1,785 research outputs found

    Wood mouse feeding effort and decision-making when encountering a restricted unknown food source

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Animals making foraging decisions must balance the energy gained, the time invested, and the influence of key environmental factors. In our work, we examined the effect of predation risk cues and experience on feeding efforts when a novel food resource was made available. To achieve this, we live-trapped wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in Monte de Valdelatas (Madrid), where 80 Sherman traps were set in four plots. Traps were subjected to two food-access difficulties in treatments consisting of three consecutive nights: open plastic bottles (easy) and closed bottles (difficult), both using corn as bait. To simulate predation risk, we set fox faeces in half of the traps in each plot. We also considered moonlight (medium/low) as an indirect predation risk cue. We analysed whether bottles had been bitten by mice and the gnawed area of each bottle was measured. Our results indicated that food access difficulty, experience, and predation risk determined mice feeding decisions and efforts. The ability of mice to adapt feeding effort when a new food source is available was demonstrated because a higher proportion of closed bottles exhibited bite marks and the gnawed area was bigger. Moreover, mouse experience was determinant in the use of this new resource since recaptured mice gnawed broader orifices in the bottles and the gnawed area increased each time an individual was recaptured. Additionally, direct predation risk cues prompted mice to bite the bottles whereas the effect of different moon phases varied among the food access treatments. This study provides direct evidence of formidable efficacy of wild mice to exploit a new nutrient resource while considering crucial environmental factors that shape the decision-making procedur

    Microclimatic modifications under polypropylene protection for horticultural crops in Córdoba, Spain

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    A cobertura de plantas com o material “não tecido” de polipropileno constitui uma das técnicas mais recentes utilizada para proteção de cultivos hortícolas. Dentro deste tema, foram conduzidos quatro experimentos na área experimental do “Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario”, em Córdoba, Espanha. Avaliou- se a amplitude das modificações das temperaturas do ar e do solo, da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e o conseqüente efeito sobre a produção de couve-chinesa, beterraba, espinafre e alface cultivados sob proteção do “não tecido” de polipropileno (PP) e em ambiente natural (AN), durante a primavera, outono e inverno de 1995/1996. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. As temperaturas do ar e do solo sob PP foram maiores que em AN na fase inicial de crescimento das espécies estudadas, com diferenças de até 5,5 e 2,2oC para temperaturas do ar e do solo, respectivamente. Entretanto, com o crescimento das culturas, os valores de temperatura do tratamento PP tenderam a se igualar ao tratamento AN, tanto para temperatura do ar como do solo. Para couve chinesa e espinafre, a temperatura do ar sob PP foi até 3,1oC menor que a observada em condições naturais depois da metade e final do ciclo, respectivamente. Para couve-chinesa, beterraba e espinafre cultivados sob PP, as modificações do microclima favoreceram a maior precocidade e produção quando comparadas às plantas cultivadas em AN. Entretanto, para a cultura da alface o aumento das temperaturas do ar e solo sob PP em relação a AN não resultou em aumento da produção final. Neste caso, os baixos níveis de radiação incidente sob o “não tecido” e o prolongado período de precipitação ocorrido durante os meses de inverno interferiram negativamente sobre o crescimento da espécie, sendo recomendado a retirada da proteção de plantas nesta condição climática.Plants cover with a nonwoven polypropylene protection comprises one of the most recent techniques for protecting horticultural crops. Four experiments have been conducted at the experimental area of the “Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario” in Córdoba, Spain. The aim of this study was to evaluated the air and soil temperature amplitudes and the photosynthetically active radiation and its effects on the production of chinese cabbage, table beet, spinach and lettuce grown under nonwoven polypropylene protection (PP) and also at environment conditions (AN) during the spring, autumn and winter of 1995/1996. The experiments were carried out in a randomized blocks design with four replications. Air and soil temperatures under PP were higher than those ones at AN conditions during initial growth period for all studied species, with differences up to 5.5 and 2.2oC for air and soil temperature, respectively. However, with crops growth, temperature values under PP trended to be similar to AN for both air and soil. For chinese cabbage and spinach, air temperature under PP was lower than AN after middle and final cycle, respectively. For chinese cabbage and spinach, air temperature under PP was up to 3.1oC lower than the observed at AN condition after middle and final stage of the cycle, respectively. For chinese cabbage, table beet and spinach grown under PP, such microclimatic modifications have promoted a higher precocity and production compared to AN conditions. However, for lettuce crop the higher temperature under PP did not result in a higher final production. In this case, low incidence radiation levels under PP and also a prolonged precipitation period during the winter months interfered negatively with crops growth, where PP protection should be removed in this climatic conditions

    Las TIC como promotoras de la diversidad y la formación de educadores infantiles

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    This article emerges from the research framework "State of art at a national level of early childhood education in and for diversity", as part of the project "Pedagogical architecture, didactic and technology for teacher-training for diversity" co-financed by COLCIENCIAS and which is also part of the "Alliance of institutions for the development of education and technology in Colombia” AIDETC, seeking to identify national trends of teacher-training in early childhood education to orient training programs for teachers in and for diversity in Colombia. The inquiry has considered of great importance the incorporation of technological resources to support programs regarding diversity, thus this article presents the current trends of use, possibilities, ICT use and appropriation to accept diversity in Colombia, result of inquiry at Colombian universities with early childhood education programs, through the selection of programs, the  documentary analysis of their curricula and application of interviews, to interpret the inclination of the programs in the use of technology tools for teacher-training and in this way provide a general look that enriches the processes of appropriation of ICTs within early childhood education programs.Este artículo surge en el marco de la investigación "Estado del arte a nivel nacional de la educación infantil en y para la diversidad", como parte del proyecto "Arquitectura pedagógica, didáctica y tecnológica para la formación docente para la diversidad" cofinanciado por COLCIENCIAS y que también forma parte de la "Alianza de instituciones para el desarrollo de la educación y la tecnología en Colombia" AIDETC, buscando identificar tendencias nacionales de formación docente en educación infantil temprana para orientar programas de capacitación para docentes en y para la diversidad en Colombia. La investigación ha considerado de gran importancia la incorporación de recursos tecnológicos para apoyar programas de diversidad, por lo que este artículo presenta las tendencias actuales de uso, posibilidades, uso y apropiación de las TIC para aceptar la diversidad en Colombia, resultado de la investigación en universidades colombianas con programas de educación infantil a través de la selección de programas, el análisis documental de sus currículos y la aplicación de entrevistas, para interpretar la inclinación de los programas en el uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la formación docente, y en esta forma se proporciona una mirada general que enriquece los procesos de apropiación de las TIC en los programas de educación de la primera infancia

    That is not done, that is not touched, that is not spoken: gender inequality in religions

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    El propósito de este artículo consiste en presentar ciertas reflexiones sobre la presencia de las religiones en el mundo actual, deteniéndonos en un elemento, el tabú, presente en religiones como el judaísmo, el cristianismo o el islam. Los tabúes constituyen prohibiciones respaldadas en la mayoría de los casos por sanciones sobrenaturales. Hablamos por ejemplo de los tabúes alimenticios, los tabúes sexuales, los tabúes espaciales o los tabúes de indumentaria que encontramos en todas las grandes religiones históricas como parte de las indicaciones básicas que afectan a la conducta concreta y práctica de los creyentes, informando asimismo sobre como las personas deben conformar su vida y su mundo. Por otro lado, estas indicaciones o prohibiciones están en muchos casos relacionadas con el género, pues en ocasiones estos tabúes se refieren exclusivamente a las mujeres. Este es el caso por ejemplo de los tabúes sexuales, los tabúes relacionados con la menstruación o los tabúes posparto. Prohibiciones, todas ellas, que pueden fomentar la ya extendida desigualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres.The aim of this paper is to offer several anthropological reflections on the presence of religions in the current world, focusing on taboo — an element that is present in religions such as Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Taboos are prohibitions enforced in most cases by supernatural sanctions. For instance, food taboos, sexual taboos, space taboos, or clothing taboos can be found in all major historical religions as part of the basic indications that affect the believers’ specific, practical behaviour, informing them on how they should shape their lives and their worlds. On the other hand, these instructions or prohibitions are often related to gender, since certain taboos apply only to women. For instance, this is the case of sexual taboos, such as menstruation taboos or postpartum taboos, all establishing prohibitions that may foster the already extended inequality of treatment between men and women.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Nivel de comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del sexto grado de la Institución Educativa N°1172 “Ciro Alegría” del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima - 2014

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito determinar el nivel de comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del sexto grado de la Institución Educativa N°1172 “Ciro Alegría” del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho. De la misma manera, tiene el propósito de identificar el nivel literal e inferencial de la muestra en estudio. El diseño que se empleó fue no experimental de tipo descriptivo. La muestra, no probabilística de tipo intencional está conformada por 134 estudiantes cuyas edades fluctúan entre 10 a 12 años de edad. Para evaluar la variable comprensión lectora, se utilizó la Prueba de Comprensión Lectora de Complejidad Lingüística Progresiva nivel 6 forma A (CLP 6 – A), instrumento creado por Alliende, Condemarín y Milicic (1991) y adaptado para la población de Lima Metropolitana por Delgado, Escurra, Atalaya, Álvarez, Pequeña y Santivañez (2005). La prueba consta de dos textos narrativos y presenta una alta validez y confiabilidad. Los resultados indican que los alumnos presentan una mayor predominancia del nivel en proceso (B) con 37,3% y del nivel logro previsto (A) y el nivel en inicio (C) con 30,6%. Así mismo, con referencia las dimensiones se observa una mayor predominancia del nivel logro previsto (A) con un 34,3% en el nivel literal y una mayor predominancia del nivel logro en inicio (C) en el nivel inferencial con un 50,7%.

    Rezar para sanar: el recurso mágico-religioso en la búsqueda de la salud

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    This article contains part of the findings of anthropological fieldwork conducted by the author in the field of popular Catholicism in Andalusia (Spain), work funded by the Commission of Ethnology of the Andalucian government for the realization of her thesis PhD. In order to fight and end disease, different cultural systems offer both empirical and supernatural answers, especially in situations where scientific medicine lacks one. In those circumstances, people resort to metaphysical explanations in an attempt to propitiate supernatural beings so that they apply their healing powers. In traditional catholic societies Andalusia for the case that concerns us people have used, and still do, a magical-religious model based on the belief that supernatural beings (God, the Virgin or the saints) possess enough power to interrupt the course of any disease. In addition, this model comprises a ritual to invoke the participation of the supernatural beings in the rearrangement of some fact in exchange for a votive offering. My aim in this paper is to present this religious ritual whose main motivation is the resolution of health-related problems. The votive offering is the last link in a ritual process that begins with a situation of disease, accident or risk suffered by a subject; this circumstance is followed by an invocation and a promise to be fulfilled by the subject or another person in her name, requesting the intervention of the supernatural being to end that threat. When the request is granted to the petitioners satisfaction, it commits her to fulfill the promise. Here is where the votive offering plays its part a material object of lasting character that appears as the materialization of the miraculous fact Resumen: Este artículo recoge parte de las conclusiones del trabajo de campo antropológico realizado por la autora en el ámbito del catolicismo popular en Andalucía (España), trabajo financiado por la Comisión de Etnología de la Junta de Andalucía y que tuvo por objeto la realización de su tesis doctoral. Para combatir y acabar con la enfermedad, los diferentes sistemas culturales plantean respuestas de orden empírico pero también de carácter sobrenatural sobre todo en situaciones de falta de respuesta de la medicina científica. En estas circunstancias las personas acuden a explicaciones de orden metafísico tratando de propiciar a los seres sobrenaturales para que apliquen su poder en la curación. En las sociedades tradicionales católicas Andalucía para el caso que nos ocupa- se ha usado y se sigue utilizando un modelo mágico-religioso basado en la creencia de que los seres sobrenaturales (Dios, la Virgen o los santos) poseen un poder suficiente para interrumpir el curso de cualquier enfermedad. Asimismo este modelo lleva aparejado un ritual para invocar la participación de los sujetos sobrenaturales en la reordenación de un hecho, a cambio de un exvoto. Mi intención con este trabajo es presentar dicho ritual religioso cuya motivación principal es la resolución de problemas relacionados con la salud. El exvoto es el último eslabón de un proceso ritual que comienza con una situación de enfermedad, accidente o riesgo padecido por un sujeto, a esta circunstancia le sigue la invocación y promesa realizada por él mismo u otra persona en su nombre, solicitando al ser sobrenatural su intervención para acabar con esa amenaza. Cuando la petición es satisfecha a juicio del peticionario, se obliga al cumplimiento de la promesa y aquí es donde entra el exvoto. Un objeto material de carácter perdurable que se presenta como la materialización del hecho milagroso.Abstract: This article contains part of the findings of anthropological fieldwork conducted by the author in the field of popular Catholicism in Andalusia (Spain), work funded by the Commission of Ethnology of the Andalucian government for the realization of her thesis PhD. In order to fight and end disease, different cultural systems offer both empirical and supernatural answers, especially in situations where scientific medicine lacks one. In those circumstances, people resort to metaphysical explanations in an attempt to propitiate supernatural beings so that they apply their healing powers. In traditional catholic societies Andalusia for the case that concerns us people have used, and still do, a magical-religious model based on the belief that supernatural beings (God, the Virgin or the saints) possess enough power to interrupt the course of any disease. In addition, this model comprises a ritual to invoke the participation of the supernatural beings in the rearrangement of some fact in exchange for a votive offering. My aim in this paper is to present this religious ritual whose main motivation is the resolution of health-related problems. The votive offering is the last link in a ritual process that begins with a situation of disease, accident or risk suffered by a subject; this circumstance is followed by an invocation and a promise to be fulfilled by the subject or another person in her name, requesting the intervention of the supernatural being to end that threat. When the request is granted to the petitioners satisfaction, it commits her to fulfill the promise. Here is where the votive offering plays its part a material object of lasting character that appears as the materialization of the miraculous fact

    Rituales, simbolismo e identidad: forma y función de una romería onubense (Huelva, España)

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    Traditional festivals in Andalusia, far from suffering diminished importance, seem to have experienced in recent times an unexpected revival, adapting to different social circumstances in order to continue generating enthusiasm, in spite of the pressures of the globalization that threatened to diminish their functionality. Evidence of this festival impulse is the proliferation of pilgrimages throughout the autonomous community of Andalusia, especially in the province of Huelva (Spain), as forms of collective expression of popular religiosity. Departing from a frame of functionalist analysis, the author establishes the usefulness of this analysis of religious ritual as a strategy to move closer to social reality. In this sense, the pilgrimage is analyzed as proof that participation in these rituals fulfills a function that goes beyond the strictly religious; it reinforces interpersonal social integration and strengthens social belief, at the same time highlighting the symbolic identification of the local participants with the patronage of certain images.Las fiestas tradicionales, lejos de sufrir un debilitamiento, parecen haber alcanzado en los últimos tiempos, un impulso inusitado. De esta forma, han sabido adaptarse a las diferentes circunstancias sociales, para continuar generando, hoy en día, una elevada emotividad, y todo ello pese a las presiones de la globalización que amenazaban con restarles funcionalidad. Una muestra de este estímulo festivo es la proliferación de las romerías en toda la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía y muy especialmente en la provincia de Huelva (España). Unos rituales que se revelan como formas de expresión colectiva de la religiosidad popular, al mismo tiempo que promueven otro tipo de emociones al suscitar sentimientos de pertenencia e identidad local. Mediante un estudio de caso y a partir de una perspectiva de análisis funcionalista, el articulo analiza los medios por los que un ritual religioso refuerza los elementos identitarios de los participantes. Por otro lado, se pone de manifiesto como a lo largo de la historia de la Antropologia, los estudios de los rituales han sido recurrentes, haciendo hincapie en su pertinencia a la hora de acercarnos a la realidad social. La participación en estos rituales cumple una funcionalidad que va más allá de la estrictamente religiosa, pues refuerza la integración social interpersonal, fortalece las creencias sociales al mismo tiempo que pone de manifiesto la identificación simbólica de los lugareños participantes con el patronazgo de determinadas advocaciones