302 research outputs found

    Regional Growth Convergence in Colombia Using Social Indicators

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    This paper investigates convergence in social indicators among Colombian departments from 1973 to 2005. We use census data and apply both the regression approach and the distributional approach (univariate and bivariate kernel density estimators). Using literacy rate as a proxy for education, we find convergence between 1973 and 2005, but persistence in the distribution between 1975 and 2000, when we use the infant survival rate and life expectancy at birth as proxies for health. Additionally, using data from Demographic and Health Surveys, we find convergence in the rate of children that are well-nourished between 1995 and 2005.Colombia, regional convergence, distribution dynamics, social indicators, kernel density estimators

    Revisiting the Regional Growth Convergence Debate in Colombia Using Income Indicators

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    This paper investigates growth convergence across Colombian departments during the period of 1975 to 2000, following both the regression and the distributional approaches suggested in the literature, and using two income measures computed by Centro de Estudios Ganaderos (CEGA).We also discuss issues related to data provided by Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadısticas (DANE) used by previous convergence studies. Our results show no evidence supporting convergence using per capita gross departmental product, but rather persistence in the distribution. Using per capita gross household disposable income, we find convergence, but only at a low speed, close to one percent per year. Furthermore, we find no evidence of the existence of different steady states for the two variables considered.Colombia, regional growth convergence, growth regression, kernel density estimators

    Pro-Poor Growth Using Non-Income Indicators: An Empirical Illustration for Colombia

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    In this paper, we analyze how the distribution of selected non-income welfare indicators changed between 1997 and 2003 in Colombia. We use multidimensional pro-poor growth measurement techniques and create indices for assets, health, education, and subjective welfare using two alternative weighing techniques: polychoric principal components and normatively selected weights. Results show that while income and expenditures fluctuated according to economic growth, reflecting the effects of the 1999 economic crisis, non-income indicators had minor changes. While income and expenditures decreased for all income percentiles, and relatively more for the richest, the non-income dimensions stagnated and remained in 2003 as unequally distributed as in 1997.Pro-Poor Growth, Inequality, Welfare Measurement, Multidimensionality of Poverty, Latin America, Colombia

    Estrategia didáctica de enseñanza para la construcción, perímetro y área de polígonos, aplicando el modelo de Van Hiele

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    El propósito de la investigación fue Implementar una estrategia didáctica de enseñanza empleando los cinco niveles del modelo de Van Hiele para la construcción, perímetro y área de polígonos, con los estudiantes de los grado sexto y séptimo del proyecto de Capacitación de Olimpiadas Matemáticas realizado en la Universidad del Quindío, llegando a la conclusión que la mayoría de los estudiantes alcanzaron hasta el nivel 3 del modelo; mientras que el nivel 4 relacionado con la deducción formal, no lograron alcanzarlo debido a la falta de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes a la hora de abordar problemas de aplicación

    Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Colombia

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    This book analyses the distributional effects of economic growth on different dimensions of poverty in Colombia. It provides a microeconomic perspective on how economic growth affected poverty and inequality at the household level, as well as a macroeconomic perspective on the effects of growth on regional living standards. The study incorporates recent discussions on multidimensional analysis of well-being and goes beyond traditional income based measures, thereby contributing to the ongoing research on how to measure pro-poor growth and on the importance of incorporating different dimensions of well-being in convergence analysis

    Does Aid translate into Bilateral Trade? Findings for Recipient Countries

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    This paper uses the gravity model of trade to investigate the link between foreign aid and exports in recipient countries. Most of the theoretical work emphasizes the negative impact of aid on recipient countries' exports primarily due to exchange rate appreciation, disregarding possible positive effects of aid in overcoming supply bottlenecks and promoting bilateral trade relations. Our empirical findings -all based on endogeneity-proof techniques (such as Dynamic OLS or more refined techniques) - depend very strongly on whether bilateral trade relations and autocorrelation of the disturbances are controlled for. When not controlling for these phenomena, the impact of aid is quite substantial (especially in Asia, Latin America & Caribbean) but when sound estimation techniques are applied the net impact of aid on recipient countries' exports becomes insignificant in the full 130-country sample and the subsamples: Sub-Saharan Africa & MENA, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean. However, this rather disappointing finding is in line with the small macroeconomic impact of aid found in earlier studies. --International trade,foreign aid,recipient exports,bilateral trade relations

    Foreign Aid and Recipient Countries` Exports: Does Aid Promote Bilateral Trade?

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    This paper uses the gravity model of trade to investigate the link between foreign aid and exports in recipient countries. Most of the theoretical work emphasizes the negative impact of aid on recipient countries’ exports primarily due to exchange rate appreciation, disregarding possible positive effects of aid in promoting bilateral trade relations. The empirical findings, in contrast, indicate that the net impact of aid on recipient countries’ exports is positive -even though the macroeconomic impact of aid is rather small- and that the average return for recipients’ exports is about 1.50 US$ for every aid dollar spent. We argue that “bilateral aid” seems to promote good bilateral trade relations, mutual trust and familiarity and that those factors reinforce bilateral trade, including recipient country exports. The paper also estimates the effect of different types of aid (bilateral aid versus multilateral aid flowing to a specific recipient) and studies aid’s contribution to an expansion of exports in different regions of the world. It is found that aid is strongly export-enhancing in Asia and Latin America, but not in Africa.International trade; foreign aid; recipient exports; bilateral trade relations

    Análisis de la presencia de petroleras occidentales y la agudización de conflictos político-económicos en el Delta del Níger. Caso: la Royal Dutch Shell y el Movimiento para la Emancipación del Delta del Níger (MEND) 2006-2010

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    La región del Delta del Níger es uno de los territorios, sino el principal, en otorgarle a Nigeria numerosas regalías por la exportación de petróleo, sin embargo el escaso beneficio que recibe su población genera conflicto en la región. La alta contaminación provocada por empresas petroleras como la Royal Dutch Shell (RDS), la violación de Derechos Humanos y la estrecha relación que mantiene la multinacional con el Gobierno, se han convertido en los motores del conflicto. Es debido a esto que grupos armados como el Movimiento para la Emancipación del Delta del Níger (MEND), han emprendido acciones con el fin de controlar los recursos, cometiendo robos de petróleo y actos de violencia que constituyen represalias por el trato que la industria petrolera ha dado a la población del Delta. No obstante, el conflicto se ha ido alejando de sus objetivos iniciales en tanto que se ha convertido en un negocio lucrativo, ha producido mayores índices de pobreza y se ha generado un círculo de violencia entre las empresas petroleras, el gobierno nigeriano y los grupos armados. De ahí que el Delta del Níger constituya una región importante no sólo debido a sus altas producciones de petróleo, sino porque además representa una zona altamente compleja que envuelve a ciudadanos, gobiernos y petroleras

    Migration and Asylum Flows to Germany: New Insights Into the Motives

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    This study analyzes the determinants of both total migration and asylum migration to Germany. For the analysis, a comprehensive empirical model is set up that includes climate change, economic opportunities, such as per capita income differentials, links to Germany, home country characteristics (population growth, poverty, consumer confidence, unemployment), the political and institutional situation in the sending countries (measured by internal and external conflict, ethnic and religious tensions, government stability, law and order, military in politics), and a control for migration opportunities to alternative destinations. Panel data techniques (Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood) for the estimation of the parameters of interest are employed using a panel of 115 (134) origin countries for asylum migration (total migration) over the period of 1996-2017 or 2001-2017, depending on data availability. The analysis reveals that political, socioeconomic, and economic factors determine both total migration and asylum migration. Economic factors are also determinants of asylum applications, as asylum seekers most often come for several reasons. Poverty plays a distinct role in total migration and asylum migration. An alleviation of poverty in origin countries is associated with less overall migration to Germany but with more asylum migration. Increases in average temperature also impact asylum migration in the expected direction, thus, increasing forced migration. The most interesting findings are revealed when considering country groupings (main migration countries, major asylum countries, countries whose asylum applicants enjoy high, intermediate, or low recognition rates)

    Avaliação das manifestações oculares no diagnóstico e durante o tratamento de pacientes com hanseníase

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    Introdução: A hanseníase é uma das doenças que mais cursa com manifestações oculares. É importante que todo profissional de saúde tenha um conhecimento básico a respeito disso. A incidência de complicações oculares decorrentes da hanseníase tem diminuído devido ao diagnóstico precoce e instituição da PQT, porém elas ainda acontecem. As manifestações oculares mais frequentes nos hansenianos são: madarose, ceratite (devido à triquíase, lagoftalmo, diminuição ou ausência de sensibilidade corneana e secundário à infecção), conjuntivites e uveítes. Objetivos: Identificar manifestações oculares relacionadas com a hanseníase em pacientes recém diagnosticados, antes e durante o tratamento da hanseníase. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional, com pacientes de hanseníase no HUCAM. Foram recrutados 42 pacientes de Dezembro de 2007 à Julho de 2009, e submetidos a exame oftalmológico segundo protocolo pré estabelecido. Os pacientes foram examinados no momento do diagnóstico da hanseníase e no 3° e 6° mês de tratamento com poliquimioterapia. Resultados: A acuidade visual variou de 0,1 a 1,0 em cada olho (média de 0,7); manifestações oculares ocorreram em 39 pacientes (92,9%), porém, se consideradas as mais frequentemente relacionadas com a hanseníase, a freqüência foi de 23,8% .Redução do BUT e do Teste de Schirmer 1 foram as manifestações oculares mais frequentes (92,9% e 42,9% respectivamente). As manifestações oculares mais frequentes relacionadas com a hanseníase foram madarose de superclio (14,3%), seguida pela sensibilidade corneana diminuída e madarose de cílios (11,7%). Ceratite puntata estava presente 4,8%. Durante o período de 6 meses de seguimento, 9,5% dos pacientes apresentou aumento da PIO, 2,4% atrofia iriana e 9,5% ceratite. Conclusões: Houve uma maior prevalência de envolvimento ocular nas formas multibacilares em comparação com as formas paucibacilares. Madarose dos cílios, supercílio, sensibilidade corneana diminuída e atrofia da íris foram todos encontrados em níveis inferiores aos anteriormente descritos. Estes resultados sugerem que o envolvimento ocular no momento do diagnóstico de hanseníase foi ainda na fase inicial. A frequência de manifestações oculares e o fato de elas poderem ocorrer mesmo durante o tratamento reafirmam a necessidade de esses pacientes serem avaliados por um oftalmologista periodicamente.Introduction: Leprosy is the disease that mostly frequently gives rise to disorders of the eye, so it is important that all professionals who treat leprosy patients have a basic understanding about these. Eye complications in leprosy have decreased, but they still happen. The ocular features most frenquently seen in leprosy patients are: madarosis, keratitis (due to a combination of trichiasis, lagophthalmos, loss of corneal sensation, and secondary infection), conjunctivitis, scleritis, episcleritis and uveitis. Objectives: To find out the presence of ocular manifestations in patients with leprosy before and during treatment. Methods: A cross-sectional prevalence survey was carried out with leprosy patients at University Hospital Cassiano Antônio de Morais in Vitória, Brazil. Forty two newly diagnosed, untreated leprosy patients were recruited from December 2007 to July 2009, and subjected to eye examination, in accordance with pre established protocol.They were examined before the beginning the leprosy treatment and followed up for 6 months. The data were crossed and analyzed statistically Results The visual acuity ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 at each eye (Mean 0.7); ocular manifestations occurred in 39 patients (92.9%), however considered due to leprosy in 10 (23.8%). Over all, reduction in tear film break-up time and in production of tear film were the most prevalent ocular complication (92.9% and 42.9 % respectively). The most prevalent ocular complication often related to leprosy was madarosis of superclia (14.3%), corneal sensitivity diminished and madarosis of cilia (11.7%). Punctate keratitis was presented in 2 patients (4.8%). During the follow up, 9,5% of patients had increased IOP, 2,4% íris atrophy and 9,5% puctata keratitis. Conclusions: There was a greater prevalence of ocular involvement in the multibacillary forms compared to the paucibacillary forms. Madarosis of the cilia, supercilia, diminished cornea sensitivity, involvement of the cornea and iris were all found at levels below those previously described. These results suggest that ocular involvement at the moment of diagnosis of leprosy was still in the initial stage. The prevalence of ocular complications and the fact that they can occur even during treatment, reassert the necessity of these patients be assessed by an ophthalmologist