70 research outputs found

    Fermi acceleration at supernova remnant shocks

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    We investigate the physics of particle acceleration at non-relativistic shocks exploiting two different and complementary approaches, namely a semi-analytic modeling of cosmic-ray modified shocks and large hybrid (kinetic protons/fluid electrons) simulations. The former technique allows us to extract some information from the multi-wavelength observations of supernova remnants, especially in the gamma-ray band, while the latter returns fundamental insights into the details of particle injection and magnetic field amplification via plasma instabilities. In particular, we present the results of large hybrid simulations of non-relativistic shocks, discussing the properties of the transition from the thermal to the non-thermal component, the spectrum of which turns out to be the power-law predicted by first-order Fermi acceleration. Along with a rather effective magnetic field amplification, we find that more than 20% of the bulk energy is converted in non-thermal particles, altering significantly the dynamics of the shock and leading to the formation of a precursor.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy - Heidelberg, Germany, July 9-13th, 201

    Cosmic-ray Acceleration and Propagation

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    The origin of cosmic rays (CRs) has puzzled scientists since the pioneering discovery by Victor Hess in 1912. In the last decade, however, modern supercomputers have opened a new window on the processes regulating astrophysical collisionless plasmas, allowing the study of CR acceleration via first-principles kinetic simulations. At the same time, a new-generation of X-ray and γ\gamma-ray telescopes has been collecting evidence that Galactic CRs are accelerated in the blast waves of supernova remnants (SNRs). I present state-of-the-art particle-in-cells simulations of non-relativistic shocks, in which ion and electron acceleration efficiency and magnetic field amplification are studied in detail as a function of the shock parameters. I then discuss the theoretical and observational counterparts of these findings, comparing them with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory and with multi-wavelength observations of young SNRs. I especially outline some major open questions, such as the possible causes of the steep CR spectra inferred from γ\gamma-ray observations of SNRs and the origin of the knee in the Galactic CR spectrum. Finally, I put such a theoretical understanding in relation with CR propagation in the Galaxy in order to bridge the gap between acceleration in sources and measurements of CRs at Earth.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, Invited Review Talk at the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, The Hague, The Netherland

    Simulations of Ion Acceleration at Non-relativistic Shocks. I. Acceleration Efficiency

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    We use 2D and 3D hybrid (kinetic ions - fluid electrons) simulations to investigate particle acceleration and magnetic field amplification at non-relativistic astrophysical shocks. We show that diffusive shock acceleration operates for quasi-parallel configurations (i.e., when the background magnetic field is almost aligned with the shock normal) and, for large sonic and Alfv\'enic Mach numbers, produces universal power-law spectra proportional to p^(-4), where p is the particle momentum. The maximum energy of accelerated ions increases with time, and it is only limited by finite box size and run time. Acceleration is mainly efficient for parallel and quasi-parallel strong shocks, where 10-20% of the bulk kinetic energy can be converted to energetic particles, and becomes ineffective for quasi-perpendicular shocks. Also, the generation of magnetic turbulence correlates with efficient ion acceleration, and vanishes for quasi-perpendicular configurations. At very oblique shocks, ions can be accelerated via shock drift acceleration, but they only gain a factor of a few in momentum, and their maximum energy does not increase with time. These findings are consistent with the degree of polarization and the morphology of the radio and X-ray synchrotron emission observed, for instance, in the remnant of SN 1006. We also discuss the transition from thermal to non-thermal particles in the ion spectrum (supra-thermal region), and we identify two dynamical signatures peculiar of efficient particle acceleration, namely the formation of an upstream precursor and the alteration of standard shock jump conditions.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, Minor changes reflecting the version accepted to Ap

    Simulations of Ion Acceleration at Non-relativistic Shocks. III. Particle Diffusion

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    We use large hybrid (kinetic protons-fluid electrons) simulations to investigate the transport of energetic particles in self-consistent electromagnetic configurations of collisionless shocks. In previous papers of this series, we showed that ion acceleration may be very efficient (up to 10−20%10-20\% in energy), and outlined how the streaming of energetic particles amplifies the upstream magnetic field. Here, we measure particle diffusion around shocks with different strengths, finding that the mean free path for pitch-angle scattering of energetic ions is comparable with their gyroradii calculated in the self-generated turbulence. For moderately-strong shocks, magnetic field amplification proceeds in the quasi-linear regime, and particles diffuse according to the self-generated diffusion coefficient, i.e., the scattering rate depends only on the amount of energy in modes with wavelengths comparable with the particle gyroradius. For very strong shocks, instead, the magnetic field is amplified up to non-linear levels, with most of the energy in modes with wavelengths comparable to the gyroradii of highest-energy ions, and energetic particles experience Bohm-like diffusion in the amplified field. We also show how enhanced diffusion facilitates the return of energetic particles to the shock, thereby determining the maximum energy that can be achieved in a given time via diffusive shock acceleration. The parametrization of the diffusion coefficient that we derive can be used to introduce self-consistent microphysics into large-scale models of cosmic ray acceleration in astrophysical sources, such as supernova remnants and clusters of galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Minor changes reflecting the version accepted to Ap
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