25 research outputs found

    Effects of vernal equinox solar eclipse on temperature and wind direction in Switzerland

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    The vernal equinox total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 produced a maximum occultation of 65.8–70.1 % over Switzerland during the morning hours (09:22 to 11:48 CET). Skies were generally clear over the Swiss Alps due to a persistent high-pressure band between the UK and Russia associated with a rather weak pressure gradient over the continent. To assess the effects of penumbral shading on near-surface meteorology across Switzerland, air temperature data measured at 10 min intervals at 184 MeteoSwiss weather stations were used. Wind speed and direction data were available from 165 of these stations. Additionally, six Swiss FluxNet eddy covariance flux (ECF) sites provided turbulent measurements at 20 Hz resolution. During maximum occultation, the temperature drop was up to 5.8 K at a mountain site where cold air can pool in a topographic depression. The bootstrapped average of the maximum temperature drops of all 184 MeteoSwiss sites during the solar eclipse was 1.51 ± 0.02 K (mean ± SE). A detailed comparison with literature values since 1834 showed a temperature decrease of 2.6 ± 1.7 K (average of all reports), with extreme values up to 11 K. On fair weather days under weak larger-scale pressure gradients, local thermo-topographic wind systems develop that are driven by small-scale pressure and temperature gradients. At one ECF site, the penumbral shading delayed the morning transition from down-valley to up-valley wind conditions. At another site, it prevented this transition from occurring at all. Data from the 165 MeteoSwiss sites measuring wind direction did not show a consistent pattern of wind direction response to the passing of the penumbral shadow. These results suggest that the local topographic setting had an important influence on the temperature drop and the wind flow patterns during the eclipse. A significant cyclonic effect of the passing penumbral shadow was found in the elevation range ≈ 1700–2700 m a. s. l., but not at lower elevations of the Swiss Plateau. This contrasts with an earlier theory that the anticyclonic outflow should reach as far as ≈ 2400 km from the center of the eclipse, which would have included all of Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse. Thus, measurable effects of penumbral shading on the local wind system could be even found at ≈ 2000 km from the path of the eclipse (that is, Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse), and our results tend to lend support to a newer theory that the anticyclonic cold-air outflow from the center of the eclipse only extends ≈ 1600 km outwards, with cyclonic flow beyond that distance.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    Large-scale assessment of physical activity in a population using high-resolution hip-worn accelerometry: the German National Cohort (NAKO)

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    Large population-based cohort studies utilizing device-based measures of physical activity are crucial to close important research gaps regarding the potential protective effects of physical activity on chronic diseases. The present study details the quality control processes and the derivation of physical activity metrics from 100 Hz accelerometer data collected in the German National Cohort (NAKO). During the 2014 to 2019 baseline assessment, a subsample of NAKO participants wore a triaxial ActiGraph accelerometer on their right hip for seven consecutive days. Auto-calibration, signal feature calculations including Euclidean Norm Minus One (ENMO) and Mean Amplitude Deviation (MAD), identification of non-wear time, and imputation, were conducted using the R package GGIR version 2.10-3. A total of 73,334 participants contributed data for accelerometry analysis, of whom 63,236 provided valid data. The average ENMO was 11.7 ± 3.7 mg (milli gravitational acceleration) and the average MAD was 19.9 ± 6.1 mg. Notably, acceleration summary metrics were higher in men than women and diminished with increasing age. Work generated in the present study will facilitate harmonized analysis, reproducibility, and utilization of NAKO accelerometry data. The NAKO accelerometry dataset represents a valuable asset for physical activity research and will be accessible through a specified application process

    Vertical distribution of carbon dioxide, water vapour, momentum and energy exchange within and above a forest stand affected by the mountain pine beetle

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    The mountain pine beetle (MPB) has killed vast areas of pine forest in British Columbia, Canada converting forests from carbon sinks to sources. Different management options for these forests exist ranging from no treatment to complete removal of the infested forest (clearcut). The MPB attack and the following management alter the microclimate and carbon balance of affected stands. An intensive field campaign was conducted in the summer of 2010 in an affected forest without treatment in the interior of British Columbia. Eddy covariance, radiation, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide (CO₂) measurements were made at seven heights on a tower within and above the canopy. This dissertation assessed the impact of the MPB attack and the structure of the disturbed canopy on the contribution of various vegetation layers (ground, secondary structure, overstory) to exchanges of CO₂, water vapour (H₂O), momentum and sensible heat. Previous research has shown that forests without treatment can return to being carbon sinks faster than clearcut sites. It was hypothesized that the rich secondary structure (mostly immature trees that survived the beetle attack) was responsible for this fast recovery. The current dissertation showed that canopy layers in this sparse and open-canopy stand were aerodynamically well coupled with the atmosphere above and allowed 60 % of photosynthetically active radiation to reach the ground. Given these favorable light conditions, the secondary structure was indeed responsible for a large proportion of the CO₂ uptake; however, the understory (< 1 m high) contributed at least equally to the CO₂ uptake. A dissimilarity in the vertical distribution of sources and sinks of CO₂, H₂O and sensible heat was found. The dissimilarity between CO₂ and H₂O was caused by the differences in water use efficiency of the different vegetation layers. Gradient-diffusion theory (K-theory) applicability was examined in order to guide modeling of stand microclimates and growth conditions. Momentum flux (shear stress) could be adequately determined using K-theory and an adjusted length scale. In the case of the other scalars, the use of K-theory was found to be problematic due to counter-gradient fluxes, the inability to resolve gradients and fluxes and/or source scales.Science, Faculty ofEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department ofGraduat

    Canopy photosynthesis of six major arable crops is enhanced under diffuse light due to canopy architecture

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    Diffuse radiation generally increases photosynthetic rates if total radiation is kept constant. Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain this enhancement of photosynthesis, but conclusive results over a wide range of diffuse conditions or about the effect of canopy architecture are lacking. Here, we show the response of canopy photosynthesis to different fractions of diffuse light conditions for five major arable crops (pea, potato, wheat, barley, rapeseed) and cover crops characterized by different canopy architecture. We used 13 years of flux and microclimate measurements over a field with a typical 4 year crop rotation scheme in Switzerland. We investigated the effect of diffuse light on photosynthesis over a gradient of diffuse light fractions ranging from 100% diffuse (overcast sky) to 11% diffuse light (clear‐sky conditions). Gross primary productivity (GPP) increased with diffuse fraction and thus was greater under diffuse than direct light conditions if the absolute photon flux density per unit surface area was kept constant. Mean leaf tilt angle (MTA) and canopy height were found to be the best predictors of the diffuse versus direct radiation effect on photosynthesis. Climatic factors, such as the drought index and growing degree days (GDD), had a significant influence on initial quantum yield under direct but not diffuse light conditions, which depended primarily on MTA. The maximum photosynthetic rate at 2,000 µmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetically active radiation under direct conditions strongly depended on GDD, MTA, leaf area index (LAI) and the interaction between MTA and LAI, while under diffuse conditions, this parameter depended mostly on MTA and only to a minor extent on canopy height and their interaction. The strongest photosynthesis enhancement under diffuse light was found for wheat, barley and rapeseed, whereas the lowest was for pea. Thus, we suggest that measuring canopy architecture and diffuse radiation will greatly improve GPP estimates of global cropping systems.ISSN:1354-1013ISSN:1365-248

    Effects of vernal equinox solar eclipse on temperature and wind direction in Switzerland

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    The vernal equinox total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 produced a maximum occultation of 65.8–70.1 % over Switzerland during the morning hours (09:22 to 11:48 CET). Skies were generally clear over the Swiss Alps due to a persistent high-pressure band between the UK and Russia associated with a rather weak pressure gradient over the continent. To assess the effects of penumbral shading on near-surface meteorology across Switzerland, air temperature data measured at 10 min intervals at 184 MeteoSwiss weather stations were used. Wind speed and direction data were available from 165 of these stations. Additionally, six Swiss FluxNet eddy covariance flux (ECF) sites provided turbulent measurements at 20 Hz resolution. During maximum occultation, the temperature drop was up to 5.8 K at a mountain site where cold air can pool in a topographic depression. The bootstrapped average of the maximum temperature drops of all 184 MeteoSwiss sites during the solar eclipse was 1.51 ± 0.02 K (mean ± SE). A detailed comparison with literature values since 1834 showed a temperature decrease of 2.6 ± 1.7 K (average of all reports), with extreme values up to 11 K. On fair weather days under weak larger-scale pressure gradients, local thermo-topographic wind systems develop that are driven by small-scale pressure and temperature gradients. At one ECF site, the penumbral shading delayed the morning transition from down-valley to up-valley wind conditions. At another site, it prevented this transition from occurring at all. Data from the 165 MeteoSwiss sites measuring wind direction did not show a consistent pattern of wind direction response to the passing of the penumbral shadow. These results suggest that the local topographic setting had an important influence on the temperature drop and the wind flow patterns during the eclipse. A significant cyclonic effect of the passing penumbral shadow was found in the elevation range ≈ 1700–2700 m a. s. l., but not at lower elevations of the Swiss Plateau. This contrasts with an earlier theory that the anticyclonic outflow should reach as far as ≈ 2400 km from the center of the eclipse, which would have included all of Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse. Thus, measurable effects of penumbral shading on the local wind system could be even found at ≈ 2000 km from the path of the eclipse (that is, Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse), and our results tend to lend support to a newer theory that the anticyclonic cold-air outflow from the center of the eclipse only extends ≈ 1600 km outwards, with cyclonic flow beyond that distance.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    Effects of vernal equinox solar eclipse on temperatures and wind directions in Switzerland

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    The vernal equinox total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 produced a maximum occultation of 65.8 to 70.1 % over Switzerland during the morning hours (09:22 to 11:48 CET). Skies were generally clear over the Swiss Alps due to a persistent high-pressure band between the UK and Russia associated with a rather weak pressure gradient over the continent. To assess the effects of penumbral shading on near-surface meteorology across Switzerland, air temperature data measured at 10-minute intervals at 184 MeteoSwiss weather stations that reported air temperature at 10-minute intervals were used. Wind speed and direction data were available from 165 of these stations. Additionally, six Swiss FluxNet eddy covariance flux (ECF) sites provided turbulent measurements at 20 Hz resolution. During maximum occultation the temperature drop was up to 5.8 K at a mountain site where cold air can pool in the topographic depression of the weather station. The bootstrapped average of the maximum temperature drops of all 184 MeteoSwiss sites during the solar eclipse was 1.51 ± 0.02 K (mean ± SE). A detailed comparison with literature values since 1834 showed a temperature decrease by 2.6 ± 1.7 K (average of all reports) with extreme values up to 11 K. On fair weather days under weak larger scale pressure gradients, local thermo-topographic wind systems develop that are driven by small-scale pressure and temperature gradients. At one ECF site, the penumbral shading delayed the morning transition from down-valley to up-valley wind conditions, and at another site, it prevented this transition from occurring at all. Data from the 165 MeteoSwiss sites measuring wind direction did not show a consistent pattern of wind direction response to the passing of the penumbral shadow. These results suggest that the local topographic setting had an important influence on the temperature drop and the wind flow patterns during the eclipse. Still, results tend to lend support to a recent theory that the anticyclonic cold-air outflow from the center of the eclipse only extends ≈ 1600 km outwards, with cyclonic flow beyond that distance. This contrasts with an earlier theory that the anticyclonic outflow should reach as far as ≈ 2400 km from the center of the eclipse, which would have included all of Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse. Nevertheless, a significant cyclonic effect of the passing penumbral shadow was found in the elevation range ≈ 1700–2700 m a.s.l., but not at lower elevations of the Swiss Plateau. Thus, measurable effects of penumbral shading on the local wind system could be even found at ≈ 2000 km from the path of the eclipse (that is, Switzerland during the 2015 eclipse).ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736