284 research outputs found


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    Starting from the meaning of the communication process in marketing, the authors try to identify its role in assuring the continuity of the management process in what concerns the relationships between all the partners of the company, on the long term. An emphasis is made on the role of online communication and its tools in relationship marketing. In order to validate some of the mentioned ideas the authors have chosen to undertake a qualitative marketing research among the managers of some Romanian tourism companies. The qualitative part of the study had as purpose the identification of the main tools which form the basis of the communication with the beneficiaries of the touristic services, of the way in which the companies use the online communication tools for attracting, keeping and developing the long term relationships with their customers in the virtual environment. The following tools have been analyzed: websites, email marketing campaigns, e-newsletters, online advertising, search engines, sponsored links, blogs, RSS feed, social networks, forums, online discussion groups, portals, infomediaries and instant messaging. The chosen investigation method was the selective survey, the research technique - explorative interrogation and the research instrument - semi structured detailed interview, based on a conversation guide. A very important fact is the classification resulted after the respondents were requested to mention the most efficient tools for attracting customers and for maintaining the relationships with them. Although the notoriety of the online marketing tools is high, there are some tools that are known by definition, but are not used at all or are not used correctly; or are not known by definition, but are used in practice. The authors contributed by validating a performing methodology of qualitative research, a study which will open new ways and means for making the online communication tools used for touristic services in Romania more operational. It is to be mentioned that the chosen domain of application has not yet been researched within the national literature. The qualitative research results will form the basis for a quantitative study among the consumers of touristic services in order to identify their opinion in what concerns the usage of online marketing tools by the tourism companies in maintaining the relationships with them.Relationship Marketing, CRM, Online Marketing Communication, Market Research

    Natural Resources Containing Arbutin. Determination of Arbutin in the Leaves of Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch. acclimated in Romania

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    Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch. is cited in literature as being one of the richest in arbutin (15-20%), an important pharmaceutical substance with disinfecting properties (in genitourinary diseases) and also depigmentation properties (skin whitening agent). The aim of this study consisted in determination of arbutin content in leaves of Bergenia crassifolia acclimated in Romania. The optimum parameters for the extraction of arbutin and the dynamics of the accumulation of arbutin in Bergenia crassifolia leaves during the four seasons were also studied. The content of arbutin varied between 17.44% and 22.59% dry weight, values which are similar to those found in literatur

    Anatomy and Function of the Hypothalamus

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    The hypothalamus is a small but important area of the brain formed by various nucleus and nervous fibers. Through its neuronal connections, it is involved in many complex functions of the organism such as vegetative system control, homeostasis of the organism, thermoregulation, and also in adjusting the emotional behavior. The hypothalamus is involved in different daily activities like eating or drinking, in the control of the body’s temperature and energy maintenance, and in the process of memorizing. It also modulates the endocrine system through its connections with the pituitary gland. Precise anatomical description along with a correct characterization of the component structures is essential for understanding its functions

    Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Jelly Candy Made from Carrots and Strawberries

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    Consumers today want healthful foods that provide phytonutrients to promote good health and well-being without sacrificing taste, texture, or convenience. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, in order to diversification of jellies and promote healthy eating, it was intended to valorification a raw material such as carrots and strawberry. The aim of the study was to investigate potential use of some fruits or vegetables in jelly candies, by physicochemical analyses and general consumer’s acceptance. To achieve the proposed goal, two kinds of jellies (with carrots and strawberry) was obtained

    Improving the Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Goat Cheese by the Addition of Cranberry

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    In recent years, the goat milk cheeses have gained popularity due to the increased interest of consumers in both the tradition of cheesemaking and the sensorial and nutritional value attributed to goat milk. This study aimed to assess and compare the chemical and sensory characteristics of fresh cheese with a mixture of cranberry fruits in different concentrations. The following average values were obtained for the chemical parameters analyzed: pH 4.85 ± 0.155, titratable acidity (°T) 150 ± 0,094, dry matter (%) 58.33 ± 1.55, and fat (%) 27.74 ± 53.24. Sensory evaluation highlighted the influence of the addition of cranberry on the eating quality of goat cheese and its consumer acceptability. Results showed that the goat cheese supplementation with 9% cranberry significantly improves the stability of acidic flavor during storage