256 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Approaches for Integrating Materials Science and Dentistry.

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    Dental materials science is a core course in most undergraduate dental curricula [...]

    Lack of keratinized mucosa increases peri-implantitis risk.

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    DESIGN A systematic appraisal and statistical aggregation of primary studies in humans. DATA SOURCES The researchers utilized PubMed (Medline) and Scopus databases as the primary data sources for this study. They performed a comprehensive literature search based on free keywords and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms to enhance the search accuracy. The database search was concluded on November 13, 2022. Furthermore, a meticulous examination of the references cited in the selected studies was conducted to identify additional relevant articles that could be incorporated into the analysis. STUDY SELECTION The systematic review focused on partially or fully edentulous patients receiving dental implants and aimed to determine if the lack of keratinized mucosa at the implant site increased the risk of peri-implantitis compared to patients with adequate keratinized mucosa. Human studies with a minimum of 100 implants, cross-sectional, cohort, or case-control designs, and a follow-up period of at least one year were included. Studies lacking a clear case definition or information on peri-implantitis and those that did not investigate keratinized mucosa as a risk indicator were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Two reviewers independently utilized a systematic review screening website (Rayyan, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation) to select potential articles, and conflicts were resolved through discussion or consultation with a third reviewer. The data extraction process involved recording information from the included articles, such as study design, patient and implant numbers, prosthesis type (fixed or removable), follow-up duration, peri-implantitis case definition, prevalence at patient and implant levels, keratinized mucosa cutoff value, odds ratio (OR) of peri-implantitis considering keratinized mucosa, and conclusions on the potential effect of keratinized mucosa from each study. The Newcastle Ottawa scale (NOS) and a modified version of NOS were used, respectively, to assess the quality of cohort and cross-sectional studies. Studies scoring below 6 out of 9 points were classified as low quality. For the meta-analysis, the relationship between peri-implantitis and keratinized mucosa was evaluated using the odds ratio (OR) and standard error (SE). Heterogeneity was assessed through the Chi2 test and I2 index, determining whether a random-effects or fixed-effects model should be applied. Subgroup and cluster analyses were conducted based on specific criteria, and forest plots and funnel plots were generated to visualize results and identify potential study bias. Sensitivity analysis was performed to verify the robustness of the meta-analysis, with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. The Review Manager (RevMan) software facilitated data analysis. The GRADE rating system was used to determine the level of evidence, considering factors such as bias risk, imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and publication bias. The certainty of the evidence was evaluated based on the overall outcomes of analyzed subgroups. RESULTS Twenty-two primary studies were identified, and a meta-analysis was conducted on 16 cross-sectional studies. The prevalence of peri-implantitis ranged from 6.68% to 62.3% at the patient level and from 4.5% to 58.1% at the implant level. The overall analysis revealed a significant association between the lack of keratinized mucosa and a higher prevalence of peri-implantitis (OR = 2.78, 95% CI 2.07-3.74, p < 0.00001). Subgroup analyses with a consistent case definition of peri-implantitis (MBL ≥ 2 mm) showed similar results (OR = 1.96, 95% CI 1.41-2.73, p < 0.0001). Studies focusing on fixed prostheses only demonstrated that the lack of keratinized mucosa was associated with an increased prevalence of peri-implantitis (OR = 2.82, 95% CI 1.85-4.28, p < 0.00001). Among patients under regular implant maintenance, the absence of keratinized mucosa significantly raised the occurrence of peri-implantitis (OR = 2.08, 95% CI 1.41-3.08, p = 0.0002). Studies adjusting for other variables also confirmed a higher risk of peri-implantitis with inadequate keratinized mucosa (OR = 3.68, 95% CI 2.32-5.82, p = 0.007). Although some publication bias was observed, the certainty of evidence based on the GRADE system was judged to be "moderate." CONCLUSIONS The lack of keratinized mucosa increased the risk of peri-implantitis, emphasizing the need to consider it during dental implant placement. Inadequate data on patient-specific factors and the predominance of cross-sectional studies influenced the evidence quality (i.e., moderate). Future studies with consistent methodologies shall confirm these findings and identify additional risk indicators to improve implant dentistry practices

    Pulpotomy versus root canal treatment in permanent teeth with spontaneous pain: comparable clinical and patient outcomes, but insufficient evidence.

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    DESIGN A systematic appraisal and statistical aggregation of primary studies. DATA SOURCES Scopus/ELSEVIER, PubMed/MEDLINE, Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science (i.e., Web of Science Core Collection-WoS, Korean Journal Database-KJD, Russian Science Citation Index-RSCI, SciELO Citation Index-SCIELO), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) via the Cochrane Library.The complementary searches consisted of OpenGrey, Google Scholar (first 100 returns), Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Open Access Theses and Dissertations, DART-Europe E-theses Portal-DEEP, Opening access to UK theses-EThOS. STUDY SELECTION Human clinical trials studies in English language with at least 10 patients with mature or immature permanent teeth with pulpitis characterized by spontaneous pain in each arm (i.e., root canal treatment [RCT] and pulpotomy) at the end of the study, comparing the patient- (Primary: survival, pain, tenderness, swelling assessed by clinical history, clinical examination, and pain scales; Secondary: tooth function, need for further intervention, adverse effects; OHRQoL using a validated questionnaire) and clinical-reported outcomes (Primary: emerging apical radiolucency as per intraoral periapical radiograph or limited FOV CBCT scan; Secondary: radiological evidence of continued root formation and presence of sinus tract). DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Two independent review authors conducted study selection, data extraction and risk of bias (RoB) assessment and a third reviewer was consulted for solving disagreements. When insufficient or absent information, the corresponding author was reached out to for further explanation. The Cochrane RoB tool for randomized trials (RoB 2.0) was evaluated the quality of studies.The meta-analysis was performed on a fixed-effect model to estimate pooled effect size such as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were performed using the R software. The quality of evidence assessed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) approach (GRADEpro GDT: GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool [software], McMaster University, 2015). RESULTS Five primary studies were included. Four studies referred to a multicentre trial assessing postoperative pain and long-term success rate after pulpotomy compared with one-visit RCT in 407 mature molars. The other study was a multicentre trial assessing postoperative pain in 550 mature molars treated with pulpotomy and pulp capping with the calcium-enriched mixture (CEM), pulpotomy and pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and one-visit RCT. Both trials primarily reported first molars from young adults. When looking at the results of postoperative pain, all the trials included had a low RoB. However, when evaluating the clinical and radiographic outcomes of the included reports, it was determined that there was a high RoB. The meta-analysis found that the likelihood of experiencing pain (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe) at the 7th postoperative day was not affected by the type of intervention (OR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.63-1.55, I2 = 0%).The study design, risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and publication bias domains were used to grade the quality of evidence for postoperative pain between RCT and full pulpotomy, resulting in a 'High' grade. In the first year, clinical success was high for both interventions, with a rate of 98%. However, the success rate declined over time, with pulpotomy showing a 78.1% success rate and RCT showing a 75.3% success rate at the 5-year follow up. CONCLUSIONS This systematic review was limited by the inclusion of only two trials, indicating a lack of sufficient evidence to draw definitive conclusions. Nonetheless, the available clinical data suggests that patient-reported pain outcomes do not differ significantly between RCT and pulpotomy at Day 7 postoperatively, and that the long-term clinical success rate of both treatments is comparable, as demonstrated by a single randomized control trial. However, to establish a more robust evidence base, additional high-quality randomized clinical trials, conducted by diverse research groups, are needed in this field. In conclusion, this review underscores the insufficiency of current evidence to draw solid recommendations

    Short-term data suggests cognitive benefits in the elderly with single-implant overdentures.

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    DESIGN This study was an extension of a randomized crossover clinical trial approved by the institutional ethics committee (approval number: D2014-148) and adhered to the CONSORT guidelines. The original study juxtaposed patient contentment with single-implant overdentures (1-IODs) against conventional complete dentures (CCDs), with patient satisfaction being the primary focus. In this follow-up study, the cognitive function of edentulous patients receiving 1-IODs was assessed, specifically monitoring for the emergence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) throughout a three-year period. Patient outcomes were systematically recorded at predetermined intervals: initially, two months post-1-IOD placement, after one year (with groups alternated between denture types at eight-month marks), then after two and three years. A prosthodontist with a decade of expertise performed all denture-related procedures. This follow-up emphasized the cognitive outcomes using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-J), considering it alongside previously documented results on masticatory function, bone resorption, survival rates, and patient-reported outcomes. CASE SELECTION Between 2015 and 2016, a follow-up study enrolled edentulous patients over 50 years of age who were proficient in Japanese, had sufficient mandibular bone for implants, and were free of systemic health issues and habits that could impact oral health. The participants were randomly divided into two groups after receiving a central mandibular implant. Group 1 initially used 1-IODs, and Group 2 used unloaded CCDs. After two months and subsequent periods, they swapped denture types. Eventually, all patients chose 1-IODs for continued use. Implant success was monitored over three years. The design featured block randomization and accounted for a sample size of 22, determined to be sufficient for evaluating the primary outcome of patient satisfaction. All patients underwent careful allocation and received customized dental interventions, with detailed radiographic planning and surgical precision guiding the implantation process. DATA ANALYSIS Multivariable linear mixed models were used to assess within-group changes in both overall and specific cognitive function scores across five timepoints. Age, assessment interval, and upper jaw denture status were incorporated as consistent variables, while individual participants were considered variable elements in the analysis. SPSS software version 22.0 was utilized to conduct the statistical tests, and a p value threshold of 0.05 was predetermined to establish statistical significance. RESULTS Twenty-two patients with edentulous mandibles received 1-IODs. Memory and executive functions saw significant score increases at multiple timepoints over the three-year period, with statistical significance. Though one participant dropped out and another passed away, and two did not complete the 3-year follow-up, the remaining 18 participants provided comprehensive data. Age and type of maxillary denture were significant factors, influencing MoCA-J scores with older participants and those with fixed dentures showing lower scores in certain domains. Overall, the findings illustrated the positive correlation between 1-IODs and cognitive function in older adults. CONCLUSIONS Older adults with no natural teeth left in their mandible showed improved cognitive function after one and three years of using 1-IODs, as reflected by their total and specific cognitive domain scores. The study suggests that such implant therapy may offer protective benefits against cognitive decline, demonstrating clinical relevance for patient care, regardless of the maxillary arch (antagonist) condition

    Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneer Therapy for Maxillary Central Incisors.

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    Minimally invasive dentistry is a considered process that requires the clinician to be prepared with the ideal sequence and the tools needed. This report describes a well-planned ultraconservative approach using only two ceramic laminate veneers for the maxillary central incisors to significantly improve the patient's overall smile. A 30-year-old female presented with the chief complaints of having diastemas between the central and lateral incisors as well as incisal wear. Diagnostic wax-up and mock-up were performed, and the patient approved the minimally invasive treatment with veneers only for central incisors. A reduction guide aided the conservative tooth preparations, and hand-crafted feldspathic veneers were bonded under total isolation with a rubber dam. The two final conservative veneers significantly improved the smile and fulfilled the patient's expectations. Following proper planning and sequencing, predictable outcomes were obtained and fulfilled the patient's esthetic demands. Minimally invasive restorative dentistry with only two single veneers can impact the entire smile frame. Overtreatment in the esthetic zone is unnecessary to meet a patient's esthetic expectations

    El mercado de emisiones de CO2: su repercusión en la contabilidad financiera

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    La entrada en funcionamiento del nuevo mercado de emisiones, como mecanismo para la consecución de los compromisos adquiridos en el Protocolo de Kioto, ha dado lugar a la creación de un nuevo elemento –el derecho de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero– que afectará al patrimonio y resultado de las organizaciones. Este derecho, de naturaleza patrimonial y, por tanto, susceptible de ser transferido requiere el estudio de las incidencias que pueden plantearse en el reconocimiento, valoración y registro de las operaciones del mismo, siendo éste el objeto del presente trabajo.The new market of emissions, like a mechanism for the attainment of the commitments acquired in the Kyoto Protocol, has given rise to the creation of a new element - the right of greenhouse gas emissions- that will affect to the patrimony and result of the organizations. This right, of patrimonial nature and, therefore, capable of be transferred, requires the study of the incidences that can consider in the recognition, valuation and registry of the operations of it, being this one the object of the present work

    Ceramic and Composite Polishing Systems for Milled Lithium Disilicate Restorative Materials: A 2D and 3D Comparative In Vitro Study.

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    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of two ceramic and two composite polishing systems for a novel chairside computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) lithium disilicate ceramic with three-dimensional and two-dimensional microscopy images. This ceramic material can be used for implant-supported or tooth-borne single-unit prostheses. Materials and Methods: Sixty flat samples of novel chairside CAD/CAM reinforced lithium disilicate ceramic (Amber Mill, Hass Bio) were divided into five groups (n = 15/group) and treated as follows: Group 1 (NoP), no polished treatment; group 2 (CeDi), polished with ceramic Dialite LD (Brasseler USA); group 3, (CeOp) polished with ceramic OptraFine (Ivoclar Vivadent); group 4, (CoDi) polished with composite DiaComp (Brasseler USA), and group 5 (CoAs), polished with composite Astropol (Ivoclar Vivadent). The polished ceramic surface topography was observed and measured with three-dimensional and two-dimensional images. Results: All polishing systems significantly reduced the surface roughness compared with the non-polished control group (Sa 1.15 μm). Group 2 (CeDi) provided the smoothest surface arithmetical mean eight with 0.32 μm, followed by group 3 (CeOp) with 0.34 μm. Group 5 (CoAs) with 0.52 μm provided the smoothest surface among the composite polishing kits. Group 4 (CoDi) with 0.66 μm provided the least smooth surface among all polishing systems tested. Conclusions: Despite the effectiveness of ceramic polishing systems being superior to composite polishing systems of the CAD/CAM lithium disilicate restorative material, both polishing systems significantly improved the smoothness

    Full-Mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with Sjogren's Syndrome with Maxillary Titanium-Zirconia and Mandibular Monolithic Zirconia Implant Prostheses Fabricated with CAD/CAM Technology: A Clinical Report.

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    Dental implants have become a well-established treatment modality for the management of complete and partial edentulism. Recent advancements in dental implant systems and CAD/CAM technologies have revolutionized prosthodontic practice by allowing for the predictable, efficient, and faster management of complex dental scenarios. This clinical report describes the interdisciplinary management of a patient with Sjogren's syndrome and terminal dentition. The patient was rehabilitated using dental implants and zirconia-based prostheses in the maxillary and mandibular arches. These prostheses were fabricated using a combination of CAD/CAM and analog techniques. The successful outcomes for the patient demonstrate the importance of appropriate use of biomaterials and the implementation of interdisciplinary collaboration in treating complex dental cases

    An Innovative 3D Printed Tooth Reduction Guide for Precise Dental Ceramic Veneers.

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    Tooth reduction guides allow clinicians to obtain the ideal space required for ceramic restorations. This case report describes a novel design (CAD) for an additive computer-aided manufactured (a-CAM) tooth reduction guide with channels that permitted access for the preparation and evaluation of the reduction with the same guide. The guide features innovative vertical and horizontal channels that permit comprehensive access for preparation and evaluation of the reduction with a periodontal probe, ensuring uniform tooth reduction and avoiding overpreparation. This approach was successfully applied to a female patient with non-carious lesions and white spot lesions, resulting in minimally invasive tooth preparations and hand-crafted laminate veneer restorations that met the patient's aesthetic demands while preserving tooth structure. Compared to traditional silicone reduction guides, this novel design offers greater flexibility, enabling clinicians to evaluate tooth reduction in all directions and providing a more comprehensive assessment. Overall, this 3D printed tooth reduction guide represents a significant advancement in dental restoration technology, offering clinicians a useful tool for achieving optimal outcomes with minimal tooth reduction. Future work is warranted to compare tooth reductions and preparation time for this guide to other 3D printed guides

    Diagnostic Mock-Up as a Surgical Reduction Guide for Crown Lengthening: Technique Description and Case Report.

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    Background and Objectives: The report describes a technique using a diagnostic mock-up as a crown-lengthening surgical guide to improve the gingival architecture. Materials and Methods: The patient's primary concern was improving her smile due to her "gummy smile" and short clinical crowns. After clinical evaluation, surgical crown lengthening accompanied by maxillary central full-coverage single-unit prostheses and lateral incisor veneers was recommended. The diagnostic mock-up was placed in the patient's maxillary anterior region and used as a soft tissue reduction guide for the gingivectomy. Once the planned gingival architecture was achieved, a flap was reflected to proceed with ostectomy in order to obtain an appropriate alveolar bone crest level using the overlay. After six months, all-ceramic crowns and porcelain veneers were provided as permanent restorations. Results: A diagnostic mock-up fabricated with a putty guide directly from the diagnostic wax-up can be an adequate surgical guide for crown-lengthening procedures. The diagnostic wax-up was used to fabricate the diagnostic mock-up. These results suggested that it can be used as a crown-lengthening surgical guide to modify the gingival architecture. Several advantages of the overlay used in the aesthetic complex case include: (1) providing a preview of potential restorative outcomes, (2) allowing for the appropriate positioning of gingival margins and the desired alveolar bone crest level for the crown-lengthening procedure, and (3) serving as a provisional restoration after surgery. Conclusions: The use of a diagnostic mock-up, which was based on a diagnostic wax-up, as the surgical guide resulted in successful crown lengthening and provisional restorations. Thus, a diagnostic overlay can be a viable option as a surgical guide for crown lengthening
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