912 research outputs found

    Quadra tradicional: questões de estrutura e de forma

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    O elevado grau de fluidez da quadra tradicional – que participa da mutabilidade e flexibilidade características de toda a literatura de transmissão oral – faz dela um espaço complexo, movediço e resistente a quadros taxinómicos rígidos ou definitivos. Partindo desse pressuposto, quisemos determinar neste artigo as principais linhas de instabilidade desta forma poética e os seus principais processos de edificação, nos planos estrutural e formal. Procurámos demonstrar que a quadra encerra uma força de conflito decorrente de uma dialéctica de abertura e de fechamento, relacionada com impulsos quer de condensação e fixação quer de intensificação ou derivação de sentidos

    Recovery of platinum from a spent automotive catalyst through chloride leaching and solvent extraction

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    ABSTRACT: Considering economics and environmental sustainability, recycling of critical metals from end-of-life devices should be a priority. In this work the hydrometallurgical treatment of a spent automotive catalytic converter (SACC) using HCl with CaCl2 as a leaching medium, and solvent extraction (SX) with a thiodiglycolamide derivative, is reported. The aim was to develop a leaching scheme allowing high Pt recoveries and minimizing Al dissolution, facilitating the application of SX. The replacement of part of HCl by CaCl2 in the leaching step is viable, without compromising Pt recovery (in the range 75-85%), as found for the mixture 2 M CaCl2 + 8 M HCl when compared to 11.6 M HCl. All leaching media showed good potential to recover Ce, particularly for higher reaction times and temperatures. Regarding SX, results achieved with a model solution were promising, but SX for Pt separation from the real SACC solution did not work as expected. For the adopted experimental conditions, the tested thiodiglycolamide derivative in toluene revealed a very good loading performance for both Pt and Fe, but Fe removal and Pt stripping from the organic phases after contact with the SACC solution were not successfully accomplished. Hence, the reutilization of the organic solvent needs improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ionic liquids in the solvent extraction of platinum-group metals : how far can they go?

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    ABSTRACT: Ionic liquids (ILs) are molten salts that are liquid at room temperature. Although their existence has been known from the beginning of the 20th century, only at the end of the 80's - beginning of 90´s their characteristic properties and potential advantages began to be widely explored. Nowadays there is no doubt that ILs have become a major subject of research for modern chemistry, and the industry progressively starts to include ILs in chemical processes. This communication presents and discusses some relevant results found in literature concerning the application of ILs to recover platinum-group metals (PGMs) from complex leaching solutions by solvent extraction (SX). Based on the available data, an evaluation about the forthcoming of ILs to recover PGMs from real leaching solutions of spent catalysts will be assessed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molten nitrate salts containing lithium as thermal energy storage media : a short review

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    ABSTRACT: Energy storage plays a crucial role in the development and progress of renewable energy sources. In the case of thermal energy, storage has been a step ahead since storage solutions already exist, unlike other conversion energy technologies. In this sense, the utilization of molten salts, mainly composed of mixtures of alkali/alkaline earth metals, in nitrate forms (sometimes also with nitrite), have been proposed and successfully applied. Molten salts have recognized advantages over other solutions namely in what concerns simultaneous use as heat transfer fluids and as storage media. Commercial utilization of molten salts has been tested essentially with the Na/K salt mixtures. Introduction of lithium nitrate in these formulation has been proposed, since can allow decreasing the melting point of the mixtures, thus providing safety concerning the risks of freezing in the tubes or tanks of the storage plant. This paper provides a short review on the utilization of lithium in molten salt mixtures used for thermal energy storage. Physical, chemical and thermal properties, as well as stability and decomposition issues are evaluated. Corrosion of stainless steels in contact with the salts is another crucial question that is also addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of the Spherical Averaged Pseudopotential Model with the Stabilized Jellium Model

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    We compare Kohn-Sham results (density, cohesive energy, size and effect of charging) of the Spherical Averaged Pseudopotential Model with the Stabilized Jellium Model for clusters of sodium and aluminum with less than 20 atoms. We find that the Stabilized Jellium Model, although conceptually and practically more simple, gives better results for the cohesive energy and the elastic stiffness. We use the Local Density Approximation as well as the Generalized Gradient Approximation to the exchange and correlation energies.Comment: 13 pages, latex, 8 figures, compressed postscript version available at http://www.fis.uc.pt/~vieir

    Recovery of palladium from a spent automobile catalyst leaching solution by a thiodiglycolamide derivative

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    In the sequence of previous research on the development of novel liquid-liquid amidetype compounds to efficiently and selectively extract platinum-group metals (PGMs) from concentrated hydrochloric acid media, a specific thiodiglycolamide derivative – N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-dicyclohexylthiodiglycolamide (DMDCHTDGA) – has been applied for the recovery of palladium(II) from a spent automobile catalyst leaching solution, containing palladium(II) and rhodium(III) as PGMs. The results obtained are rather promising, since the DMDCHTDGA behavior towards the two PGMs is similar to that observed for hydrochloric acid aqueous media studied before, simulating the real leaching phases. Within eleven metal elements co-existing in solution, the majority in high fold-excesses, only aluminum(III) and cerium(III) interfere in the palladium(II) liquid-liquid extraction process, requiring further optimization

    Régimen y riesgo agroclimático de heladas en Lugo, provincia de Lugo, galicia, España

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el régimen y riesgo agroclimático de heladas, por su época de ocurrencia y tipo genético, analizar su peligrosidad sobre los cultivos, y observar la tendencia en el período libre de heladas en los últimos 10 años (1996-2005), respecto del período 1975-1995, en Lugo. Se dispuso de un registro histórico de temperaturas mínimas, medidas en el abrigo meteorológico, de treinta y un años para la localidad de Lugo, Provincia de Lugo (lat.: 43° 03’ N; long.: 7° 30’ O y alt.: 480 m). Los resultados mostraron una mayor frecuencia de heladas primaverales (marzo, abril y mayo) que otoñales (octubre y noviembre). El escaso período libre de heladas, en la zona, puede resultar un impedimento para la difusión de cultivos frutícolas de hueso, debiendo seleccionar aquellas variedades con mayor requerimiento en horas de frío. En la región, la producción hortícola prospera favorablemente, siendo los cultivos más utilizados, Col – Brassica oleracea L - y nabos (nabizas y grelos) – Brassica napus L -, en detrimento de cultivos anuales extensivos, tanto inverno primaverales, como trigo – Triticum aestivum L. o T. vulgare L. -, cebada – Hordeum vulgare L.-, o estivales como maíz – Zea mays L. -, girasol – Helianthus annus L., o soja - Glycine max L

    A flexible online apparatus for projectile launch experiments

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    In order to provide a more flexible learning environment in physics, the developed projectile launch apparatus enables students to determine the acceleration of gravity and the dependence of a set of parameters in the projectile movement. This apparatus is remotely operated and accessed via web, by first scheduling an access time slot. This machine has a number of configuration parameters that support different learning scenarios with different complexities

    New extractants for separation of platinium-group metals from chloride solutions and their application to recycling processes

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    In this paper some results on the application of four N,N’-tetrasubstituted malonamide derivatives for the extraction and separation of platinum-group metals (PGMs) are presented. The above mentioned extractants were specifically synthesized in order to evaluate their efficiency for the extraction of a specific metal, or group of metals, from aqueous chloride matrices. Different behaviours were obtained towards platinum(IV) and/or palladium(II) extraction, all the N,N’-tetrasubstituted malonamide derivatives allowing the mutual separation of the two metal ions, depending on the HCl concentration. Generally, extraction experiments were carried out involving initial aqueous phases containing 100 mg/L of each metal isolate, in varying 1M to 8M HCl concentration ranges, and 0.05M extractant in 1,2- dichloroethane solutions. From the preliminary results obtained, one can conclude that HCl concentrations and the structure of the malonamide derivative play a crucial role on the efficiency shown for Pt(IV) and/or Pd(II) extraction. The efficiency of the stripping stage of the loaded organic phases is variable, depending on the N,N’-tetrasubstituted malonamide derivative, as well as on the metal ion involved; for Pt(IV), distilled water and 1M HCl were generally successful, whereas for Pd(II), thiourea in HCl gave better results. The overall data already achieved suggest that these extractants may be good candidates for further evaluation in PGMs separations from real solutions resulting from recycling processes

    Recovery of platinum(IV) and palladium(II) from complex hydrochloric acid matrices by a thiodiglycolamide derivative

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    The solvent extraction performance of N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-dicyclohexylthiodiglycolamide (DMDCHTDGA) towards Pt(IV) and Pd(II) in HCl solutions has recently been published. It was shown that these two platinum-group metals (PGMs) are efficiently extracted from 8 M HCl aqueous phases, being subsequently separated by sequential strippings: 1 M HCl allows Pt(IV) recovery, whereas Pd(II) is only back-extracted by thiourea in HCl. In this work, selectivity tests were carried out to evaluate the performance of DMDCHTDGA towards the recovery of both PGMs, from 8 M HCl aqueous phases, when in presence of Rh(III), Fe(III), Ni(II), Zn(II), Al(III), Ce(III) and Zr(IV), simulating the leaching solutions that may result from the hydrometallurgical treatment of spent automobile catalytic converters. It was generally observed that the additional metal ions do not affect the recovery of Pd(II) and Pt(IV) by DMDCHTDGA. Fe(III), Zn(II) and Zr(IV) are co-extracted with Pt(IV) and Pd(II); Fe(III) and Zn(II) were efficiently scrubbed with water, whereas Zr(IV) was removed by an acidified aqueous solution. Inversely, Ni(II) is not extracted, and Rh(III) and Ce(III) appear only traceably in the loaded organic phase. Al(III) is a concern, as it is appreciably extracted, and none of the tested backextraction solutions was able to strip it
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