67 research outputs found

    介護士のコミュニケーションスキルアッププログラムの開発 : 介護士の「コミュニケーションスキル評価票」の作成

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    介護を要する高齢者に何らかのコミュニケーション障害がある場合,介護者とのコミュニケーションは成立しにくく介護負担は増大し,高齢者自身もコミュニケーションを楽しむ機会が減少する。本研究ではこのような問題に対する言語聴覚士のアプローチ方法の一つとして,介護士が高齢者の認知・コミュニケーション能力に応じたコミュニケーションスキルを習得するための支援という視点を取り上げる。本稿では介護士のコミュニケーションスキルを向上させる目的で開発した「介護士のコミュニケーションスキルアップ プログラム」の構成と本プログラムの中核となる介護士の「コミュニケーションスキル評価票」の作成方法およびその内容について報告する。評価票は老人保健施設の介護士と利用者との会話場面を基に,consensus methodの一つであるNominal Group Techniqueにより,評価項目となる概念を抽出し,試行版を経て作成した。When older adults in need of nursing care have communication disorders, caregivers may experience difficulty communicating with them. As a consequence, caregivers' stress may increase and opportunities for older adults to enjoy communication interaction with staff and/or friends may decrease. As the number of speech-language-hearing therapists (ST) who work in long-term care facilities increases, cooperation with caregivers has become a new theme for STs to solve. This motivated us to design a communication skill-up program for caregivers. This program focuses on improving the caregiver's communication skill to meet the communication needs of older adults. In this paper we describe the outline of this program and the process of developing an evaluation form for communication skill of caregivers. Once developed, such a form can serve for STs to check modifiable communication behavior of caregivers. It can also serve as a self-evaluation tool for caregivers to check their own communication behavior. In order to determine appropriate items for this form, we asked experienced STs to write down their impressions on videotaped conversation scenes between the residents and the caregivers of a facility for older adults. Nominal group technique, which is a consensus method, was used to extract relevant characteristics of their conversations. Through this procedure, an eighteen-item questionnaire "evaluation form for communication skill of caregivers" was developed.報告Report