24 research outputs found

    Particle Pair Production in Cosmological General Relativity

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    The Cosmological General Relativity (CGR) of Carmeli, a 5-dimensional (5-D) theory of time, space and velocity, predicts the existence of an acceleration a_0 = c / tau due to the expansion of the universe, where c is the speed of light in vacuum, tau = 1 / h is the Hubble-Carmeli time constant, where h is the Hubble constant at zero distance and no gravity. The Carmeli force on a particle of mass m is F_c = m a_0, a fifth force in nature. In CGR, the effective mass density rho_eff = rho - rho_c, where rho is the matter density and rho_c is the critical mass density which we identify with the vacuum mass density rho_vac = -rho_c. The fields resulting from the weak field solution of the Einstein field equations in 5-D CGR and the Carmeli force are used to hypothesize the production of a pair of particles. The mass of each particle is found to be m = tau c^3 / 4 G, where G is Newton's constant. The vacuum mass density derived from the physics is rho_vac = -rho_c = -3 / (8 pi G tau^2). The cosmic microwave background (CMB) black body radiation at the temperature T_o = 2.72548 K which fills that volume is found to have a relationship to the ionization energy of the Hydrogen atom. Define the radiation energy epsilon_gamma = (1 - g) m c^2 / N_gamma, where (1-g) is the fraction of the initial energy m c^2 which converts to photons, g is a function of the baryon density parameter Omega_b and N_gamma is the total number of photons in the CMB radiation field. We make the connection with the ionization energy of the first quantum level of the Hydrogen atom by the hypothesis epsilon_gamma = [(1 - g) m c^2] / N_gamma = alpha^2 mu c^2 / 2, where alpha is the fine-structure constant and mu = m_p f / (1 + f), where f= m_e / m_p with m_e the electron mass and m_p the proton mass.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures. The final publication is available at springerlink.co

    Resolution of dark matter problem in f(T) gravity

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    In this paper, we attempt to resolve the dark matter problem in f(T) gravity. Specifically, from our model we successfully obtain the flat rotation curves of galaxies containing dark matter. Further, we obtain the density profile of dark matter in galaxies. Comparison of our analytical results shows that our torsion-based toy model for dark matter is in good agreement with empirical data-based models. It shows that we can address the dark matter as an effect of torsion of the space.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Vacuum Bianchi Types I and V in f(R) Gravity

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    In a recent paper \cite{1}, we have studied the vacuum solutions of Bianchi types I and V spacetimes in the framework of metric f(R) gravity. Here we extend this work to perfect fluid solutions. For this purpose, we take stiff matter to find energy density and pressure of the universe. In particular, we find two exact solutions in each case which correspond to two models of the universe. The first solution gives a singular model while the second solution provides a non-singular model. The physical behavior of these models has been discussed using some physical quantities. Also, the function of the Ricci scalar is evaluated.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Gen. Realtiv. Gravi

    Bianchi Type III Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter

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    The Bianchi type III dark energy models with constant deceleration parameter are investigated. The equation of state parameter ω\omega is found to be time dependent and its existing range for this model is consistent with the recent observations of SN Ia data, SN Ia data (with CMBR anisotropy) and galaxy clustering statistics. The physical aspect of the dark energy models are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Accepted version of IJT

    Stationary Dyonic Regular and Black Hole Solutions

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    We consider globally regular and black hole solutions in SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory, coupled to a dilaton field. The basic solutions represent magnetic monopoles, monopole-antimonopole systems or black holes with monopole or dipole hair. When the globally regular solutions carry additionally electric charge, an angular momentum density results, except in the simplest spherically symmetric case. We evaluate the global charges of the solutions and their effective action, and analyze their dependence on the gravitational coupling strength. We show, that in the presence of a dilaton field, the black hole solutions satisfy a generalized Smarr type mass formula.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Higher Dimensional Cosmological Implications Of A Decay Law For Λ\Lambda Term : Expressions For Some Observable Quantities

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    Implications of cosmological model with a cosmological term of the form Λ=ÎČaša\Lambda = \beta \frac{\ddot {a}}{a}, where ÎČ\beta is a constant, are analyzed in multidimensional space time. The proper distance, the luminosity distance-redshift, the angular diameter distance-redshift, and look back time-redshift for the model are presented. It has been shown that such models are found to be compatible with the recent observations. This work has thus generalized to higher dimensions the well-know result in four dimensional space time. It is found that there may be significant difference in principle at least,from the analogous situation in four dimensional space time.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Plane-symmetric inhomogeneous magnetized viscous fluid universe with a variable Λ\Lambda

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    The behavior of magnetic field in plane symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models for bulk viscous distribution is investigated. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density (Ο=Ο0ρn)(\xi =\xi_{0}\rho^{n}). The values of cosmological constant for these models are found to be small and positive which are supported by the results from recent supernovae Ia observations. Some physical and geometric aspects of the models are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, no figur