1 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n financiera aplicando el m茅todo CAMEL en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Cr茅dito Chibuleo Ltda., cant贸n Ambato, provincia Tungurahua, periodo 2018

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    El presente trabajo de titulaci贸n fue realizar una evaluaci贸n financiera aplicando el m茅todo CAMEL en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Cr茅dito Chibuleo Ltda., cant贸n Ambato, provincia Tungurahua, per铆odo 2018, con el prop贸sito determinar la posici贸n financiera de la COAC y el mejoramiento de la toma de decisiones empresariales para la mitigaci贸n de los riesgos empresariales. En el desarrollo de la evaluaci贸n financiera a la cooperativa se aplic贸 m茅todos y t茅cnicas de investigaci贸n, como la observaci贸n para diagnosticar la situaci贸n actual de la entidad, adem谩s se realiz贸 una entrevista al gerente y encuestas al personal administrativo y financieros de la entidad para obtener informaci贸n primaria. Por el cual, se identific贸 una serie de deficiencias, tales como: mantiene una inadecuada provisi贸n de cuentas incobrables, deficiente recuperaci贸n de cartera vencida y decrecimiento en la colocaci贸n de cr茅ditos por parte de los oficiales de negocios. Como resultados finales, se determin贸 que la gesti贸n administrativa y financiera para captar, colocar y recuperar cartera vencida es adecuada, es as铆 que el 铆ndice de morosidad es moderado. Se concluy贸 que el personal de la cooperativa no cumple con las metas de recuperaci贸n de cartera lo que provoca que el grado de morosidad se incremente y genere iliquidez financiera. Se recomend贸 a la m谩xima autoridad de la cooperativa acatar las recomendaciones del informe financiero e implementar un plan de acci贸n con la finalidad de garantizar el crecimiento econ贸mico de la organizaci贸n y lograr las metas planteadas.The present thesis work carried out a financial evaluation through the application of the CAMEL method at the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Cr茅dito Chibuleo Ltda. (COAC), located in Ambato canton, Tungurahua province, term 2018, in order to determine the financial position of the institution and the improvement of the decision making process to mitigate business risks. During the financial evaluation of the institution, research methods and techniques were applied, such as the observation technique to diagnose its current situation, in addition, an interview to the manager and surveys to the administrative and financial staff in order to obtain primary information. Thus, a series of deficiencies were identified, such as: the institution shows an inadequate provision for debts, poor recovery of past due loans and a reduction in the placement of loans on account of business executives. As a final result, it was determined that the administrative and financial management to attract, place and recover past due portfolio is adequate so that the risk of default to recover due loans is moderate. It was concluded that the employees do not meet the portfolio recovery goals, which causes that the default ratio increases and generates financial illiquidity. The highest authority of the institution was recommended to follow the recommendations established in the financial report to implement an action plan in order to guarantee the economic institutional growth and achieve the objectives planned