16 research outputs found

    Tendencias filogenéticas en ensamblajes de plantas acuáticas Neotropicales

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    The phylogenetic assembly rule has received particular attention in its application in biological assemblies, and the present study aims to apply the use of this concept in studies of Neotropical plants associated with aquatic environments. Thus, species information was compiled from the scientific database Scopus, including information for 2813 aquatic and border spermatophytes and their types of dispersal syndromes from 76 assemblages distributed across the Neotropical. We constructed phylogenetic trees for the Neotropical region and for each province separately to define the structure of the ancestral relationships of the species in those assemblies by calculating the phylogenetic metrics of the singularities of each component of diversity and conducting multiple regressions of each phylogenetic diversity metric against environmental variables that represent the hypothesis of determinant contemporary processes. The phylogenetic structure was maintained within the context of species observed in the biogeographical provinces. The multiple regressions indicated no relationship between environmental variables and the predictor’s richness and phylogenetic diversity. It was found that most of these species disperse by anemochory and endozoochory, which can be important historical indicators for explaining the phylogenetic pattern displayed. More phylogenetic structure occurred in arid regions as opposed to the most phylogenetically aggregated species occurring in humid tropical zones. It was concluded that the Neotropical floras were dominated by non-random assembly rules, with a tendency to be composed of the same clades, independent of geographic distances; however, they demonstrated a tendency to form assemblies themselves into more congeneric or co-familiar forms rather than random associations. This phenomenon may be related to the types of dispersal syndromes of ancestral lineages. The Neotropical aquatic and border Spermatophyte were dominated by non-random assembly rules, with a tendency to be composed of the same clades, independent of geographic distances. This phenomenon may be related to the types of dispersal of ancestral lineages.La regla del ensamblaje filogenético ha recibido especial atención en su aplicación en ensamblajes biológicos, y el presente estudio pretende aplicar el uso de este concepto en estudios de plantas Neotropicales asociadas a ambientes acuáticos. Por lo tanto, la información de las especies se compiló de la base de datos científica Scopus, incluida la información de 2813 espermatofitas acuáticas y de borde, y sus tipos de síndromes de dispersión de 76 ensamblajes distribuidos a lo largo del Neotrópico. Construimos árboles filogenéticos para la región Neotropical y para cada provincia por separado para definir la estructura de las relaciones ancestrales de las especies en esos ensamblajes calculando las métricas filogenéticas de las singularidades de cada componente de diversidad y realizando regresiones múltiples de cada métrica de diversidad filogenética contra variables ambientales que representan la hipótesis de procesos contemporáneos determinantes. La estructura filogenética se mantuvo dentro del contexto de las especies observadas en las provincias biogeográficas. Las regresiones múltiples no indicaron relación entre las variables ambientales y los predictores de riqueza y diversidad filogenética. Se encontró que la mayoría de estas especies se dispersan por anemocoria y endozoocoria, las cuales pueden ser importantes indicadores históricos para explicar el patrón filogenético mostrado. La estructura filogenética ocurrió en regiones áridas en oposición a las especies más estrechamente relacionadas desde un punto de vista filogenético que ocurren en zonas tropicales húmedas. Se concluyó que la flora neotropical estuvo dominada por reglas de ensamblaje no aleatorias, con tendencia a estar compuestas por los mismos clados, independientemente de las distancias geográficas; sin embargo, demostraron una tendencia a formar ensamblajes en formas más congenéricas o cofamiliares en lugar de asociaciones aleatorias. Este fenómeno puede estar relacionado con los tipos de síndromes de dispersión de los linajes ancestrales. Las espermatofitas acuáticas y de borde neotropicales estuvieron dominadas por reglas de ensamblaje no aleatorias, con tendencia a estar compuestas por los mismos clados, independientemente de las distancias geográficas. Este fenómeno puede estar relacionado con los tipos de dispersión de los linajes ancestrales

    Plantas associadas a ambientes aquáticos e pantanosos no estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil

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    We present a list of aquatic and wetland plant species from the state of Paraíba, Brazil, based on the collections deposited in national and international herbaria. We identified 290 species belonging to 61 families. The checklist includes habit, localities of the collections in the state of Paraíba, and geographic distribution of each species. The amphibious habit was the most prevalent and the Sertão (semiarid inland region) was the region with the greatest collection effort. New occurrences have been registered for the state (14 species). Although our data reveal a high plant richness, we relate this richness to increased field expeditions.Apresentamos uma lista de espécies de plantas aquáticas e de áreas úmidas do estado da Paraíba, Brasil, com base nas coleções depositadas em herbários nacionais e internacionais. Foram identificadas 290 espécies pertencentes a 61 famílias. A lista anotada inclui hábito, localidades das coleções no estado da Paraíba e distribuição geográfica de cada espécie. O hábito anfíbio foi o mais prevalente e o Sertão (região semi-árida) foi a região com maior esforço de coleta. Foram registradas 14 novas ocorrências para o estado.  Embora nossos dados revelem alta riqueza de plantas, relacionamos essa riqueza com o incremento de pesquisas de campo

    Os gêneros Zanthoxylum L. e Esenbeckia Kunth (Rutaceae) no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Este trabalho consiste no levantamento das espécies dos gêneros Zanthoxylum e Esenbeckia ocorrentes em Pernambuco. Foi baseado nos caracteres morfológicos das espécies obtidas em campo e nos materiais de 16 herbários brasileiros. Foram registradas nove espécies de Zanthoxylum: Z. caribaeum Lam., Z. fagara (L.) Sarg., Z. gardneri Engl., Z. hamadryadicum Pirani, Z. monogynum A. St.-Hil., Z. petiolare A. St.-Hil & Tul., Z. rhoifolium Lam., Z. stelligerum Turcz. e Z. syncarpum Tul. Para Esenbeckia foram verificadas cinco espécies: E. almawillia Kaastra, E. febrifuga (A. St.-Hil.) Juss. ex Mart., E. garandiflora Mart., E. leiocarpa Engl. e E. pilocarpoides Kunth. Para reconhecimento das espécies são apresentadas chaves de identificação, descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica, comentários e nomes vulgares

    Bryophyte communities of restingas in Northeastern Brazil and their similarity to those of other restingas in the country

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    ABSTRACT Restingas are a coastal component of the Atlantic Forest. They experience high temperatures and possess soils with a low capacity to retain water, low nutrient content and high salt concentrations. Studies on bryophytes of restingas have been mostly conducted in Southeastern Brazil, and so we aimed to characterize the bryophyte flora of seven areas of restinga in the Northeastern Region and to establish their floristic affinities with other restingas in Brazil. Fifty-five species were found in the studied restingas, the vast majority of which are generalist species with life forms of intermediate tolerance to desiccation and of corticicolous and terrestrial habitat. The number of species per area is low compared to the species richness of other restingas in Brazil. A cluster analysis, although based on low similarity, showed that the bryoflora from the surveyed areas is distinct from those of restingas from Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, which all form a group, and those of the coast of São Paulo, which also comprised a cluster. The heterogeneous climate, soils and vegetation structure of the studied restingas, in comparison those of the Southeast, act as selective filters for the species, thereby contributing to the distinction observed in those communities

    Understory species richness in an urban forest fragment, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    This study characterizes the floristic composition of the understory of Parque Estadual de Dois Irmãos, (08°01’15.1”S and 34°56’3.2”W), an area of about 370ha characterized as a lowland ombrophilous dense forest. The study included individuals with heights of up to 4.0m, such as treelets, shrubs, sub-bushes and terricolous herb plants, in fertile conditions. The collections were made every two weeks along a period of 24 months. A total of 108 species, belonging to 86 genera and 49 families, were recorded. The families with the highest number of species were Rubiaceae (14), Fabaceae (9) Melastomataceae (8), Asteraceae (8), Myrtaceae (6), and Poaceae (4). The Fabaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae presented the highest number of understory species in this fragment. Generally, among the studies made in the Atlantic forest areas in Pernambuco, the presence of a set of tree species common to these forests is evidenced

    Riqueza de espécies de sub-bosque em um fragmento florestal urbano, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Com o objetivo de caracterizar a composição florística do sub-bosque, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual de Dois Irmãos, (08°01’15,1”S e 34°56’3,2”W – sede), com área de aproximadamente 370ha, caracterizado como Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas, em que foram incluídos indivíduos de até 4,0m de altura, como arvoretas, arbusto, sub-arbustos e herbáceas terrícolas, em estádio fértil. As coletas quinzenais foram realizadas por um período de 24 meses. Foram coletadas 108 espécies, distribuídas em 86 gêneros e 49 famílias. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Rubiaceae (14), Fabaceae (9), Melastomataceae (8), Asteraceae (8), Myrtaceae (6) e Poaceae (4). Fabaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae e Rubiaceae destacaram-se pelo maior número de espécies encontradas no sub-bosque do fragmento. De maneira geral, entre os levantamentos realizados em áreas de floresta atlântica de Pernambuco, constata-se a presença de um conjunto de espécies arbóreas comuns a essas florestas