329 research outputs found

    Residual agroforestry biomass - thermochemical properties

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    Research Highlights: Biomass from Mediterranean agroforestry vegetation may be a potential source of renewable energy. However, due to the high heterogeneity of this type of resource, the study of its characteristics becomes necessary for its e cient use. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal and chemical properties of 14 di erent kinds of agroforestry biomass groups: shrubs, forest, and agricultural wastes. Materials and Methods: The higher heating value (HHV), the elemental analysis (C, H, O, N, S), ashes, mineral elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and P), trace elements (Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, and Cd) and halogen elements (F and Cl) were quantified and compared with CEN/TS 147775 and CENS/TS 14961 standards, looking forward to future use for energy purposes, namely through combustion processes, as an alternative to fossil fuels. Results: The shrubs present the highest values of higher heating value (20.5 MJ kg1), followed by the forest wastes (19.2 MJ kg1) and the lowest in the agricultural wastes (18.5 MJ kg1). Concerning the elemental analysis, the di erence between groups C, H, and O are very small and not statistically significant, while for N, S and ashes values are higher in agricultural than shrubs and forestry wastes. The same tendency was found for the mineral nutrients. For the trace elements, the lowest content of Mn, Fe, and Zn is found in agricultural, Ni, and Cr content in the shrubs and Cu in the forest wastes. The halogen elements are present in greater amount in shrubs than agricultural and forest wastes. Conclusions: Although the high values of the halogen elements which may raise sintering problems and corrosive e ect on metal parts in furnace and boiler, in general the shrubs biomass are those with better characteristics for energy uses, namely through combustion processesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimized bi-dimensional data projection for clustering visualization

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    We propose a new method to project n-dimensional data onto two dimensions, for visualization purposes. Our goal is to produce a bi-dimensional representation that better separate existing clusters. Accordingly, to generate this projection we apply Differential Evolution as a meta-heuristic to optimize a divergence measure of the projected data. This divergence measure is based on the Cauchy–Schwartz divergence, extended for multiple classes. It accounts for the separability of the clusters in the projected space using the Renyi entropy and Information Theoretical Clustering analysis. We test the proposed method on two synthetic and five real world data sets, obtaining well separated projected clusters in two dimensions. These results were compared with results generated by PCA and a recent likelihood based visualization method

    Radiologia Básica (Odontologia), Vinte Anos de Experiência no Ensino Baseado em Problemas Modificado (EPBM)

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    Problem-based learning Modified (PBLM) is an innovative approach to the teaching of skills in dentistry. The student theoretical and practical activities (lab) should solve problems about the contents of basic radiology, scriptdriven study-directed, which includes several exercises with questions problem, with individual initiative and finalization in groups. The special feature is the full integration of theoretical and practical activities in a manner inseparable, based on exercises and experiments (scientific research) performed by the students, where the teacher is the tutor, the guardian. Thus, our goal with this article is to bring to the USP community this 20 years experience in the teaching of Basic Radiology, with the EPBM teaching methodology.O Ensino Baseado em Problemas Modificado (PBLM) pode ser uma abordagem inovadora para o ensino das habilidades em Odontologia. O aluno, nas atividades teóricas e práticas (laboratório), deverá resolver problemas sobre os conteúdos da disciplina de radiologia básica, orientado por roteiros de estudo dirigido, que incluem vários exercícios com questões problema, de iniciativa individual e finalização em grupo. A característica especial é a plena integração das atividades teóricas e práticas de maneira indissociável, com base em exercícios e experimentos (iniciação científica) realizados pelos alunos, sendo o professor o incentivador, o tutor. Assim, nosso objetivo com este artigo é trazer à comunidade uspiana essa experiência de vinte anos no ensino da Radiologia Básica, tendo como metodologia de ensino o EPBM

    The center for psychosocial attention's tutorship residence project: from a clinical question to another

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    O estudo objetivou analisar, por meio de estudo de caso clínico e segundo o referencial psicanalítico, se as intervenções do Projeto Moradia possibilitam a estabilização do paciente por meio de construção de uma metáfora delirante. Os resultados indicaram o impacto do Projeto na vida do morador: ser aceito, evidenciando uma vitória nos objetivos relacionados à autonomia, redução do isolamento social e intervenção nas questões de moradias consideradas perniciosas, articulando "duas clínicas": uma que interfere diretamente na vida dos moradores a iniciar de suas intervenções e outra, que a sustenta, mas opera em outras instâncias de tratamento, compondo uma relação de interdependência institucional.En el presente estudio se tuvo como objetivo analizar, por medio del estudio de un caso clínico y según el referencial psicoanalítico, si las intervenciones del Proyecto Residencia posibilitan la estabilización del paciente por medio de la construcción de una metáfora delirante. Los resultados indicaron el impacto del Proyecto en la vida del morador: ser aceptado, evidenciando una victoria en los objetivos relacionados a la autonomía, reducción del aislamiento social e intervención en las cuestiones de residencias consideradas perniciosas, articulando "dos clínicas": una que interfiere directamente en la vida de los moradores para iniciar sus intervenciones y otra, que la sustenta, mas opera en otras instancias de tratamiento, componiendo una relación de interdependencia institucional.This paper studied the Projeto Moradia (Tutorship Residence Project) as a clinical instrument, adopting a psychoanalytical reference, based on a clinical case study. The objective was to analyze if the project's interven-tions enables the patient to become stable by constructing a delirious metaphor. The results showed the impact of the project on the life of residents: being accepted, thus demonstrating the successful attainment of its objectives with respect to auto-nomy, reduced social isolation and intervention in problematic housing questions, articulating "two clinics": one that interferes directly in the resident's life through project interventions, and the other, which supports it, but operates in other instances of treatment, creating a relationship of institutional interdependency
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