7 research outputs found

    An assessment of public administration in the Philippines, 1986-1988

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    A Retreat from the Ideal: Reflections on a Frustrated Attempt to Study a Social Phenomenon the Natural Science Way

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    To provide Filipino social scientists an opportunity to design their own methodology for the analysis of socioeconomic impacts of a spectrum of governmental programs, the Economic and Social Impact Analysis/ Women in Development program has been instituted. This paper revisits this project and exposes what the author think as unexamined theories behind the usually accepted assumptions of the classic evaluation design and the casual model it implies. This is in the hope of better understanding not only of the difference between social and natural sciences but also of the linkage between methodology and theory as well.rural sector, impact analysis, sociology, evaluation design

    An Assessment of Public Administration in the Philippines, 1986-1988

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    The performance of Aquino administration in the area of public administration and governance at mid-term is mixed. While a number of important initiatives in decentralization have been made, there are areas that are still lacking attention. This is one of the conclusions made in this paper that attempts to assess the administration during the period running from 1986-1988.public policy, public sector

    A Compendium of Existing Mechanisms for Meeting Health Needs in the Philippines

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    health sector, health management, health service delivery