6 research outputs found

    Guide for agroecological transition & climate change in viticulture, a tool for the sector intended to understand the issues and design the future of viticulture, demonstrating the commitment of French vineyards to environmental transition

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    In 2014, the French public authorities launched the agroecological project for France. This project aimed at starting the transition of French agriculture towards new production systems that are more efficient in the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. As a result, work involving the French Institute of Vine and Wine (IFV) and the National Institute of Origin and Quality (INAO), led to the publication of a “Guide for agroecology in viticulture” in early 2017. In early 2022, the guide was revised to become the “Guide for Agroecological Transition & Climate Change”. "Representation of the agroecological transition in viticulture", and the new agroecological themes - climate, soil, air, and atmosphere - have been created; the corresponding regulatory or possible agri-environmental measures have been created or updated. This “Guide for agroecological transition & climate change in viticulture” is a reference document accessible to all, which helps to understand the issues and design the future of viticulture. It is also a great tool to demonstrate the commitment of French vineyards to environmental transition. The guide has received the sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture and is prefaced by the Minister of Agriculture

    Le guide de l'agroécologie en viticulture, un outil pour la filière

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    In 2014, the French public authorities launched the agroecological project for France. This project aimed at starting the transition of French agriculture towards new production systems that are more efficient in the economic, social and environmental dimensions. In 2016, the National Institute of Origin and Quality (INAO), in charge of French geographical indications (GI), validated the integration of agrienvironmental measures into specifications of French GIs. A work involving the French Institute of Vine and Wine (IFV) and INAO resulted in the publication of a “Guide for agroecology in viticulture” in early 2017. This guide describes agroecological measures that can be integrated into the production rules of French GIs. Those measures are classified according to the five themes initially identified by INAO. An agrienvironmental measure is the implementation of a strategic orientation articulated on the five themes of agroecology. Each measure is constructed on the basis of the knowledge of sustainable viticulture, the evolution of practices, examples already existing in the regions, including the specifications of the GIs. Accessible to all, the ambition of this guide is to provide technical benchmarks for winegrowers who wish to develop their practices individually or collectively in order to initiate or deepen an agrienvironmental approach

    The agro-ecologie of the soils: Concept, wine application, example of France / L'agro-écologie des terroirs : concept, application viticole, exemple de la France

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    Agro-ecology is a way of practicing agriculture by as well as possible using the operation and the resources of nature while preserving its capacitances of renewal. This approach mainly aims at reconciling agricultural development, environmental protection and biodiversity. In France, following a report coordinated by Mr. Guillou, this approach was encouraged at the end of 2012 by the Ministry for Agriculture, the Agroecology and the Forest with for objective reconciling economic and social environmental performances. For the viticulture, the challenges relate mainly to the reduction of the use of the plant health products. Within this framework, beyond the tweaking of the application of the plant health products, the vineyards must develop agro-ecological structures favorable to the biodiversity and valorization of the landscapes, support of eco-winetourism. They are made up, essentially, of the hedges, thickets, trees isolated and aligned, managed tapes buffers, low walls, benches. This topic was the object of a European program BIODIVINE (www.biodivine.eu) associated with operations of demonstration in various vineyards in France, Spain and in Portugal. The communication aims to define the concept of agro-ecology and to formalize to leave the experiment France the application to the vine terroirs

    The agro-ecologie of the soils: Concept, wine application, example of France / L'agro-écologie des terroirs : concept, application viticole, exemple de la France

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    Agro-ecology is a way of practicing agriculture by as well as possible using the operation and the resources of nature while preserving its capacitances of renewal. This approach mainly aims at reconciling agricultural development, environmental protection and biodiversity. In France, following a report coordinated by Mr. Guillou, this approach was encouraged at the end of 2012 by the Ministry for Agriculture, the Agroecology and the Forest with for objective reconciling economic and social environmental performances. For the viticulture, the challenges relate mainly to the reduction of the use of the plant health products. Within this framework, beyond the tweaking of the application of the plant health products, the vineyards must develop agro-ecological structures favorable to the biodiversity and valorization of the landscapes, support of eco-winetourism. They are made up, essentially, of the hedges, thickets, trees isolated and aligned, managed tapes buffers, low walls, benches. This topic was the object of a European program BIODIVINE (www.biodivine.e

    Les textes médiévaux face à l'édition scientifique contemporaine.

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    Le texte médiéval est soumis, dans sa construction et sa diffusion, à un travail éditorial qui en modifie nécessairement la nature et la réception. Face à la mouvance du texte au Moyen Âge et devant l’hétérogénéité des pratiques éditoriales médiévales, quels ont été les partis-pris scientifiques de l’édition de ces trente dernières années ? Depuis le xixe siècle, la philologie a connu de nombreuses évolutions : comment le travail éditorial a-t-il intégré, adapté ou rejeté les acquis de ses prédécesseurs ? Par ailleurs, Internet est depuis ces quinze dernières années l’un des principaux vecteurs de transformation de l’édition de textes médiévaux et les enjeux de cette révolution éditoriale n’ont pas encore fait l’objet d’un bilan. La dématérialisation du livre suppose nécessairement une construction et une transmission différente du texte. On pourra notamment se demander dans quelle mesure cet outil parvient ou non à pallier les limites techniques du livre imprimé et à renouveler l’approche de l’objet manuscrit dans ce qu’il a de plus singulier. Cependant, l’édition sur Internet, la numérisation du patrimoine manuscrit et tous les outils électroniques de ressources textuelles qui se développent aujourd’hui n’imposent-ils pas un nouveau mirage ? Le sentiment d’un accès apparemment illimité et sans contrainte à l’objet manuscrit ne produit-il pas de nouveaux écarts interprétatifs entre le texte édité et le manuscrit ? Les contribution qui forment la partie « Études et travaux » de ce premier numéro en ligne de Perspectives médiévales apportent des éléments de réponse et des éclairages à ces questionnement qui traversent l’histoire et les pratiques contemporaines de l’édition des textes médiévaux. Sébastien Douche