54 research outputs found

    Acabamento de têxteis multifuncionais com nanocompósitos poliméricos

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    A funcionalização dos materiais têxteis pretende melhorar as propriedades existentes e criar novas potencialidades para novos campos de aplicação dos produtos. Uma nova classe de acabamentos funcionais duráveis pode ser obtida tendo como base os nanocompósitos poliméricos. Podem obter-se e maximizar-se funcionalidades como fácil limpeza, protecção UV, antibacteriana, resistência à chama, condução eléctrica, etc. Os nanocompósitos poliméricos mais usados em materiais têxteis devem o seu comportamento à junção de uma matriz polimérica orgânica com nanopartículas inorgânicas, o que vai permitir, em muitos casos, a obtenção de mais do que uma funcionalidade. Conseguem-se performances muito interessantes, como é comprovado pela aplicação de diferentes nanopartículas (TiO2, SiO2, ZnO e Al2O3) como bloqueadores UV em matriz de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Resultados revelaram que a amostra com nanocompósito TiO2-PMMA aplicado sobre poliamida revela uma mais eficiente protecção aos raios UV, sendo a eficiência mais alta para concentrações mais altas de nanopartíiculas de ZnO em PMMA quando o material é pré-tratado com uma descarga plasmática de dupla barreira. Foi possível também constatar que o pré-tratamento com plasma evita agregação das nanopartículas na matriz para concentrações mais altas de nanopartículas no nanocompósito. A resistência dos acabamentos à lavagem pode ainda ser melhorada com a formação de ligações covalentes entre os nanocompósitos e os substratos têxteis através da matriz polimérica, Esta consegue estabilizar as nanopartículas, impedindo a sua agregação e servindo como um escudo de protecção para a sua libertação para o meio ambiente

    Reactive pad-batch dyeing in CORONA discharged fabrics

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    The present work aims to the study of the increase of pick-up, together with uniformity degree, concerning the application of reactive dyeing baths by padding in a dry cotton fabric previously treated with CORONA discharge. Dyeing recipes, with and without wetting agent, are compared and advantages of CORONA discharge are analysed. Reactive dyes are used, expecting also to increase washing fastness of the difficult dark colours due to higher penetration of the dye into the core of the fibres when submitted to plasmatic treatment. The use of CORONA discharge intends to modify hydrophility of cotton fabrics even when they are presented to padding in hydrophobic state. A good alternative to wetting agent presence in recipes is found and more uniform and intense dyeings are performed in all cases.(undefined

    Aplicación del plasma en la industria textil

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    El plasma, medio extremadamente reactivo con una mezcla de iones, electrones y radicales libres, permite hacer modificaciones en la estructura de los materiales poliméricos, sobretodo en la superficie, empleando solamente energía eléctrica (eventualmente con la adición de gases) sin necesitar de agua ni de productos químicos. Hay dos grandes tipos de posibilidades: tratamiento a baja presión (“glow discharge”), lo cual necesita todavía de una cámara cerrada dificultando el tratamiento en continuo, y el tratamiento a presión atmosférica (“Corona”), menos reactivo pero con la ventaje de permitir su inclusión en una línea continua de ennoblecimiento textil. El tratamiento plasma puede ahorrar una etapa de tratamiento convencional en húmedo, por ejemplo para mejorar las propiedades de humectabilidad y de adhesión de las superficies textiles, y también permite por si solo la obtención de efectos de acabado “tradicionales” (como por ejemplo la reducción del enfieltrado de los tejidos de lana) ó más innovadores (para textiles técnicos, como por ejemplo para filtraciones selectivas o el crecimiento de tejidos biológicos). En esta comunicación se presentan algunos resultados de proyectos desarrolhados en la Universidad de Miño con la descarga Corona en tejidos de algodón. Los resultados muestran que un tratamiento Corona de un tejido de algodón permite obtener efectos muy variados, tales como: eliminar el uso de humectantes en el desencolado, mercerizado, blanqueo, tintura, un mejor efecto de mercerizado e de acabado con resinas (en este caso con una reducción del formaldehído libre), un mejor rendimiento, penetración y solidez al frote de estampados con pigmentos, etc. En este momento está funcionando en una empresa de producción de textiles para el hogar un prototipo industrial integrado en la línea de pretratamiento, con interesantes resultados. El tratamiento plasma tiene grandes potencialidades de aplicación industrial en el ennoblecimiento textil, con vantages ecológicas, económicas y permitiendo la obtención de nuevos efectos en las superficies textiles. Es una de las tecnologías a considerar en la implementación de la Directiva Europeia sobre la Prevención y Control Integrado de la Polución en empresas textiles del ramo del agua

    Tingimento da poliamida 6.6 com corantes reactivos para lã e algodão após modificação superficial com descarga plasmátca de dupla barreira dieléctrica (DBD)

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    O tingimento de fibras de poliamida é muito comum com corantes ácidos; entretanto o uso de corantes reativos pode oferecer grandes oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos com melhores propriedades como brilho, níveis de solidez,esgotamento, uma maior gama de cores, dentre outras. Tecidos de poliamida 6.6 foram tratados com diferentes dosagens de descarga plasmática obtidas em condições atmosféricas em um protótipo de descarga de dupla barreira SOFTAL/Universidade do Minho. Modificações químicas e físicas na poliamida foram avaliadas, nomeadamente alteração da energia superficial através da medição do ângulo de contato, caracterização da superfície química através da espectroscopia fotoeletrônica de raio X (XPS), foram avaliadas também a rugosidade e a modificação superficial pela microscopia de força atômica (AFM) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM). Ótimos resultados foram obtidos para o tingimento com corantes reativos na poliamida após o tratamento plasmático, com a formação de ligações covalentes entre o corante e a fibra. Os efeitos químicos e físicos da descarga plasmática contribuíram para os excelentes resultados obtidos no rendimento e no nível de solidez conseguidos no processo de tingimento. Estes promissores resultados significam menos corantes nos efluentes, menos tempo para a realização do processo de tingimento, maior satisfação dos consumidores devido aos melhores níveis de solidez e a possibilidade de obter cores mais intensas com tingimentos com corantes reativos em poliamida

    Tingimento da poliamida 6.6 com corantes reactivos para lã e algodão após modificação superficial com descarga plasmática de Dupla Barreira Dieléctrica (DBD)

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    O tingimento de fibras de poliamida é muito comum com corantes ácidos; entretanto o uso de corantes reativos pode oferecer grandes oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos com melhores propriedades como brilho, níveis de solidez,esgotamento, uma maior gama de cores, dentre outras. Tecidos de poliamida 6.6 foram tratados com diferentes dosagens de descarga plasmática obtidas em condições atmosféricas em um protótipo de descarga de dupla barreira SOFTAL/Universidade do Minho. Modificações químicas e físicas na poliamida foram avaliadas, nomeadamente alteração da energia superficial através da medição do ângulo de contato, caracterização da superfície química através da espectroscopia fotoeletrônica de raio X (XPS), foram avaliadas também a rugosidade e a modificação superficial pela microscopia de força atômica (AFM) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (SEM). Ótimos resultados foram obtidos para o tingimento com corantes reativos na poliamida após o tratamento plasmático, com a formação de ligações covalentes entre o corante e a fibra. Os efeitos químicos e físicos da descarga plasmática contribuíram para os excelentes resultados obtidos no rendimento e no nível de solidez conseguidos no processo de tingimento. Estes promissores resultados significam menos corantes nos efluentes, menos tempo para a realização do processo de tingimento, maior satisfação dos consumidores devido aos melhores níveis de solidez e a possibilidade de obter cores mais intensas com tingimentos com corantes reativos em poliamida.Dyeing of polyamide fibers is very common with acid dyes; however the use of the reactive dyes can give the best opportunities for development the new products with the most desirable properties like brightness, paler colors, good exhaustion and washing fastness levels. Chemical and physical effects of plasmatic discharge both contribute to excellent results obtained in yield, leveling and fastness of reactive and acid dyeing. Polyamide 6.6 fabrics were treated with different dosages of plasmatic discharge obtained at atmospheric conditions in DBD prototype SOFTAL/University of Minho. Chemical and physical modifications in polyamide were evaluated, namely surface energy modification by contact angle measurement, chemical surface characterization by X-Photon Spectroscopy (XPS). Besides, were evaluated the roughness and surface changes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). These promising results mean less dyes in effluents, less time for dyeing processes, more consumer’s satisfaction regarding fastness of dyeing, the possibility to extend reactive dyeing to more intense colors in polyamid

    Contribution to an efficient transmission of information to the textile fashion consumer and the influence in sustainable attitudes

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    The concepts involved in sustainable textile fashion, demanding good knowledge about raw materials, processes, end use properties and circuits amongst others, are able to determine the way the textile product is designed and the behavior of the consumer, regarding life style and buying decisions. The textile product`s life integrates raw materials, their processing, distribution, use by the consumer and destination of the product after useful lifetime, this is, his complete life cycle. It is very important to recognize the power of the consumer to influence parameters related to sustainability, namely when he decides how, when and why he buys and afterwards by the attitudes taken during and after use. The conscious act of consumption involves ethical, ecological and technical knowledge in which the concern is overall lifecycle of the fashion product and not exclusively aesthetic and symbolic values strongly related with its ephemeral nature. The present work proposes the classification of textile products by means of an innovative label aiming to establish a rating related to the Life of Fashion Products, by using parameters considered with especial impact in lifecycle, as textile fibers, processing conditions, generated wastes, commercialization circuits, durability and cleaning procedures. This label for sustainable fashion products aims to assist the stakeholders with informed attitudes and correct decisions in order to promote the objectives of sustainable fashion near designers, consumers and industrial experts.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the projec

    UV protection of polyamide fabrics with polymeric nanocomposites

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    Sun protective textiles are highly important regarding health problems, not only for children, but also for people who spend a lot of time outdoors in their line of work. The present study shows results for UV protection with thin and thick polyamide textile fabrics treated with different polymeric nanocomposites. Tests with different concentrations of ZnO, Al2O3, SiO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles, dispersed in PMMA, were performed. A more effective UV protection is achieved for TiO2 and ZnO nanocomposites. The increase in UV protection functionality is generally higher for higher concentration of nanoparticles in PMMA matrix and for thicker fabrics. UV protection is eventually more uniform and also more resistant to washing in DBD treated fabrics. Durability of UV protection with ZnO-PMMA stands up to ten washing cycles becoming less effective for more than ten washing cycles. Durability of UV protection given by TiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 in PMMA is good facing abrasion and washing conditions

    Functionalization of textile materials by double barrier discharge plasma

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    The pre-treatment of textile materials by non-thermal plasma technologies can offer many advantages over conventional chemical processes used to surface modification. This technology doesn’t involve the use of water and chemical reagents, resulting in a more eco-friendly and economical process. In this study air atmospheric pressure plasma treatment at normal ambient conditions was applied in various textile materials, namely: polyamide, polyester, acrylics and wool. The pre-treated textile materials were characterized using advanced instrumental techniques including X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Wettability analysis with different liquids was conducted to study static contact angle as well as surface energy and adhesion work of the plasma-treated fibrous materials. Chemical and physical characterization of the fabric confirmed significant surface alteration. Surface modification concerning the improvement of adhesion regarding a functionalizing substance, i.e. phase change materials (PCM) microcapsules was also investigated

    Effect of CORONA treatment on finishing processes of linen fabrics

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    Application of CORONA technology for finishing processes of cellulosic fabric is an innovation in European textile industry. A CORONA discharge is created between two electrodes with high voltage and a frequency of 20 – 40 kHz affecting the surface of a fabric running continuously at ambience pressure and temperature. The paper presents the newest results of research refer to linen fabrics properties without and after CORONA treatment. Fabrics after Corona get new better properties, what makes finishing processes much easier. Quality of fabrics after Corona can be highly improved in important aspects concerning safety of users. Corona treatment improves significantly wettability of cellulosic fabrics. New stage – CORONA treatment – apply in finishing process in line allows for eliminating initial washing without detriment to quality of finished fabric. Instead of washing applied, CORONA ensures good results in bleaching and evenness of dyeing by some kinds of dyes. Corona gives a chance to get better end properties at lower costs and less environmental aggressio

    Structural changes in CORONA discharged cotton submitted to mercerization

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    The cleaning and swelling operations in cotton’s pré-treatmemt make it prepared for posterior dyeing and finishing. From those, mercerization is the one able to confer a major increase in overall quality of the fibrous material and consists of a very strong alkaline treatment of the material, which is kept under controlled tension. The properties are changed in the sense of a more intense luster, higher mechanical resistance, higher dyeability, higher obsorption of liquids and finishing compounds and a better dimensional stability. Changes in supramolecular organization namely in the type of cristallinity occur, as well as a morphological variation concerning the circularity of the transversal section of the fibre. The present study proposes new conditions for mercerization assuming that a CORONA plasmatic discharge previously made is able to provide stronger effects by means of a more intense and faster reaction between the alkali and the cellulose. CORONA treatment consists on the application of an electrical discharge of high voltage (around 10.000V) through air between two electrodes, using frequencies around 40 kHz, at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure, on dry cotton fabric. Structural changes analysis was made using FT-IR technique, microscopic studies, dyeing tests and determination of barium activity number for evaluation of mercerization degree. Results show an important improvement of mercerization level meaning the possibility of a lower ecological impact and lower costs of processing