 2019, with a 12% increase in waiting lists. 22% of surgeons were infected with COVID-19. (C) 2021 Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Cardiovascular y Endovascular. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Endarterectomía coronaria y cirugía de revascularización

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    Resumen: Introducción: La ateromatosis coronaria difusa actualmente es un reto para el cirujano cardiaco. La endarterectomía coronaria es un procedimiento útil para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad en conjunto con la cirugía de revascularización. Actualmente existe poca evidencia del impacto de la endarterectomía coronaria en la supervivencia a largo plazo de la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica. Objetivos: Analizar y comparar supervivencia y eventos adversos cardiovasculares mayores de la endarterectomía en la cirugía coronaria a corto y largo plazo. Material y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía coronaria aislada, comparando endarterecomías vs revascularización aislada. Comparación de supervivencia a largo plazo en la cohorte total y análisis de riesgos proporcionados de Cox para la supervivencia. Comparación de eventos adversos cardiovasculares en una muestra ajustada mediante propensity score. Resultados: Media de seguimiento: 5,9 años (±3,9). Ciento siete pacientes sometidos a endarterectomía y 1.936 a revascularización aislada, a 10 años. La supervivencia fue del 62% y del 70% (p = 0,044) para el grupo de endarterectomía y revascularización aislada, respectivamente. La endarterectomía fue un factor de riesgo independiente para mortalidad (HR: 1,6; IC 95%: 1,1-2,3). En la muestra ajustada observamos una mayor incidencia de eventos adversos cardiovasculares perioperatorios (23,8% vs 10,4%; p < 0,000) y a largo plazo (35% vs 54%; p = 0,015). Conclusiones: La endarterectomía se asocia a mayor incidencia de eventos adversos cardiovasculares perioperatorios, principalmente debido a infarto agudo de miocardio. A largo plazo, la endarterectomía es un factor de riesgo independiente para mortalidad. Abstract: Introduction: Diffuse coronary artery disease is a challenge for the Cardiac Surgeon. Coronary endarterectomy is a useful procedure for the management of this condition as an adjunct to coronary artery bypass grafting. Currently, there's limited evidence about long term outcomes after coronary endarterectomy as an adjunct to coronary artery revascularization. Objectives: Analyze and compare major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary endarterectomy. Material and methods: Retrospective review of patients who underwent coronary artery surgery, comparing patients with an endarterectomy and those with isolated coronary surgery. We compared long term survival in the total cohort and performed a proportional hazard risks analysis for survival. Also, we compared adverse cardiovascular events in a propensity score matched cohort. Results: Mean follow-up: 5,9 years (±3,9). 107 patients underwent endarterectomy, 1936 isolated coronary surgery. 10-year survival were 62% vs 70% (p = 0,044) respectively. Coronary endarterectomy was identified as an independent risk factor for this event (HR: 1,6; 95% CI: 1,1-2,3). On the adjusted cohort, we observed a higher incidence of perioperative (23,8% vs 10,4%; P < .000) and long term (35% vs 54%; P = .015) major adverse cardiovascular events for the endarterectomy group. Conclusions: Coronary endarterectomy is associated to a higher incidence of perioperative major adverse cardiovascular events, mainly because of a higher incidence of myocardial infarction. At long term, coronary endarterectomy was identified as an independent risk factor for mortality. Palabras clave: Endarterectomía coronaria, Revascularización sin bomba, Cirugía sin bomba, Revascularizacion miocárdica, Keywords: Coronary endarterectomy, Off-pump revascularization, Off-pump coronary artery bypass graft, Coronary revascularizatio

    Cardiovascular surgery in Spain in 2019. Interventions registry from the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (SECCE)

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    The Spanish Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery (SECCE) reports the results of the 2019 registry of the surgical activity in our country. This year represents the 31th consecutive year in which this report is published. The participation in this registry is anonymous and voluntary, and it is based on the analysis of the information gathered from 57 centers with activity in cardiovascular surgery in our country, and the confidentiality of the individual data of each center is warranted. For the first time, in the last 15 years, a tendency is broken and fewer hospitals have communicated their activity. In certain cases, estimations have to be calculated in order to make comparisons possible. The registry reports the global activity in our country, the observed mortality and the estimated mortality risk, stratified in different types of procedures.The global cardiac surgical activity in our country remains stable, with an observed mortality that is adequately adjusted to the estimated surgical risk.During 2019, a total of 33,660 procedures of cardiovascular surgery were performed. Major heart surgery was performed in 21,525 cases, among which 19,657 procedures of adult cardiac surgery and 1,868 procedures of congenital cardiac surgery. Out of those, 19,221 procedures were performed under extracorporeal circulation (CEC). Congenital and transplant registries are specifically analysed in their corresponding reports.Among the 19,720 procedures of acquired major cardiac surgery, isolated valve surgery was predominant (8,607 procedures), followed by coronary by-pass surgery (4,734), aorta surgery (2,315) and combined coronary-valvular surgery (1,983). Vascular surgery and transcatheter activity are also reported.The information derived from this national registry allows to know the state-of-the-art of the surgical specialty in our country, through the knowledge of the surgical activity, the risk profile and the observed results, which is a keystone for an adequate evaluation of the quality of the health care that we deliver to the patients affected with cardiovascular pathologies. Risk adjusted mortality seems adequately adjusted, though important local differences are observed. (C) 2021 Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Cardiovascular y Endovascular. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Spanish Society of Cardio & Endovascular Surgery registry of interventions in patients with congenital heart disease: 2020, and retrospective of the previous 9 years

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    The Spanish Society of Cardiovascular & Endovascular Surgery presents the 2012-2020 report of the activity in congenital cardiovascular surgery, based on a voluntary and anonymous registration involving the most of Spanish centres. This article is complementary to the 2020 cardiovascular surgery annual report, and they are published together. In 2020, seriously damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic related to all sanitary fields, we observe a 14% drop in our congenital activity compared with 2019. Data from the previous 9 years are included, in order to obtain real information related to our activity in the serelatively scarce pathologies. In the last nine years, a total of 18526 congenital heart surgeries were performed, accounting for 9.6% of major surgery (congenital + acquired) performed in Spain during that period. Of these surgeries, 81% of them required extracorporeal circulation and 19% not. We highlight the interventions in neonates and adult patients, which represent respectively 19% and 21% of the whole activity and are a real challenge. The most prevalent congenital heart pathologies operated on were septal defects in cases requiring extracorporeal circulation, and ductus in patients not requiring extracorporeal circulation. The presented data are adjusted to the basic Aristotle score of preoperative surgical risk. The observed mortality of surgeries with extracorporeal circulation was 3.1% (Aristotle-6.48), and without cardiopulmonary bypass 2.41% (Aristotle-4.81). This data analysis shows accurate and reliable information about our surgery for congenital heart disease and allow us to compare ourselves within an international framework, and to organize strategies directed to improve our results. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. on behalf of Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Cardiovascular y Endovascular

    TRI-SCORE and benefit of intervention in patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS Benefit of tricuspid regurgitation (TR) correction and timing of intervention are unclear. This study aimed to compare survival rates after surgical or transcatheter intervention to conservative management according to TR clinical stage as assessed using the TRI-SCORE. METHODS 2,413 patients with severe isolated functional TR were enrolled in TRIGISTRY (1217 conservatively managed, 551 isolated tricuspid valve surgery and 645 transcatheter valve repair). The primary endpoint was survival at 2 years. RESULTS The TRI-SCORE was low (≤3) in 32%, intermediate (4-5) in 33% and high (≥6) in 35%. A successful correction was achieved in 97% and 65% of patients in the surgical and transcatheter groups, respectively. Survival rates decreased with the TRI-SCORE in the three treatment groups (all P < 0.0001). In the low TRI-SCORE category, survival rates were higher in the surgical and transcatheter groups than in the conservative management group (93%, 87% and 79%, respectively; P = 0.0002). In the intermediate category, no significant difference between groups was observed overall (80%, 71% and 71%, respectively; P = 0.13) but benefit of the intervention became significant when the analysis was restricted to patients with successful correction (80%, 81% and 71%, respectively; P = 0.009). In the high TRI-SCORE category, survival was similar between groups even when restricted to patients with successful correction (61%, 68% and 58% respectively, P = 0.08). CONCLUSION Survival progressively decreased with the TRI-SCORE irrespective of treatment modality. Compared to conservative management, an early and successful surgical or transcatheter intervention improved 2-year survival in patients at low and, to a lower extent, intermediate TRI-SCORE, while no benefit was observed in the high TRI-SCORE category

    Prognostic Implications of Residual Tricuspid Regurgitation Grading After Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair

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    International audienceBackground: The safety profile of transcatheter tricuspid valve (TTV) repair techniques is well established, but residual tricuspid regurgitation (TR) remains a concern.Objectives: The authors sought to assess the impact of residual TR severity post-TTV repair on survival.Methods: We evaluated the survival rate at 2 years of 613 patients with severe isolated functional TR who underwent TTV repair in TRIGISTRY according to the severity of residual TR at discharge using a 3-grade (mild, moderate, and severe) or 4-grade scheme (mild, mild to moderate, moderate to severe, and severe).Results: Residual TR was none/mild in 33%, moderate in 52%, and severe in 15%. The 2-year adjusted survival rates significantly differed between the 3 groups (85%, 70%, and 44%, respectively; restricted mean survival time [RMST]: P = 0.0001). When the 319 patients with moderate residual TR were subdivided into mild to moderate (n = 201, 33%) and moderate to severe (n = 118, 19%), the adjusted survival rate was also significantly different between groups (85%, 80%, 55%, and 44%, respectively; RMST: P = 0.001). Survival was significantly lower in patients with moderate to severe residual TR compared to patients with mild to moderate residual TR (P = 0.006). No difference in survival rates was observed between patients with no/mild and mild to moderate residual TR (P = 0.67) or between patients with moderate to severe and severe residual TR (P = 0.96).Conclusions: The moderate residual TR group was heterogeneous and encompassed patients with markedly different clinical outcomes. Refining TR grade classification with a more granular 4-grade scheme improved outcome prediction. Our results highlight the importance of achieving a mild to moderate or lower residual TR grade during TTV repair, which could define a successful intervention