410 research outputs found

    Integral forms of Kac-Moody groups and Eisenstein series in low dimensional supergravity theories

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    Kac-Moody groups GG over R\mathbb{R} have been conjectured to occur as symmetry groups of supergravities in dimensions less than 3, and their integer forms G(Z)G(\mathbb{Z}) are conjecturally U-duality groups. Mathematical descriptions of G(Z)G(\mathbb{Z}), due to Tits, are functorial and not amenable to computation or applications. We construct Kac-Moody groups over R\mathbb{R} and Z\mathbb{Z} using an analog of Chevalley's constructions in finite dimensions and Garland's constructions in the affine case. We extend a construction of Eisenstein series on finite dimensional semisimple algebraic groups using representation theory, which appeared in the context of superstring theory, to general Kac-Moody groups. This coincides with a generalization of Garland's Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups to general Kac-Moody groups and includes Eisenstein series on E10E_{10} and E11E_{11}. For finite dimensional groups, Eisenstein series encode the quantum corrections in string theory and supergravity theories. Their Kac-Moody analogs will likely also play an important part in string theory, though their roles are not yet understood

    Abstract simplicity of complete Kac-Moody groups over finite fields

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    Let GG be a Kac-Moody group over a finite field corresponding to a generalized Cartan matrix AA, as constructed by Tits. It is known that GG admits the structure of a BN-pair, and acts on its corresponding building. We study the complete Kac-Moody group G^\hat{G} which is defined to be the closure of GG in the automorphism group of its building. Our main goal is to determine when complete Kac-Moody groups are abstractly simple, that is have no proper non-trivial normal subgroups. Abstract simplicity of G^\hat{G} was previously known to hold when A is of affine type. We extend this result to many indefinite cases, including all hyperbolic generalized Cartan matrices AA of rank at least four. Our proof uses Tits' simplicity theorem for groups with a BN-pair and methods from the theory of pro-pp groups.Comment: Final version. The statement and the proof of Theorem 5.2 have been corrected. The main result (Theorem 1.1) now holds under slightly stronger restriction

    Dimensions of Imaginary Root Spaces of Hyperbolic Kac--Moody Algebras

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    We discuss the known results and methods for determining root multiplicities for hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebras

    Fundamental domains for congruence subgroups of SL2 in positive characteristic

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    In this work, we construct fundamental domains for congruence subgroups of SL2(Fq[t])SL_2(F_q[t]) and PGL2(Fq[t])PGL_2(F_q[t]). Our method uses Gekeler's description of the fundamental domains on the Bruhat- Tits tree X=Xq+1X = X_{q+1} in terms of cosets of subgroups. We compute the fundamental domains for a number of congruence subgroups explicitly as graphs of groups using the computer algebra system Magma
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