450 research outputs found

    Performance of the diamond active target prototype for the PADME experiment at the DAΦ\PhiNE BTF

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    The PADME experiment at the DAΦ\PhiNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) is designed to search for the gauge boson of a new U(1)\rm U(1) interaction in the process e+^+e−→γ^-\rightarrow\gamma+A′\rm A', using the intense positron beam hitting a light target. The A′\rm A', usually referred as dark photon, is assumed to decay into invisible particles of a secluded sector and it can be observed by searching for an anomalous peak in the spectrum of the missing mass measured in events with a single photon in the final state. The measurement requires the determination of the 4-momentum of the recoil photon, performed by a homogeneous, highly segmented BGO crystals calorimeter. A significant improvement of the missing mass resolution is possible using an active target capable to determine the average position of the positron bunch with a resolution of less than 1 mm. This report presents the performance of a real size (2x2cm2)\rm (2x2 cm^2) PADME active target made of a thin (50 μ\mum) diamond sensor, with graphitic strips produced via laser irradiation on both sides. The measurements are based on data collected in a beam test at the BTF in November 2015.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Study of a metal-halide perovskite CsPbBr3 thin film deposited on a 10B layer for neutron detection

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    Metal halide perovskite materials have received significant attention in recent years due to their promising properties and potential applications, particularly their use as scintillator detectors, which is rapidly emerging due to their promising advantages as detectors, such as low costs, fast response, high quantum yield, strong absorption, scalability, flexibility, and emission wavelength tunability. Given the effectiveness of perovskites as α particle detectors and the potential of 10B as a neutron converter, in this paper a 10B converting layer was coupled with an all-inorganic lead halide perovskite (CsPbBr3) layer aiming to create a thermal neutron detector. Specifically, a 1 μm thin film of 10B and a 1 μm thin layer of CsPbBr3 were deposited on a suitable substrate using a laser ablation process. The fabricated detector was subjected to a comprehensive characterization, including structural, morphological, and detection properties. As output, the films exhibit macroscopically uniform behavior and good adhesion to the substrate. In terms of thermal neutron efficiency, an efficiency of (7.9 ± 0.3)% was determined with respect to a commercial detector (EJ-426), which corresponds to an intrinsic efficiency of (2.5 ± 0.1)%. Also, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted, and the optimum value of the 10B layer thickness was found to be 2.5 μm

    Beam test results of PADME full carbon active diamond target

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    A full carbon diamond detector is proposed for the active target of PADME, an experiment which uses the positron beam of the BTF (Beam Test Facility) at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati to search for the production of dark photons in e+e− annihilation (M. Raggi et al., Adv. High Energy Phys. 2014 (2014) 959802). This paper presents the preliminary results of a beam test done in November 2015 of the PADME active target prototyp

    Thermal neutron conversion by high purity 10B-enriched layers: PLD-growth, thickness-dependence and neutron-detection performances

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    Neutron applications and detection are of paramount importance in industry, medicine, scientific research, homeland security, production of extreme UV optics and so on. Neutron detection requires a converter element that, as a result of its interaction with neutrons, produces reaction products (mainly charged particles) whose detection can be correlated with the neutron flux. Reduced availability and increased cost of the most used converter element, 3He, have triggered research efforts for alternative materials, proper deposition methods and new detector architectures. 10B converter is a valid alternative to 3He thanks to its high thermal neutron cross section and relatively high Q value. In this paper we report on the room temperature Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of high quality and uniform 10B films with the expected density, different thickness values (0.5, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 and 2.0 μm) and uniform thickness over a circular area of about 30 mm in diameter. Additionally, they are adherent to the substrate with a negligible presence of contaminants. The conversion properties of such 10B coatings coupled to a Si solid state detector are studied upon exposure to a neutron flux from an Am-Be neutron source (2.2·106 n/s). The experimental results, compared with spectra simulated by using a GEANT4 code, present a good agreement and efficiencies of the order of a few percent

    Proof-of-concept Raman spectroscopy study aimed to differentiate thyroid follicular patterned lesions.

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    Inter-observer variability and cancer over-diagnosis are emerging clinical problems, especially for follicular patterned thyroid lesions. This challenge strongly calls for a new clinical tool to reliably identify neoplastic lesions and to improve the efficiency of differentiation between benign and malignant neoplasms, especially considering the increased diagnosis of small carcinomas and the growing number of thyroid nodules. In this study, we employed a Raman spectroscopy (RS) microscope to investigate frozen thyroid tissues from fourteen patients with thyroid nodules. To generate tissue classification models, a supervised statistical analysis of the Raman spectra was performed. The results obtained demonstrate an accuracy of 78% for RS based diagnosis to discriminate between normal parenchyma and follicular patterned thyroid nodules, and 89% accuracy - for very challenging follicular lesions (carcinoma versus adenoma). RS translation into intraoperative diagnosis of frozen sections and in preoperative analysis of biopsies can be very helpful to reduce unnecessary surgery in patients with indeterminate cytological reports

    The role of macrophages polarization in predicting prognosis of radically resected gastric cancer patients

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    Tumour-associated Macrophages (TAM) present two different polarizations: classical (M1) characterized by immunostimulation activity and tumour suppression; alternative (M2) characterized by tumour promotion and immune suppression. In this retrospective study, we evaluated the correlation between the two forms of TAM with survival time in radically resected gastric cancer patients. A total of 52 chemo- and radio- naive patients were included. Two slides were prepared for each patient and double-stained for CD68/NOS2 (M1) or CD68/CD163 (M2) and five representative high-power fields per slide were evaluated for TAM count. The median value of the two macrophage populations density and the median value of M1/M2 ratio were used as cut-off. Twenty-seven patients with M1 density above-the-median had a significantly higher survival compared to those below the median. Twenty-six patients with M1/M2 ratio above the median showed median OS of 27.2 months compared to 15.5 months of the patients below the median. No association between M2 macrophage density and patient’s outcome was found. In multivariate analysis, M1/M2 was a positive independent predictor of survival. The M1 macrophage density and M1/M2 ratio, as con- firmed in multivariate analysis, are factors that can help in predicting patients survival time after radical surgery for gastric cancer

    Characterization of Spectral Entanglement of Spontaneous Parametric-Down Conversion Biphotons

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    We verified operational approach based on direct measurement of entanglement degree for bipartite systems. In particular spectral distributions of single counts and coincidence for pure biphoton states generated by train of short pump pulses have been measured and entanglement quantifier calculated. The approach gives upper bound of entanglement stored in total biphoton states, which can reach extremely high value up to 104−10510^{4}-10^{5}

    Diamond graphitization by laser-writing for all-carbon detector applications

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    The surface of a detector grade CVD polycrystalline diamond sample (5 × 5 × 0.05 mm3) was irradiated by an ArF excimer laser (λ = 193 nm, τ = 20 ns) to produce graphitic conductive layers. In particular, two sets of four parallel graphitic strip-like contacts, with 1 mm pitch, were created along the whole sample on the top and on the rear surfaces of the sample respectively. The two series of stripes lie normally to each other. Such a grid allows to obtain a segmented all-carbon device capable of giving bi-dimensional information on particle detection processes in nuclear applications. Afterwards, an extensive characterization of the samples was performed: SEM and micro-Raman investigations to study the morphological and structural evolution of the irradiated areas, EDS measurements to individuate any absorption phenomena from environment associated to laser treatment, and nanoindentation mapping to understand how the hard-soft transformation occurred depending on the locally transferred energy. Finally, current-voltage analyses were carried out checking the ohmic behavior of the diamond-graphite contact. By comparing the results of the different characterization analyses, a strong periodicity of the modified surface properties was found, confirming the reliability and reproducibility of the laser-induced graphitization process. The results demonstrate that the laser-writing technique is a good and fast solution to produce graphitic contacts on diamond surface and therefore represents a promising way to fabricate segmented all-carbon devices

    Fabrication of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon detector in 3-d geometry and preliminary test on planar prototypes

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) can be produced by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of SiH4 (silane) mixed with hydrogen. The resulting material shows outstanding radiation hardness properties and can be deposited on a wide variety of substrates. Devices employing a-Si:H technologies have been used to detect many different kinds of radiation, namely, minimum ionizing particles (MIPs), X-rays, neutrons, and ions, as well as low-energy protons and alphas. However, the detection of MIPs using planar a-Si:H diodes has proven difficult due to their unsatisfactory S/N ratio arising from a combination of high leakage current, high capacitance, and limited charge collection efficiency (50% at best for a 30 µm planar diode). To overcome these limitations, the 3D-SiAm collaboration proposes employing a 3D detector geometry. The use of vertical electrodes allows for a small collection distance to be maintained while preserving a large detector thickness for charge generation. The depletion voltage in this configuration can be kept below 400 V with a consequent reduction in the leakage current. In this paper, following a detailed description of the fabrication process, the results of the tests performed on the planar p-i-n structures made with ion implantation of the dopants and with carrier selective contacts are illustrated

    Testing of planar hydrogenated amorphous silicon sensors with charge selective contacts for the construction of 3D-detectors

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    Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) is a well known material for its intrinsic radiation hardness and is primarily utilized in solar cells as well as for particle detection and dosimetry. Planar p-i-n diode detectors are fabricated entirely by means of intrinsic and doped PECVD of a mixture of Silane (SiH4) and molecular hydrogen. In order to develop 3D detector geometries using a-Si:H, two options for the junction fabrication have been considered: ion implantation and charge selective contacts through atomic layer deposition. In order to test the functionality of the charge selective contact electrodes, planar detectors have been fabricated utilizing this technique. In this paper, we provide a general overview of the 3D fabrication project followed by the results of leakage current measurements and X-ray dosimetric tests performed on planar diodes containing charge selective contacts to investigate the feasibility of the charge selective contact methodology for integration with the proposed 3D detector architectures
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