1,485 research outputs found

    Dark matter and stellar populations in the central region of early-type galaxies

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    This thesis work is aimed at the investigation of the dark matter (DM) amount and distribution in early-type galaxies (ETGs), in relation with the stellar properties, constrained by observations of the kinematic fields of galaxies. In particular, we focus on observations of the projected stellar velocity dispersion in the central region of ETGs. A robust determination of the DM amount and distribution is an open issue, which we explore from two complementary points of view. A top-down approach, with priority given to cosmology, based on the predictions of numerical cosmological simulations, and a bottom-up approach, with priority given to the galactic astrophysics. This is accomplished by using the original numerical code JASMINE (Jeans AxiSymmetric Models of galaxies IN Equilibrium), first developed by Posacki et al. 2013, to build dynamical models of ETGs, based on the solution of the Jeans equations. Our Jeans modelling produces axisymmetric (oblate) spheroids with anisotropic stellar orbits. In this thesis work, we focus on spherical isotropic galaxy models, composed of stars, DM and a central supermassive black hole (BH). The stellar component is modelled by a deprojected de Vaucouleurs or Jaffe density profile and satisfies the Faber-Jackson and size-luminosity Scaling Laws. The BH mass, M_BH, is related to the total stellar mass, M_star, by the Magorrian relation. The DM component is modelled by the NFW density profile. We explore the effect on the dynamics of stars, due to the stellar and DM properties, such as the assumption of a fixed stellar mass-to-light ratio, Upsilon_star,dyn, and fixed halo parameters beta and c (halo-to-stellar scale radius ratio and halo concentration, respectively). We intend to investigate how much the DM amount and distribution can vary, while reproducing a given value for the projected central velocity dispersion of stars, sigma_e8 (luminosity-weighted within R_e/8). Our study suggests that sigma_e8 is not a good [...

    Il fondamento costituzionale della concorrenza

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    Il presente articolo evidenzia l'importanza del ruolo svolto dalle AutoritĂ  indipendenti nel settore della concorrenza, trovando pieno fondamento anche e soprattutto nel diritto europeo

    Riformare (finalmente)la Costituzione del ’48 per salvare laCostituzione del ’48

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    L'articolo descrive la necessitĂ  di procedere ad una riforma costituzionale che dia forza all'impianto costituzionale originario del 194

    Development of competences and conditions for good practices in ESD.A qualitative international survey.

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    International audienceThe concept of competence is still controversial. An operational definition in the educational field considers competence " holistic in the sense that it integrates and relates external demands, individual attributes (including ethics and values) and context as essential elements of competent performance". Each competence emerges from the interaction among " knowledge (including tacit knowledge), motivation, capacities, attitudes, values, emotions, mobilized for effective actions in particular contexts ". Our qualitative analysis identified competencies expected by projects of Education for Sustainable Development and the conditions for their development. Reports about "good practices" of UNESCO associated schools and an inventory of case studies in Italian Secondary Schools have been analysed to highlight the five learning pillars (to know, to do, to be, to live together and to transform) pursued by these experiences. The specific competencies were matched with a list of ESD themes, and with phases of realization of projects aimed at producing some change in the close life-environment. The development of the teachers' competencies seems to largely occur in parallel with the actualization of the experiences; teachers' and students' motivation appear mutually contagious and certainly play an important role. The integration of disciplinary knowledge in real life problems, and the identification of unifying trans-disciplinary conceptual networks, need attention

    Education pour le Développement Durable (EDD) et compétences des élèves dans l'enseignement secondaire

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    Etude réalisée pour l'UNESCO Téléchargeable sur le site : www.ensi.org/Publications/Publications-reports/Etude réalisée pour l'UNESCO (2011° Plan 1 - Introduction : EDD et compétences p.3 1.1. Le Développement durable. La métaphore de la grenouille p.3 1.2. Thèmes et valeurs de l'EDD p.6 1.3. Constructivisme et compétences p.11 2 - La mise en pratique de l'EDD pour développer les compétences des élèves : p.16 A. Politiques éducatives et stratégies nationales en matière d'EDD p.16 1. Introduction : les objectifs de ce bilan p.16 2. Exemples dans 13 pays p.17 Suède p.17 Danemark p.19 France p.19 Italie p.21 Hongrie p.24 Maroc p.25 Liban p.26 Sénégal p.27 Cameroun p.29 Brésil p.30 Colombie p.32 Malaisie p.34 Australie p.35 3. Conclusion p.37 B. Le rôle des enseignants dans le développement des compétences des élèves p.40 1. Introduction : les objectifs de l'enquête auprès d'enseignants dans 24 pays p.40 2. La diversité des perceptions par les enseignants de questions relatives à l'environnement p.42 3. Corrélations entre conceptions anthropocentrées et opinions sociopolitiques ou religieuses p.43 4. Conceptions anthropocentrées et conceptions sur les droits de l'homme p.44 5. Conclusion p.46 C. Les manuels scolaires : relèvent-ils le défi des compétences liées à l'EDD ? Une analyse dans six pays p.48 1. Prémisses p.48 2. Synthèse des résultats p.49 3. Conclusions p.52 Images de manuels : un exemple (figure 7) p.53-54 3 - Les compétences par l'EDD dans des pratiques de classe stimulantes p.55 1. Introduction p.55 2. Les 18 exemples : 1. Afrique du Sud- 2. Biélorussie. 3. Colombie. p.56 4. Espagne. 5. France. 6. Grèce. 7. Indonésie. 8. Japon. 9. Lituanie. 10. Maroc. 11. Pakistan. 12. Portugal (1). 13. Portugal (2). 14. Sri Lanka. 15. Tanzanie. 16. Thaïlande. 17. Tunisie. 18. Ouzbékistan 3. Synthèse p.75 4. Discussion p.79 4 - Bilan et perspectives p.83 1. Compétences des élèves p.83 2. Difficultés p.84 3. Recommandations p.8

    Il bicameralismo asimmetrico nella riforma costituzionale

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    L'articolo descrive il modo in cui la riforma costituzionale del 2016 impatterĂ  sul bicameralismo italianoThe article describes the way in which the constitutional reform of 2016 will impact on the Italian bicameralis

    Le recenti vicende sociali e istituzionali del paese, le trasformazioni del Pd e il futuro della democrazia italiana

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    Il presente articolo ripercorre le vicende politico-istituzionali italiane degli ultimi due anni, culminate con la bocciatura, tramite referendum popolare ex art. 138 Cost, della profonda riforma costituzionale portata avanti dal Governo dominato dal Partito Democratico. L'autore traccia, inoltre, l'attuale situazione di stallo politico, in cui i principali partiti non sembrano riuscire a prendere in mano le redini governative, e su cui grava l'assenza di una legge elettorale che risponda alle esigenze politico-istituzionali, nonché sociali, del Paese

    Il giudizio della Corte per temperare ma non interrompere il trend maggioritario

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    Il presente articolo riprende la decisione della Corte costituzionale del 24 gennaio 2017 sulla legittimitĂ  costituzionale della legge elettorale n. 52 del 2015 (c.d. Italicum), sottolineando l'importanza di un sistema elettorale, licenziato quanto prima dal Parlamento, che garantisca l'equilibrio necessario tra rappresentativitĂ  e governabilitĂ 

    Le trasformazioni istituzionali in 60 anni di integrazione europea

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    L'article descrive le trasformazioni istituzionali dell'Unione europea in occasione dei 60 anni dai trattai, analizzando le prospettive di ulteriori interventiThis article describes the constitutional changes that have occurred in the European Union and it analyzes the perspectives for possible future interventions on the Treaties

    Il regionalismo italiano tra crisi e efficienza della amministrazione

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    Grande è la confusione sotto il cielo del regionalismo italiano, ma la situazione non è eccellente, né prodromica - come vorrebbe qualche intellettuale che gioca irresponsabilmente al "tanto peggio, tanto meglio" - a qualche soluzione. Quel che è più grave è infatti che, pur conoscendone le cause, non si intravedono nemmeno lontanamente le chiavi di risoluzione di siffatto disordine. Tenendo a mente questa sensazione di confusione, diversi sono i profili sotto cui analizzare l’attuale situazione italiana
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