1,781 research outputs found

    Nano-composite single grain YBa2Cu3O 7-δ/Y2Ba4CuBiOy bulk superconductors

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    We have succeeded recently in synthesizing a chemically stable, inert family of materials of composition Y2Ba4CuMOy (Y-2411 where M Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Zr, Hf) within the superconducting YBa 2Cu3O7-δ (Y-123) phase matrix that forms effective flux pinning centers of nano-scale dimensions. In this paper we report the synthesis of the Y2Ba4CuBiOy phase with nano-scale dimensions that is similarly compatible with the Y-123 matrix and which does not impair the properties of the bulk superconductor. YBa 2Cu3O7-δ/Y2BaCuO5 (Y-123/Y-211) precursor powders enriched with various amounts of Bi 2O3 and Y2Ba4CuBiOy have been fabricated successfully in the form of large, single grains by the top seeded melt growth (TSMG) process. Microstructural studies of these composites reveal the presence of nanometer-sized Y2Ba4CuBiO y and much larger Y-211 phase particles (∼1 νm) embedded in the Y-123 phase matrix. The critical current density of the nano-composites is observed to increase significantly compared to undoped YBCO. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Growth rate and superconducting properties of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors melt processed in air

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    A generic Mg-doped Nd-Ba-Cu-O seed crystal has been developed recently for the fabrication of any type of rare earth (RE) based (RE)-Ba-Cu-O single grain bulk superconductor in air. The new generic seed simplifies significantly the top seeded melt growth (TSMG) process for light rare earth based (Nd, Sm, Gd, or mixed rare earth elements) bulk superconductors, in particular. GdBCO single grains have been fabricated successfully in air using the new seed in a cold-seeding process. In this study, precursor powders were enriched with different amounts of BaO2 to investigate the extent of substitution of Gd for Ba in the Gd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-delta solid solution phase. The growth process of large single grains in air was investigated at various growth temperatures under isothermal processing conditions. Crystal growth rate as a function of under-cooling and BaO2 content has been determined from these experiments. The spatial variation of Tc and transition temperature width for applied field aligned along the a/b and c-axis of grains fabricated with different BaO2 content has also been investigated in order to understand the extent of the formation of Gd/Ba solid solution with varying growth temperature and precursor composition. These results have been used to establish the optimum conditions for fabricating solid solution-free, large single grains of GdBCO in air

    Strongly coupled artificial bulk HTS grain boundaries with high critical current densities

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    A multi-seeding process has been developed to fabricate single Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) grains containing strong artificial grain boundaries. Multi-seeding of heterogeneous YBCO grains with controlled orientation was achieved using large Sm-Ba-Cu-O (SmBCO) single crystal seeds of rod-like geometry with slots of various widths (up to 13 mm) cut into their bottom surface (i.e. parallel to the c-axis of the seed) to produce a bridge-like structure. Several YBCO grains with artificial grain boundaries were fabricated from these seed crystals and used to investigate the effect of varying the distance between the individual grain nucleation sites and the grain orientation (in-plane and out of plane) on the nature of grain boundaries. The measured local magnetic critical current density (Jc) and the magnitude of the trapped field across these artificial grain boundaries indicate that seed alignment is a key parameter in achieving strongly-coupled grain boundaries in multi-seeded grains

    Bulk superconducting nano-composites with high critical currents

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    Flux pinning sites are most effective if their size is comparable to the superconducting coherence length, which is on the nano-meter scale for RE-Ba-Cu-O superconductors [RE = rare earth element]. Introducing nano-phase inclusions directly into the bulk superconducting material has only been partially successful to date, however, due primarily to the absence of chemically stable phases that can co-exist with RE-Ba-Cu-O without suppressing its key superconducting properties. We have identified novel isostructural phases based on (RE)2Ba4CuMOy (where M = W, Zr, Nb, Ag and Bi) and have fabricated successfully superconducting bulk nano-composites with a high current carrying capability. The average size of the nano-inclusions is observed to vary from 20 nm to 300 nm depending on element M. An observed improvement in Jc under low and high external magnetic fields at 77 K correlates directly with an increased density of nano-inclusions in the superconducting matrix

    Characterization of bulk MgB2 synthesized by infiltration and growth

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    Superconducting MgB2 has been synthesized successfully by a modified infiltration and growth (IG) technique. The ambient pressure technique is relatively simple and scalable to complex shaped bulks. The extent of MgB 2 phase formation has been found to be influenced strongly by the IG process time and/or temperature, and this is found to reflect in the X-ray diffraction patterns, magnetization measurements, and microhardness. Scanning electron microscopy images show a bimodal particle size distribution with 20-50 nm sized fine precipitates in the inter particle region. A critical current density of 400 kA cm-2 was measured at 5 K.KACST-Cambridge Research Centre, Cambridge, U.K

    Properties of Mg-doped Nd-Ba-Cu-O generic seed crystals for the top seeded melt growth of (RE)-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors

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    We have recently developed a new generic seed crystal that has been used successfully to fabricate any oriented, single grain (RE)-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor by a cold seeding technique. In this paper we report the chemical, structural and microstructural properties of these seed crystals, including the variation of melting point, crystallographic parameters and volume fraction of Mg-rich inclusions in the Nd1 + xBa 2-x(Cu1-yMgy)3Oz matrix as a function of externally added MgO content. The influence of Mg-doping on the superconducting transition temperatures of YBCO grains fabricated using these seeds is investigated. Finally, an optimum MgO content of the generic seed that effectively controls the orientation of the seeded grain without compromising its superconducting properties is suggested from the many seed crystals fabricated with a wide range of Mg-rich addition

    Single domain YBCO/Ag bulk superconductors fabricated by seeded infiltration and growth

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    We have applied the seeded infiltration and growth (IG) technique to the processing of samples containing Ag in an attempt to fabricate Ag-doped Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) bulk superconductors with enhanced mechanical properties. The IG technique has been used successfully to grow bulk Ag-doped YBCO superconductors of up to 25 mm in diameter in the form of single grains. The distribution of Ag in the parent Y-123 matrix fabricated by the IG technique is observed to be at least as uniform as that in samples grown by conventional top seeded melt growth (TSMG). Fine Y-211 particles were observed to be embedded within the Y-123 matrix for the IG processed samples, leading to a high critical current density, Jc, of over 70 kA/cm2 at 77.3 K in self-field. The distribution of Y-211 in the IG sample microstructure, however, is inhomogeneous, which leads to a variation in the spatial distribution of Jc throughout the bulk matrix. A maximum-trapped field of around 0.43 T at 1.2 mm above the sample surface (i.e. including 0.7 mm for the sensor mould thickness) is observed at liquid nitrogen temperature, despite the relatively small grain size of the sample (20 mm diameter × 7 mm thickness)

    Behavior of bulk high-temperature superconductors of finite thickness subjected to crossed magnetic fields

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    Crossed magnetic field effects on bulk high-temperature superconductors have been studied both experimentally and numerically. The sample geometry investigated involves finite-size effects along both (crossed) magnetic field directions. The experiments were carried out on bulk melt-processed Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) single domains that had been pre-magnetized with the applied field parallel to their shortest direction (i.e. the c-axis) and then subjected to several cycles of the application of a transverse magnetic field parallel to the sample ab plane. The magnetic properties were measured using orthogonal pick-up coils, a Hall probe placed against the sample surface and Magneto-Optical Imaging (MOI). We show that all principal features of the experimental data can be reproduced qualitatively using a two-dimensional finite-element numerical model based on an E-J power law and in which the current density flows perpendicularly to the plane within which the two components of magnetic field are varied. The results of this study suggest that the suppression of the magnetic moment under the action of a transverse field can be predicted successfully by ignoring the existence of flux-free configurations or flux-cutting effects. These investigations show that the observed decay in magnetization results from the intricate modification of current distribution within the sample cross-section. It is also shown that the model does not predict any saturation of the magnetic induction, even after a large number (~ 100) of transverse field cycles. These features are shown to be consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. B Changes : 8 references added, a few precisions added, some typos correcte

    Superconducting properties of Gd-Ba-Cu-O single grains processed from a new, Ba-rich precursor compound

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    Gd-Ba-Cu-O (GdBCO) single grains have been previously melt-processed successfully in air using a generic Mg-Nd-Ba-Cu-O (Mg-NdBCO) seed crystal. Previous research has revealed that the addition of a small amount of BaO2 to the precursor powders prior to melt processing can suppress the formation of Gd/Ba solid solution, and lead to a significant improvement in superconducting properties of the single grains. Research into the effects of a higher Ba content on single grain growth, however, has been limited by the relatively small grain size in the earlier studies. This has been addressed by developing Ba-rich precursor compounds Gd-163 and Gd-143, fabricated specifically to enable the presence of greater concentrations of Ba during the melt process. In this study, we propose a new processing route for the fabrication of high performance GdBCO single grain bulk superconductors in air by enriching the precursor powder with these new Ba rich compounds. The influence of the addition of the new compounds on the microstructures and superconducting properties of GdBCO single grains is reported