13 research outputs found

    Nécropole Santa Rosa (Rome, Cité du Vatican)

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    La nécropole Santa Rosa est, en fait, une partie de la nécropole romaine qui longeait la Via Trionfale. Elle a fait l’objet d’une intervention de fouilles préventives liée l’aménagement d’un parking souterrain. Si l’analyse des données archéologiques et épigraphiques était largement avancée, il n’en était pas de même des investigations anthropologiques relatives aux sépultures à crémation, pour lesquelles rien n’avait encore été engagé. Afin de pallier cette carence, une convention quadripart..

    Nécropole Santa Rosa (Rome, Cité du Vatican)

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    L’année 2013 a vu se poursuivre les recherches anthropologiques entreprises depuis novembre 2011 dans cette portion de la vaste nécropole romaine qui longeait la Via Triumphalis, dont la fouille s’est déroulée dans un contexte d’archéologie préventive. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le programme d’une convention quadripartite qui a été signée au printemps 2012 entre la Direction des Musei Vaticani, l’École française de Rome, l’Université Bordeaux 1 (UMR 5199, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie) et la..

    Nécropole Santa Rosa (Rome, Cité du Vatican)

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    Les recherches anthropologiques commencées en novembre 2011 ont été poursuivies dans la nécropole Santa Rosa, une portion de la vaste zone funéraire qui se développait à l’époque antique le long de la Via Triumphalis. Lors de la fouille de cet ensemble, qui s’est déroulée dans un contexte d’archéologie préventive, les monuments ont été dégagés mais les urnes cinéraires prises dans la maçonnerie ont été conservées in situ avec leur contenu, de sorte qu’il est aujourd’hui possible de les étudie..

    Piazza Navone, 62

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    Bernard Jean-François, Dewailly Martine, Lovergne Edwige, Caldarini Carla, Méniel Patrice, Russo Jacopo. Piazza Navone, 62. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 121, n°1. 2009. Antiquité. pp. 297-314

    MSCT study of ancient bone remains: investigative protocols

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    Obiettivo: Il nostro studio si è occupato di valutare l'ottimizzazione dell'immagine in MSCT per lo studio dei resti ossei antichi. Nonostante l'esperienza di numerosi anni per lo studio di immagini anatomiche di piccole dimensioni come ad esempio la catena ossiculare dell'orecchio medio in bambini. L'ostacolo maggiore per i reperti antichi è stato che tutti i protocolli non tenevano conto dell’assenza dei tessuti molli. Materiali e metodo: Abbiamo utilizzato per il nostro studio due reperti archeologici messi a disposizione dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo e l’Area Archeologica Centrale di Roma (Castel Malnome ) che sono stati sottoposti a varie esposizioni con apparecchiatura TC Toshiba Aquilion 16 strati. Si è proceduto a 5 tipologie di esposizione al fine di identificare i protocolli con variazione dei parametri di acquisizione iniziando da un corretto centraggio del reperto, del FOV, dei kV e dei mA, tempo di esposizione, pitch e la selezione del filtro più idoneo. Risultati: La tabella di riferimento dei risultati piuttosto articolata ha evidenziato che pur avendo dei limiti tecnici dovuti alla macchina si possono eseguire esami a bassa dose di alta qualità per tutte le attrezzature MSCT

    Metastatic Prostate Carcinoma from Imperial Rome (1st to 2nd Centuries AD)

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    This study describes and discusses a rare case of metastatic carcinoma that affected the skeleton of an adult male recovered in the necropolis of Casal Bertone in Rome (Italy). The necropolis, which dates back to the Imperial Age (1st to 2nd century AD), is located near some residential structures and a large place identified as a fullery (fullonica)

    Lavorare a Roma in etĂ  imperiale : nuove prospettive dalle indagini antropologiche

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    La fouille systématique des sépultures menée par la Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma au cours des quinze dernières années a permis de rassembler un grand nombre de données bio-archéologiques. Ce travail a pour but de mettre en évidence le rôle de la population comme force de travail en prenant en compte différents marqueurs de stress biomécaniques visibles sur le squelette. L’échantillon consiste en 874 individus, provenant de nécropoles fouillées dans le Suburbium et datables dans la grande majorité des cas entre le ier et le iiier s. ap. J.-C. Afin de mettre en évidence les différences entre plusieurs nécropoles romaines, les données ont été traitées par analyses de correspondance, ce qui montre comment des nécropoles topographiquement distinctes peuvent être rattachées à des populations relatives à différents types de travail.The systematic excavation of funerary sites carried out by the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma during the last years, has allowed the collection of a considerable amount of bio-archaeological data. This work aims to highlights the role of the population as work force, taking in accountseveral biomechanical stress markers from the skeleton. The sample consists of 874 skeletons dating between I-III century AD. In order to statistically highlight the differences among selected roman necropolis, the data were analyzed through the correspondence analysis, that shows as topographically distant necropolis might be accounted to different workload pertaining the population

    Mezzo millennio di storia romana a Casal Bernocchi-Malafede. I risultati degli scavi 2015

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    L’articolo ha lo scopo di presentare i risultati degli studi riguardanti il sito archeologico sito in località Casal Bernocchi-Malafede, lungo la via Ostiense, articolato in tre nuclei principali, costituiti da un impianto termale, una struttura interpretata come un mausoleo, e una vasta necropoli. Viene conseguentemente presentato lo sviluppo cronologico del contesto, inquadrabile in quattro macro fasi: a) la realizzazione dei primi interventi costruttivi di incerta interpretazione in Età Repubblicana; b) lo sviluppo monumentale dell’area fra I e II secolo d.C. attraverso la costruzione delle terme e del mausoleo; c) l’espansione di un’ampia area adibita ad uso sepolcrale in età Medio e Tardo-Imperiale; d) l’abbandono delle strutture e la cessazione dell’utilizzo della necropoli fra IV e V secolo d.C. Infine, viene presentata una proposta interpretativa del contesto, secondo cui i rinvenimenti costituirebbero parte di una ricca villa suburbana localizzata sul tracciato della via Ostiense.A half millennium of Roman history in Casal Bernocchi. 2015 excavation’s results. The article presents the results of the studies concerning the archaeological site located in Casal Bernocchi-Malafede, along the via Ostiense. The context can be divided in three main areas; a monumental thermal bath, a mausoleum, and a vast necropolis. The paper investigates the chronological development of the site, through the identification of four main phases: a) the first constructive interventions during the Republican Era; b) the monumental development of the site between the first and the second century A.D., through the building of the Roman thermae and the mausoleum; c) the expansion of a large necropolis in the Middle and Late-Imperial Era; d) the dismissal of the structures and the cessation of use of the necropolis between the fourth and the fifth century A.D. Finally, an interpretation of the context is proposed, according to which the archaeological context can be read as part of a rich suburban villa, located on the via Ostiense

    Infant burials related to inhabited areas in Rome. New results for understanding socio-cultural structures of an ancient community

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    In antiquity, children who died during the prenatal period or in the first years of life represent a very high percentage of the deceased population. However, according to archaeological evidence, the record of infant burials found in cemeteries is low and cannot be considered completely representative of neo-natal and infant mortality. The underestimation of children in the necropoleis indicates that a specific funeral treatment probably occurred for infants. This is particularly evident in Latium where the custom of burying infants and children inside the inhabited areas, near or below huts consistently occurred from the 9th century to the 6th-5th century BC. Significant evidence of this custom comes from the northern part of ancient Latium, at the sites of Rome, Ficana, Pratica di Mare and Ardea. This chapter discusses the evidence from Rome where a certain number of infant burials were found during excavations in the 20th century and also in recent years. The infant burials found in the Roman Forum, near the temple of Antoninus and Faustina, by Giacomo Boni at the beginning of the 20th century, together with the burials recently discovered in the Caesar Forum and on the Capitolium hill in the area of Giardino Romano, are discussed and analysed using a new approach. The results have been compared with those from past research. Bioarchaeological data, and especially identification of the sex and age of the dead together with zooarchaeological an archaeobotanical data, allow a better understanding of the structure of the earliest community of Rome, with particular regard to health, nutrition and diet