61 research outputs found

    Mapping Digital Media: Croatia

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    The Mapping Digital Media project examines the global opportunities and risks created by the transition from traditional to digital media. Covering 60 countries, the project examines how these changes affect the core democratic service that any media system should provide: news about political, economic, and social affairs.Croatia is well ahead of the curve. Experimental broadcasting via digital signals began in 2002 and the last analog television signals were switched off in September 2011. The country has the highest free-to-air digital terrestrial coverage in Europe, exceeding 99 percent of national territory, and it is the main television platform for the majority of the population.Television remains the dominant medium for both information and entertainment. However, the internet is the most trusted medium for news and information. Radio has experienced a marginal decline in listenership, but print media have been hit hardest by the globaleconomic downturn and audience migration online.In the final analysis, this report finds that policy has been responsive to digitization and that the process has done much to democratize and pluralize Croatian media. It has not yet, however, neutralized the power of dominant media organizations, or indeed the influence wielded by political elites and advertisers. There is also evidence that in response to digitization, journalism across sectors has become increasingly tabloid and oriented towards soft news, and there are uncertainties as regards the sustainability of public interest media

    Production of microreactor systems by additive manufacturing technology

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    Microreactor systems are reactors with three-dimensional structures which are under a millimeter in size. They are commonly fabricated by wet and dry etching, precision machining, laser treatment, blasting and lithographic tech- niques. Additive manufacturing technologies have been overlooked in this area. This paper presents a part of research related to fabrication of microstructured reactors (microreactors and millireactors) by using two additive manufac- turing technologies (fused filament fabrication and stereolithography). One example of static mixer used in a milli- reactor and one reactor designed for uniform droplet production are also presented

    Rodna pristranost studenata pri hipotetskoj situaciji zapošljavanja

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    Brojna istraživanja pokazuju široku zastupljenost stereotipa i njihov utjecaj na ponašanje, afekte i kognicije. Rodne stereotipe obilježavaju uvjerenja o nejednakim sposobnostima muškaraca i žena. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi postojanje rodne pristranosti studenata pri hipotetskoj situaciji zapošljavanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 118 studenata psihologije i ekonomije koji studiraju u Zagrebu. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja konstruiran je životopis kandidata za posao u kojem je variran rod kandidata. Tako su korištene muška i ženska verzija životopisa kao opis kandidata/kandidatkinje za posao. Po čitanju životopisa, sudionici su procjenjivali radne karakteristike zamišljenog kandidata ili kandidatkinje te donosili sud o njegovoj/njezinoj prikladnosti poslu. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću online upitnika koji je sadržavao životopis i čestice za procjenu radnih karakteristika kandidata. Obradom podataka utvrđeno je da se za većinu radnih karakteristika kandidata koje su studenti procjenjivali, procjene ne razlikuju ovisno o rodu kandidata kojeg su procjenjivali. Iznimka je osobina društvenosti za koju je utvrđeno da se žensku kandidatkinju smatra društvenijom nego muškog kandidata. Ovi rezultati mogli bi govoriti o smanjenju pristranosti pri zapošljavanju, ali s druge strane važno je imati na umu metodološke nedostatke ovog istraživanja i kritički pristupiti rezultatima

    22. Državno natjecanje učenika graditeljskih i geodetskih škola Republike Hrvatske

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    U radu je opisano 22. Državno natjecanje učenika graditeljskih i geodetskih škola Republike Hrvatske, koje je održano od 6. do 8. travnja 2017. godine u Bedekovčini

    23. Državno natjecanje učenika graditeljskih i geodetskih škola Republike Hrvatske

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    U radu je opisano 23. Državno natjecanje učenika graditeljskih i geodetskih škola Republike Hrvatske, koje je održano od 12. do 14. travnja 2018. godine u Varaždinu

    Conservation of Damage to Library Materials Caused by Flooding, and Proposed Preventive Measures

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    Oštećenja knjižnične građe nastala kao posljedica poplave nisu uobičajena oštećenja s kojima se konzervatori i restauratori susreću u svakodnevnim okolnostima, s obzirom na to da do močenja knjižničnog gradiva dolazi relativno rijetko. U ovom članku opisan je slučaj poplave Gradske knjižnice „Juraj Šižgorić“ u Šibeniku, primjenjivane tehnike sušenja stradale knjižnične građe te njihov učinak, kao i sanacija prostorija oštećenih poplavom. Svrha ovoga rada je, analizom stanja Gradske knjižnice prije, tijekom i nakon poplave, utvrditi uzrok i spriječiti njezino ponavljanje. Uzrok poplave tražen je analizom odstupanja od IFLA-inih načela o skrbi i rukovanju knjižničnom građom, analiziranjem povijesti Gradske knjižnice „Juraj Šižgorić“, kao i proučavanjem raznovrsnih slučajeva stradavanja knjižničnog gradiva djelovanjem vode. Na temelju analizom prikupljenih podataka predložene su mjere zaštite.Regardless of how library materials get wet – during a flood caused by a burst water pipe, extinguishing a fire using water, leaky roof or any other way – water is one of the greatest enemies of documents and books kept in archives and libraries around the world. Damage to library materials caused by floods, from the perspective of conservation and restoration, stands out from the usual damage caused by standard conditions. The consequences of this type of damage can be more extreme, and result in a complete destruction of library materials. In 2015, a flash flood at the Juraj Šižgorić City Library in Šibenik resulted in extensive damage to a large quantity of library materials that needed to be saved, adequately taken care of, and processed in the shortest possible timeframe. Situations in which large quantities of materials are suddenly damaged require the employment of a large number of people, a large space sufficient for the processing of damaged materials, and considerable funds. In this case, during a heavy rainstorm, the entire basement, with the audiovisual department, gallery, newspaper library and book depository, was flooded, and a significant amount of library materials was lost, as well as some priority items from the Rara collection. Based on the data collected, protection measures were proposed that need to be carried out in accordance with IFLA principles for the care and handling of library materials as prevention for possible similar situations in the future