278 research outputs found
Coexistence of excited states in confined Ising systems
Using the density-matrix renormalization-group method we study the
two-dimensional Ising model in strip geometry. This renormalization scheme
enables us to consider the system up to the size 300 x infinity and study the
influence of the bulk magnetic field on the system at full range of
temperature. We have found out the crossover in the behavior of the correlation
length on the line of coexistence of the excited states. A detailed study of
scaling of this line is performed. Our numerical results support and specify
previous conclusions by Abraham, Parry, and Upton based on the related bubble
model.Comment: 4 Pages RevTeX and 4 PostScript figures included; the paper has been
rewritten without including new result
Fixed Point of the Finite System DMRG
The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a numerical method that
optimizes a variational state expressed by a tensor product. We show that the
ground state is not fully optimized as far as we use the standard finite system
algorithm, that uses the block structure B**B. This is because the tensors are
not improved directly. We overcome this problem by using the simpler block
structure B*B for the final several sweeps in the finite iteration process. It
is possible to increase the numerical precision of the finite system algorithm
without increasing the computational effort.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Effective affinities in microarray data
In the past couple of years several studies have shown that hybridization in
Affymetrix DNA microarrays can be rather well understood on the basis of simple
models of physical chemistry. In the majority of the cases a Langmuir isotherm
was used to fit experimental data. Although there is a general consensus about
this approach, some discrepancies between different studies are evident. For
instance, some authors have fitted the hybridization affinities from the
microarray fluorescent intensities, while others used affinities obtained from
melting experiments in solution. The former approach yields fitted affinities
that at first sight are only partially consistent with solution values. In this
paper we show that this discrepancy exists only superficially: a sufficiently
complete model provides effective affinities which are fully consistent with
those fitted to experimental data. This link provides new insight on the
relevant processes underlying the functioning of DNA microarrays.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Stability domains of actin genes and genomic evolution
In eukaryotic genes the protein coding sequence is split into several
fragments, the exons, separated by non-coding DNA stretches, the introns.
Prokaryotes do not have introns in their genome. We report the calculations of
stability domains of actin genes for various organisms in the animal, plant and
fungi kingdoms. Actin genes have been chosen because they have been highly
conserved during evolution. In these genes all introns were removed so as to
mimic ancient genes at the time of the early eukaryotic development, i.e.
before introns insertion. Common stability boundaries are found in evolutionary
distant organisms, which implies that these boundaries date from the early
origin of eukaryotes. In general boundaries correspond with introns positions
of vertebrates and other animals actins, but not much for plants and fungi. The
sharpest boundary is found in a locus where fungi, algae and animals have
introns in positions separated by one nucleotide only, which identifies a
hot-spot for insertion. These results suggest that some introns may have been
incorporated into the genomes through a thermodynamic driven mechanism, in
agreement with previous observations on human genes. They also suggest a
different mechanism for introns insertion in plants and animals.Comment: 9 Pages, 7 figures. Phys. Rev. E in pres
Numerical Latent Heat Observation of the q=5 Potts Model
Site energy of the five-state ferromagnetic Potts model is numerically
calculated at the first-order transition temperature using corner transfer
matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method. The calculated energy of the
disordered phase is clearly different from that of the ordered phase
. The obtained latent heat is 0.027, which
quantitatively agrees with the exact solution.Comment: 2 pages, Latex(JPSJ style files are included), 2 ps figures,
submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.(short note
The Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique with periodic boundary conditions
The Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) method with periodic boundary
conditions is introduced for two dimensional classical spin models. It is shown
that this method is more suitable for derivation of the properties of infinite
2D systems than the DMRG with open boundary conditions despite the latter
describes much better strips of finite width. For calculation at criticality,
phenomenological renormalization at finite strips is used together with a
criterion for optimum strip width for a given order of approximation. For this
width the critical temperature of 2D Ising model is estimated with seven-digit
accuracy for not too large order of approximation. Similar precision is reached
for critical indices. These results exceed the accuracy of similar calculations
for DMRG with open boundary conditions by several orders of magnitude.Comment: REVTeX format contains 8 pages and 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Construction of a matrix product stationary state from solutions of finite size system
Stationary states of stochastic models, which have states per site, in
matrix product form are considered. First we give a necessary condition for the
existence of a finite -dimensional matrix product state for any .
Second, we give a method to construct the matrices from the stationary states
of small size system when the above condition and are satisfied.
Third, the method by which one can check that the obtained matrices are valid
for any system size is presented for the case where is satisfied. The
application of our methods is explained using three examples: the asymmetric
exclusion process, a model studied in [F. H. Jafarpour: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.
36 (2003) 7497] and a hybrid of both of the models.Comment: 22 pages, no figure. Major changes: sec.3 was shortened; the list of
references were changed. This is the final version, which will appear in
Critical Behavior of the Random Potts Chain
We study the critical behavior of the random q-state Potts quantum chain by
density matrix renormalization techniques. Critical exponents are calculated by
scaling analysis of finite lattice data of short chains () averaging
over all possible realizations of disorder configurations chosen according to a
binary distribution. Our numerical results show that the critical properties of
the model are independent of q in agreement with a renormalization group
analysis of Senthil and Majumdar (Phys. Rev. Lett.{\bf 76}, 3001 (1996)). We
show how an accurate analysis of moments of the distribution of magnetizations
allows a precise determination of critical exponents, circumventing some
problems related to binary disorder. Multiscaling properties of the model and
dynamical correlation functions are also investigated.Comment: LaTeX2e file with Revtex, 9 pages, 8 eps figures, 4 tables; typos
Nonequilibrium effects in DNA microarrays: a multiplatform study
It has recently been shown that in some DNA microarrays the time needed to
reach thermal equilibrium may largely exceed the typical experimental time,
which is about 15h in standard protocols (Hooyberghs et al. Phys. Rev. E 81,
012901 (2010)). In this paper we discuss how this breakdown of thermodynamic
equilibrium could be detected in microarray experiments without resorting to
real time hybridization data, which are difficult to implement in standard
experimental conditions. The method is based on the analysis of the
distribution of fluorescence intensities I from different spots for probes
carrying base mismatches. In thermal equilibrium and at sufficiently low
concentrations, log I is expected to be linearly related to the hybridization
free energy with a slope equal to , where is
the experimental temperature and R is the gas constant. The breakdown of
equilibrium results in the deviation from this law. A model for hybridization
kinetics explaining the observed experimental behavior is discussed, the
so-called 3-state model. It predicts that deviations from equilibrium yield a
proportionality of to . Here, is an
effective temperature, higher than the experimental one. This behavior is
indeed observed in some experiments on Agilent arrays. We analyze experimental
data from two other microarray platforms and discuss, on the basis of the
results, the attainment of equilibrium in these cases. Interestingly, the same
3-state model predicts a (dynamical) saturation of the signal at values below
the expected one at equilibrium.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl
Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Analysis of Quantum Critical Points: I. Quantum Spin Chains
We present a simple method, combining the density-matrix
renormalization-group (DMRG) algorithm with finite-size scaling, which permits
the study of critical behavior in quantum spin chains. Spin moments and
dimerization are induced by boundary conditions at the chain ends and these
exhibit power-law decay at critical points. Results are presented for the
spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet; an analytic calculation shows that
logarithmic corrections to scaling can sometimes be avoided. We also examine
the spin-1 chain at the critical point separating the Haldane gap and dimerized
phases. Exponents for the dimer-dimer and the spin-spin correlation functions
are consistent with results obtained from bosonization.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, new results and added references, to appear in
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