65 research outputs found


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    Urban tourism, if correctly planned, developed and managed, may create advantages and benefits both to urban communities and overall society. By systematically implementing planning based on intelligent management and town-planning regulations complying with the organizing and long-lasting growth requirements of towns, local and national communities, benefits can be maximized, whereas troubles minimized. Town planning should pursue the juridical requirements of the legislation in force, based on a flexible, comprehensive, integrated and ecological approach, being implementable on the principles of keeping the tourist sector’s long life.town planning, town-planning law, town plans, tourist town planning.


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    The uniqueness and importance of World Heritage is universally recognized throughout the world and this is causing the transformation of areas of heritage elements holding the top tourist destinations. It is essential to learn not only how to bring out the best of these elements of heritage, but also how to manage this new status could not be sensitive. The paper aims to show the relationship between culture and tourism, to highlight its role as a promoter of UNESCO World Cultural identity and analyze the importance of UNESCO criterion in developing and promoting cultural tourism

    Evolutii legislative comunitare privind contractul de timesharing. Stadiul reglementarilor in Romania.

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    Time – sharing concept frequently occurs in the tourist field as a holiday formula used to improve a tourist assembly’s activities. As a consequence of latest contracts that envisage acquiring timeshare, long-term holiday product which have evolved and diversified, in order to enhance juridical security and protect consumers’ and enterprises’ interests they have imposed the need to adopt certain regulations both at European and national level.The actual doctrinal approach has in view an analysis of the reglementation level and consummers’ protection means assured by the Romanian and the community legislative body.time-sharing contract, long-term holiday product contract, protection of consumers, tourism


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    Tourist information proved to have an important influence on the choice of holiday destinations. An important category of promotional means used tourism as a source of information is a tourist information documents in which graphical advertising has a great importance. In a harmonious combination between an informative text and a picture suggestive of its different forms (flyers, brochures, catalogs, guides and tourist maps, posters and billboards, advertisements in the press) visualize products of interest. This article highlights the importance of tourism information documents on the selection of destination, the requirements and recommendations for their design and the need arrangement advertisement to increase its impact on potential tourists. Tour operators in cooperation with advertising agency, choosing one means of communication and advertising medium itself, according to market research conducted, the production capacity or area of interest to prepare an advertising campaign, the level of tariffs and the type of benefits offered, the type of tourism product offered and the target market segment targeted.promotion, print advertising, advertisement, photo

    Managementul bazat pe cunostinte - o noua tendinta in managementul contemporan

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    Recent times have as a dominant feature "change" always and everywhere shown, with major implications for the evolution of contemporary society. Transformations and changes in the economic, political and social, are produced with an amazing speed and affect the visible organization XXI century and default management. The paper examines the importance of knowledge management in contemporary society and organizations ability to adapt to the specific future economy based on the values of knowledge, research and scientific creation. They are also called into question the concepts related to information society and the impact that it has this on organizations.knowledge management, organization, society information, swot analysis

    The importance planning of public relations in tourist organizations’ communication

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    Accomplishing efficient communication on tourist markets means efficiently developing and operating a communication system, that is designing and implementing an adequate structure of communication activities. Tourist organizations must have a communication strategy according to communication activities’ target, global objectives pursued, communication targets aimed, communication media used and contents of transmitted messages and, last but not least, resources allocated to implement communicational procedures. In order to attract consumers on a highly competitive market, there are several management-marketing instruments of which some are public relations whose role is to create a positive image of a tourist organization and, implicitly, of its products and services.communication of tourism, public-relations, planning PR

    The notion of “SERVICES” in modern economy

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    The notion of “service” is a very important one, with an increasing role in an expanding economy which becomes the condition of sustainable and long-term development. The technical services that must be assured differ according to the type of product. In Romania, the market economy towards which we are moving today is characterized by an abundant production, an intensive national and foreign competition, a supplying facility all over the region. Through their decisions, consumers and users direct production, encouraging thus distributors through their forms of distribution. In all companies the commercial function includes a series of activities that concentrate on "obtaining an optimal market quota, achieving benefits indispensable for an efficient activity, and meeting consumers and users' requirements ". This conception identifies with the marketing one, and the services become an integral part of the dynamics that characterizes the actions which complete the proper commercial administration. The company must pay much attention to all these, the services being considered successful facts and elements that generate actions which must be included in activities such as selling, advertising and promoting.marketing, service, client

    To know and satisfy tourist clients’ needs – a premise for achieving superior quality services

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    Clients’ satisfaction should be the main objective of any tourist company, and this involves a good knowledge of consumers’ expectations. Offering a high quality service is obviously based on fulfilling some requirements through which the service touches the level desired by the consumer. Knowing the consumers’ needs and expectations, as well as the perceptions related to the supplied service, should represent the quality management objectives of the services provided, that is, the conditions of providing performing tourist services. The tourist orientation can assure a high level of satisfaction and it involves the identification of his desires and requirements with regard to the services offered, his proper informing, facilities and possibilities to choose the service that corresponds the best to his expectations. In order to win the clients’ trust in the services offered – modifying the clients area of tolerance (that is, to enlarge it) the trained staff of service companies should be more sensitive to the clients needs, suggestions, dissatisfactions and preoccupations. A highly important condition for achieving the objectives of satisfying clients is the service company employees’ satisfaction. The trained staff is responsible to offer high quality services and satisfaction to the consumer, the latter’s behavior being able to increase or decrease the name of the service company. The staff’s efficient leading objective – and of the service offering process – can be achieved by a successful practicing of internal marketing, that has in view developing the staff motivation and its stimulation in the effort to offer high quality services. The fundamental strategy of internal marketing is to form faithful clients from its own employees. Satisfying internal clients’ requirements, the service company increases its ability to satisfy successfully external consumers’ needs.tourist, client, service

    Evoluţii şi semnificaţii ale operaţiunilor de franchising pe plan naţional şi internaţional

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    The contents of this paper I will try to address all those interested in studying the system of franchising, both theoreticians and practitioners in this field to contribute to the progress of this system in our country. Franchising is a reality in motion which will write more, being on time to find a theoretical foundation able to provide solutions for all aspects and economic instruments involved a commercial phenomenon. Novelty apparent basis of: • importance and the complexity and variety of system franchise (franchise), but at the same time very interesting and appropriate, the pace with this growing vertical marketing system and contract in the world economy; • that specialized in Romanian literature is not enough work to deal with the franchise system as a whole broad issue of the whole system; • theoretical and practical knowledge in this area are generally poor in our country, for development imposed by the very nature deeply International franchise system; • deeply democratic franchise system in terms of organization, where relations between franchisors and franchisees are partnership firms having independent franchisees legal and financial part to ensure a more cooperative advantage superior to other systems in the world economy; • by expanding the franchise system existence and create new jobs, promoting and strengthening the middle class society of a country; • universal economic reality created the concept of globalization to achieve world number one organizational system. One of the major systems of vertical organization and service area is considered disposal and franchise system, widely practiced in contemporary economy; • this system can join with small steps between the pillars of economic and financial stability of the new millennium. The success of franchises is most dependent on one man: the franchisee, and to be successful is not enough that it will have the necessary knowledge to purchase a license and to build a franchise unit, to arrange and start businesses in within this unit. Franchisee must be dedicated to his work, it must have the desire and willingness to work hard and ability to remain motivated, ability to do business.franchising, business, evolution, strategy

    Reorganizing the Foreign Markets Portofolio, Part of the Company's Competitive Strategy

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    At the basis of the analysis of potential markets stands the business policy of the firm. Company’s managers are the ones who decide which markets it will serve, according to the vision, mission and business philosophy of the company. Relevant markets of the company are usually found in a number of countries. The evaluation of the most attractive national market will depend on the company's major objectives and also on its priorities. Objectives considered for selection may include: growth and stability, recovery of investment, market share, the acceptable risk level, the way of approaching technology and innovation, brand image, independence and cooperation as general approach of business.competitive strategies, foreign market selection, firm’s market portfolio, internationalization.
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