26 research outputs found

    Assessment of channel changes in a Mediterranean ephemeral stream since the early twentieth century. The Rambla de Cervera, eastern Spain

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    An analysis of morphological changes during the last six decades is presented for a 16.5-km reach of the Rambla de Cervera, a Mediterranean ephemeral stream located in eastern Spain. Channel changes were analysed through a range of techniques, specifically the analysis of aerial photographs with geographical information systems (GIS) and comparison of topographic surveys. The gravel channel underwent a general decline over the study period, losing width (68.5%) and surface area (45.7%). Incision ocurred along the entire study reach at an average depth of 3.5 m. Natural and human-induced factors producing contradictory effects are considered responsible for changes in the Rambla de CerveraThis study was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation with the project 'Recent environmental changes in fluvial systems: morphological and sedimentary consequences' (CGL2009-14220-C02-02-BTE) and is financed with FEDER funds. Comments from anonymous reviewers greatly improved this manuscript.Segura Beltran, F.; Sanchis Ibor, C. (2013). Assessment of channel changes in a Mediterranean ephemeral stream since the early twentieth century. The Rambla de Cervera, eastern Spain. Geomorphology. 201:199-214. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.06.021S19921420

    Efectos de una crecida en un cauce antropizado. La riada del Palància de octubre de 2000

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    In October of 2000, the Palància River underwent a major flood, which substantially modified the morphology of the river channel. These changes took place on a river bed previously modified by public works aimed at cleaning and simplifying the river section. The flood partially restored the braided morphology, reconstructing bars and channels. Moreover, river incision processes increased, particularly downstream the Palància bridges. This process reveals a sedimentary deficit caused by reservoirs; land use changes and gravel mining. The aim of this work is to describe these processes of change and to analyze the morphosedimentary consequences, through the interpretation of aerial photographs previous, simultaneous and subsequent to the flood.El río Palància experimentó, en octubre de 2000, una importante crecida que modificó sustancialmente la morfología del cauce. Esta transformación tuvo lugar sobre un lecho que previamente había sido arrasado por diversas obras de limpieza y regularización de la sección fluvial. La crecida restauró parcialmente la morfología braided del río, construyendo diversas barras y canales. Además, acentuó los procesos de incisión fluvial en el cauce, singularmente intensos en las inmediaciones de los puentes que cruzan el río, Este proceso denota un déficit sedimentario provocado por los cambios de usos del suelo, la extracción de áridos y la retención de sedimentos en los embalses de la cuenca. El presente trabajo, describe estos procesos de cambio y analiza sus implicaciones morfosedimentarias, a partir de la fotointerpretación de imágenes anteriores, simultáneas y posteriores a la crecida

    Inhibition of cAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein in Striatal Neurons Enhances Approach and Avoidance Responses toward Morphine- and Morphine Withdrawal-related Cues

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    To investigate the role of cAMP responsive element binding protein (CREB)-dependent gene expression in morphine induced behaviors, we examined bitransgenic mice expressing a dominant and strong inhibitor of the CREB family of transcription factors, A-CREB, in striatal neurons in a regulatable manner. The expression of A-CREB in the striatum enhanced both morphine-induced conditioned place preference and morphine withdrawal-induced conditioned place avoidance. Our experiments thereby support a role for CREB in striatal neurons regulating approach and avoidance responses toward drug-related cues

    Flood processes and morphological changes in aggradational ephemeral rivers. Reconstruction of the October 1957 flood in the Rambla Castellarda (Spain)

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    During the latter half of the twentieth century, Mediterranean ephemeral rivers underwent a profound metamorphosis. Fluvial adjustment processes narrowed the channels, simplified their planform pattern and notably reduced sediment availability. Today, this makes it extremely difficult to analyse the behaviour of this type of river in former aggradational contexts, such as those seen at the middle part of the twentieth century. For this reason, this paper addresses a reconstruction and analysis of the 1957 flood that occurred in the Rambla Castellarda, a tributary of the Turia river. The research is based, among other sources, on a series of extraordinary, high-precision aerial photographs carried out a few weeks after the flood. These images make it possible to recreate the processes observed in this ephemeral river and map the post-event river forms. Results show the behaviour of a Mediterranean aggradational ephemeral stream, very different from the current processes, and allows a comparative reflection to be made about flood processes in different sedimentary contexts. The study reveals that in-channel agricultural activity was, together with floods, the most relevant factor conditioning the river channel adjustment trajectory in that sedimentary context. Finally, the analysis of the impact of the flood in the Tura river highlights the importance of overflows - and therefore the connection between channel-floodplain - both for in-channel processes and in the lamination of floods. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, los ríos efímeros mediterráneos han experimentado una profunda metamorfosis. Han sufrido procesos de ajuste fluvial que han estrechado los cauces, han simplificado sus formas y han reducido notablemente la disponibilidad de sedimentos. Esto hace que sea extremadamente difícil analizar hoy el comportamiento de este tipo de ríos en contextos agradacionales previos, como el que tenían hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX. Por ello, este artículo aborda el análisis de la crecida de 1957 en la Rambla Castellarda, afluente del río Túria. La investigación se basa, entre otras fuentes, en una extraordinaria serie de fotografías aéreas de alta precisión llevadas a cabo pocas semanas después de la riada. Estas imágenes nos permiten reconstruir los procesos observados en este río efímero y cartografiar las formas del río post-evento. Los resultados muestran el comportamiento de un río efímero agradacional mediterráneo, muy diferente a los procesos actuales, y permiten hacer una reflexión comparativa sobre los procesos de inundación en diferentes contextos sedimentarios. El estudio revela que la actividad agrícola en el cauce fue, junto con las inundaciones, el factor más relevante que condicionó la trayectoria de ajuste del cauce del río en dicho contexto sedimentario. Finalmente, el análisis del impacto de la crecida del río Turia pone de relieve la importancia de los desbordamientos -y por tanto de la conexión cauce-llano de inundación- tanto para los procesos en el cauce como en la laminación de las crecidas

    Distribución de la erosión en cauces excavados en roca madre: micro y mesoformas en los cañones fl uviocársti cos

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    [EN] This paper examines erosional forms and processes in a calcareous bedrock channel, in the Tambuc rambla (Caroig platf orm, Valencia). The analysis of forms demonstrates the dominance of abrasion, erosion and quarrying over corrosion processes. The incision caused by channel fl ow (forming flutes, potholes and inner channels) has been more eff ective than other produced by dissoluti on (resulting in kamenitza and rillenkarren). The hydrodynamic processes, which are strongly structurally infl uenced, produce an irregular longitudinal profile with several knickpoints.[ES] En el presente trabajo se analizan las formas y los procesos de erosión del lecho de un meandro de la rambla del Tambuc, encajado en las calizas subtabulares de la plataforma del Caroig (Valencia). El análisis de las formas demuestra el predominio de procesos de abrasión, evorsión y remoción sobre los de corrosión. La incisión producida por el flujo del canal (en forma de surcos, marmitas de gigante y canales interiores) ha sido más efectiva que la generada por procesos de disolución (manifiestos en cuencos y rillenkarren). El dominio de los procesos hidrodinámicos, fuertemente condicionados por la estructura, da como resultado la formación de un perfil longitudinal irregular con numerosas rupturas de pendiente.This work was supported by Research projects CGL2006-11242-C03-02 and CGL2009-14220-C02-02, from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and financed with FEDER funds.Sanchis Ibor, C.; Segura, F.; Rosselló, V. (2011). Distribution of bedrock channel erosion. Micro and mesoforms in fluviokarstic canyons. Cuaternario y Geomorfología. 25(3):59-69. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/29656S596925

    Using post-flood surveys and geomorphologic mapping to evaluate hydrological and hydraulic models: The flash flood of the Girona River (Spain) in 2007

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    This paper analyzes the Girona River (Spain) flash flood, occurred on the 12th of October 2007, combining hydrological and hydraulic modeling with geomorphologic mapping and post-flood survey information. This research aims to reproduce the flood event in order to understand and decipher the flood processes and dynamics on a system of prograding alluvial fans. The hydrological model TETIS was used to characterize the shape and dimension of the October 2007 Girona River hydrograph. Subsequently, the flood event was reproduced using the free surface flow module of the model RiverFlow2D. The combination of hydrological and hydraulic models was evaluated using post-flood surveys defining maximum flooded area and flood depths. Then, simulations with different peak discharges were carried out to estimate the hydro-geomorphologic response of the Girona River floodplain, through the identification of the activation thresholds in different geomorphic elements. Results showed that the unit peak discharge of the October 2007 flood event (5 m3 s−1 km−2) was among the largest ever recorded in the area, according to the existing literature. Likewise, the hydraulic model showed a good performance in reproducing the flood event (FitA = 76%, RMSE = 0.65 m and NSE = 0.6), despite the complexity of the case, an ephemeral and ungauged river. The model simulation revealed the existence of an activation pattern of paleochannels and alluvial fans, which was altered by the presence of some anthropogenic disturbances. This multidisciplinary approach proved to be a useful strategy for understanding flash flood processes in ungauged catchments. It allowed understanding the mechanisms governing floods in alluvial fans systems and it represented a solid contribution for early warning plans and risk mitigation policies.This collaborative research was financed with the projects CGL2013-44917-R and SLWAMED CGL2014-58127-C3-2, of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government. Both projects were co-financed with FEDER funds. The observed rainfall and water discharge records were provided by "Sistema Automatic de Information Hidrologica (SAIH)", which belongs to the CHJ (Spain). This work was also possible due to the kind cooperation of the members of the Plataforma Ciutadana Riu Girona and several anonymous farmers interviewed during the field works. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their useful and thought-provoking comments.Segura-Beltrán, F.; Sanchis Ibor, C.; Morales-Hernández, M.; González-Sanchis, MDC.; Bussi, G.; Ortiz, E. (2016). Using post-flood surveys and geomorphologic mapping to evaluate hydrological and hydraulic models: The flash flood of the Girona River (Spain) in 2007. Journal of Hydrology. 541(Part A):310-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.039S310329541Part

    Advancing Co-governance through Framing Processes: Insights from Action-Research in the Requena-Utiel Aquifer (Eastern Spain)

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    In recent years, co-management has been highlighted in the scientific literature as fundamental strategy for groundwater control. However, the development of this institutional architecture is complex and presents important pitfalls and challenges. In this article we analyse the recent experience of co-management in the Requena-Utiel aquifer (Spain), based on a participatory action research. It aims to advance the co-management of groundwater by facilitating a consensus among users, as a basis on which to support future self-governance measures. We used a cognitive framing approach, developed through interviews with local stakeholders, to analyse the conflicting visions on the aquifer management; and we developed an interactive framing approach, through workshops, to achieve a shared understanding of aquifer co-management. The research demonstrates the usefulness of these approaches to promote collective action and co-management in groundwater. It showed the key role that information and transparency play in gaining shared understanding and improving co-management; but also the difficulties of users in establishing agreements that question the current status quo on the aquifer

    Living Lab on improving groundwater governance in the Requena-Utiel aquifer

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 7th IAHR Europe Congress, celebrado en Atenas (Grecia) del 07 al 09 de septiembre de 2022.The European research projects InTheMED and eGROUNDWATER share the aim of promoting innovative and sustainable management of the Mediterranean aquifers. One of the ways to achieve this objective is the creation of dynamic spaces in which all interested actors can cooperate, experiment and evaluate innovative ideas, different scenarios and new technologies on real cases of interest. In this regard, a living lab on improving groundwater governance, coordinated by the eGROUNDWATER team with the participation of the InTheMED team, was organized including all stakeholders who play a significant role in the management of the Requena-Utiel aquifer, which is a shared pilot site of the two projects. The aim of the living lab was to identify, together with stakeholders, problems and mitigation measures, and to evaluate possible strategies to satisfy the individual needs according to a sustainable use of the groundwater resources.Research financed by the InTheMED project, which is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (GA n. 1923). It has also received funding from the eGROUNDWATER project (GA n. 1921), part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    Channel forms recovery in an ephemeral river after gravel mining (Palancia River, Eastern Spain)

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    During the 1970s, the Palancia River was intensively affected by gravel mining instream. This activity completely destroyed the fluvial forms, devastating the original wandering pattern. At the end of the 1980s, gravel mining ceased and the river started a process of recovery, only altered by several clearing operations. The aim of this work is to describe these processes of change, analyzing the river's morphosedimentary conditions through a GIS analysis of aerial photographs previous to, simultaneous with, and subsequent to the intense gravel mining activity. Results explain the current difficulties of some ephemeral rivers to recover their original forms, because of the sediment and water deficit conditions, the critical role of channel incision and inappropriate actions of river clearing and channelization for flood prevention

    Spatial variability of channel changes in a mediterranean ephemeral stream in the last six decades (1946-2006)

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    An analysis of morphological changes during the last six decades is presented for the Rambla de Cervera, a Mediterranean ephemeral stream located in the eastern sector of the Iberian Mountain Range. The studied channel (16.5 km) has two contrasted sectors: a horst confined sector (5.5 km) and a graben sector (11 km). Channel changes were analysed through the analysis of aerial photographs, with geographical information systems (GIS) and comparison of topographic surveys made with a GPS-RTK. Between 1946 and 2006 the Rambla de Cervera, underwent channel adjustments comparable to those observed in other Mediterranean rivers. The gravel channel markedly narrowed, losing width (68.5%) and channel surface area (45.7%), and incision processes occurred along the entire study reach at an average depth of 3.5 m. The progressive reduction of discharge and sediment supply due to land use changes, gravel mining and hydroclimatic variability has been considered responsible for these changes. However, these morphological changes exhibit an interesting temporal variability, with a maximum decrease of the gravel channel in the period 1946-1956 and another clear narrowing stage between 1977 and 1991, whereas incision mainly progressed after 1977. In addition, a contrasted behavior between the graben and horst sectors has been observed and analyzed. The horst sector underwent a constant and continuous trend, whereas the graben sector had more intense changes and two stages with significant reverse trajectories. The differential behavior of the graben and horst sectors was caused by the different responses generated by the overlapping of the lack of sediment supply, the timing and intensity of flood events and the particular hydraulic conditions of both sectors. The hydraulic geometry of the different river sections conditioned the effectiveness of flood events, influencing on the existence or absence of floodplain destructive trajectories and on the stability of fluvial forms