30 research outputs found

    The formal verification of a pipelined double-precision IEEE floating-point multiplier

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    Floating-point circuits are notoriously difficult to design and verify. For verification, simulation barely offers adequate coverage, conventional model-checking techniques are infeasible, and theorem-proving based verification is not sufficiently mature. In this paper we present the formal verification of a radix-eight, pipelined, IEEE double-precision floating-point multiplier. The verification was carried out using a mixture of model-checking and theorem-proving techniques in the Voss hardware verification system. By combining model-checking and theorem-proving we were able to build on the strengths of both areas and achieve significant results with a reasonable amount of effort.

    Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation

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    ion The main problem with model checking is the state explosion problem -- the state space grows exponentially with system size. Two methods have some popularity in attacking this problem: compositional methods and abstraction. While they cannot solve the problem in general, they do offer significant improvements in performance. The direct method of verifying that a circuit has a property f is to show the model M satisfies f . The idea behind abstraction is that instead of verifying property f of model M , we verify property f A of model MA and the answer we get helps us answer the original problem. The system MA is an abstraction of the system M . One possibility is to build an abstraction MA that is equivalent (e.g. bisimilar [48]) to M . This sometimes leads to performance advantages if the state space of MA is smaller than M . This type of abstraction would more likely be used in model comparison (e.g. as in [38]). Typically, the behaviour of an abstraction is not equivalent..

    A Mathematically Precise Two-Level Formal Hardware Verification Methodology

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    Theorem-proving and symbolic trajectory evaluation are both described as methods for the formal verification of hardware. They are both used to achieve a common goal---correctly designed hardware---and both are intended to be an alternative to conventional methods based on non-exhaustive simulation. However, they have different strengths and weaknesses. The main significance of this paper is the description of a two-level approach to formal hardware verification, where the HOL theorem prover is combined with the Voss verification system. From symbolic trajectory evaluation we inherit a high degree of automation and accurate models of circuit behavior and timing. From interactive theorem-proving we gain access to powerful mathematical tools such as induction and abstraction. The interface between the HOL and Voss is, however, more than just an ad hoc translation of verification results obtained by one tool into input for the other tool. We have developed a "mathematical" inte..

    Formal Verification by Symbolic Evaluation of Partially-Ordered Trajectories

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    Symbolic trajectory evaluation provides a means to formally verify properties of a sequential system by a modified form of symbolic simulation. The desired system properties are expressed in a notation combining Boolean expressions and the temporal logic "next-time" operator. In its simplest form, each property is expressed as an assertion [A =) C], where the antecedent A expresses some assumed conditions on the system state over a bounded time period, and the consequent C expresses conditions that should result. A generalization allows simple invariants to be established and proven automatically. The verifie

    Digital Circuit Verification using Partially-Ordered State Models

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    Many aspects of digital circuit operation can be efficiently verified by simulating circuit operation over “weakened” state values. This technique has long been practiced with logic simulators, using the value X to indicate a signal that could be either 0 or 1. This concept can be formally extended to a wider class of circuit models and signal values, yielding lattice-structured state domains. For more precise modeling of circuit operation, these values can be encoded in binary and hence represented symbolically as Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. The net result is a tool for formal verification that can apply a hybrid of symbolic and partially-ordered evaluation. </p