6 research outputs found

    Unsupervised machine learning for exploratory data analysis in imaging mass spectrometry

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    Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a rapidly advancing molecular imaging modality that can map the spatial distribution of molecules with high chemical specificity. IMS does not require prior tagging of molecular targets and is able to measure a large number of ions concurrently in a single experiment. While this makes it particularly suited for exploratory analysis, the large amount and high-dimensional nature of data generated by IMS techniques make automated computational analysis indispensable. Research into computational methods for IMS data has touched upon different aspects, including spectral preprocessing, data formats, dimensionality reduction, spatial registration, sample classification, differential analysis between IMS experiments, and data-driven fusion methods to extract patterns corroborated by both IMS and other imaging modalities. In this work, we review unsupervised machine learning methods for exploratory analysis of IMS data, with particular focus on (a) factorization, (b) clustering, and (c) manifold learning. To provide a view across the various IMS modalities, we have attempted to include examples from a range of approaches including matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization, desorption electrospray ionization, and secondary ion mass spectrometry-based IMS. This review aims to be an entry point for both (i) analytical chemists and mass spectrometry experts who want to explore computational techniques; and (ii) computer scientists and data mining specialists who want to enter the IMS field.Team Raf Van de Pla

    Automated biomarker candidate discovery in imaging mass spectrometry data through spatially localized Shapley additive explanations

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    The search for molecular species that are differentially expressed between biological states is an important step towards discovering promising biomarker candidates. In imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), performing this search manually is often impractical due to the large size and high-dimensionality of IMS datasets. Instead, we propose an interpretable machine learning workflow that automatically identifies biomarker candidates by their mass-to-charge ratios, and that quantitatively estimates their relevance to recognizing a given biological class using Shapley additive explanations (SHAP). The task of biomarker candidate discovery is translated into a feature ranking problem: given a classification model that assigns pixels to different biological classes on the basis of their mass spectra, the molecular species that the model uses as features are ranked in descending order of relative predictive importance such that the top-ranking features have a higher likelihood of being useful biomarkers. Besides providing the user with an experiment-wide measure of a molecular species' biomarker potential, our workflow delivers spatially localized explanations of the classification model's decision-making process in the form of a novel representation called SHAP maps. SHAP maps deliver insight into the spatial specificity of biomarker candidates by highlighting in which regions of the tissue sample each feature provides discriminative information and in which regions it does not. SHAP maps also enable one to determine whether the relationship between a biomarker candidate and a biological state of interest is correlative or anticorrelative. Our automated approach to estimating a molecular species' potential for characterizing a user-provided biological class, combined with the untargeted and multiplexed nature of IMS, allows for the rapid screening of thousands of molecular species and the obtention of a broader biomarker candidate shortlist than would be possible through targeted manual assessment. Our biomarker candidate discovery workflow is demonstrated on mouse-pup and rat kidney case studies.Team Raf Van de Pla

    MALDI TIMS IMS of Disialoganglioside Isomers GD1a and GD1b in Murine Brain Tissue

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    Gangliosides are acidic glycosphingolipids, containing ceramide moieties and oligosaccharide chains with one or more sialic acid residue(s) and are highly diverse isomeric structures with distinct biological roles. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI IMS) enables the untargeted spatial analysis of gangliosides, among other biomolecules, directly from tissue sections. Integrating trapped ion mobility spectrometry with MALDI IMS allows for the analysis of isomeric lipid structures in situ. Here, we demonstrate the gas-phase separation and identification of disialoganglioside isomers GD1a and GD1b that differ in the position of a sialic acid residue, in multiple samples, including a standard mixture of both isomers, a biological extract, and directly from thin tissue sections. The unique spatial distributions of GD1a/b (d36:1) and GD1a/b (d38:1) isomers were determined in rat hippocampus and spinal cord tissue sections, demonstrating the ability to structurally characterize and spatially map gangliosides based on both the carbohydrate chain and ceramide moieties.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Team Raf Van de Pla

    Imaging mass spectrometry reveals complex lipid distributions across Staphylococcus aureus biofilm layers

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    Introduction: Although Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of biofilm-related infections, the lipidomic distributions within these biofilms is poorly understood. Here, lipidomic mapping of S. aureus biofilm cross-sections was performed to investigate heterogeneity between horizontal biofilm layers. Methods: S. aureus biofilms were grown statically, embedded in a mixture of carboxymethylcellulose/gelatin, and prepared for downstream matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI IMS). Trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) was also applied prior to mass analysis. Results: Implementation of TIMS led to a ∼ threefold increase in the number of lipid species detected. Washing biofilm samples with ammonium formate (150 mM) increased signal intensity for some bacterial lipids by as much as tenfold, with minimal disruption of the biofilm structure. MALDI TIMS IMS revealed that most lipids localize primarily to a single biofilm layer, and species from the same lipid class such as cardiolipins CL(57:0) – CL(66:0) display starkly different localizations, exhibiting between 1.5 and 6.3-fold intensity differences between layers (n = 3, p < 0.03). No horizontal layers were observed within biofilms grown anaerobically, and lipids were distributed homogenously. Conclusions: High spatial resolution analysis of S. aureus biofilm cross-sections by MALDI TIMS IMS revealed stark lipidomic heterogeneity between horizontal S. aureus biofilm layers demonstrating that each layer was molecularly distinct. Finally, this workflow uncovered an absence of layers in biofilms grown under anaerobic conditions, possibly indicating that oxygen contributes to the observed heterogeneity under aerobic conditions. Future applications of this workflow to study spatially localized molecular responses to antimicrobials could provide new therapeutic strategies.Team Raf Van de Pla

    Visualizing Staphylococcus aureus pathogenic membrane modification within the host infection environment by multimodal imaging mass spectrometry

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    Bacterial pathogens have evolved virulence factors to colonize, replicate, and disseminate within the vertebrate host. Although there is an expanding body of literature describing how bacterial pathogens regulate their virulence repertoire in response to environmental signals, it is challenging to directly visualize virulence response within the host tissue microenvironment. Multimodal imaging approaches enable visualization of host-pathogen molecular interactions. Here we demonstrate multimodal integration of high spatial resolution imaging mass spectrometry and microscopy to visualize Staphylococcus aureus envelope modifications within infected murine and human tissues. Data-driven image fusion of fluorescent bacterial reporters and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance imaging mass spectrometry uncovered S. aureus lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol lipids, localizing to select bacterial communities within infected tissue. Absence of lysyl-phosphatidylglycerols is associated with decreased pathogenicity during vertebrate colonization as these lipids provide protection against the innate immune system. The presence of distinct staphylococcal lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol distributions within murine and human infections suggests a heterogeneous, spatially oriented microbial response to host defenses.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Team Raf Van de Pla

    Phospholipid profiling identifies acyl chain elongation as a ubiquitous trait and potential target for the treatment of lung squamous cell carcinoma

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Beyond first line treatment, few therapeutic options are available, particularly for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Here, we have explored the phospholipidomes of 30 human SCCs and found that they almost invariably (in 96.7% of cases) contain phospholipids with longer acyl chains compared to matched normal tissues. This trait was confirmed using in situ 2D-imaging MS on tissue sections and by phospholipidomics of tumor and normal lung tissue of the L-IkkaKA/KA mouse model of lung SCC. In both human and mouse, the increase in acyl chain length in cancer tissue was accompanied by significant changes in the expression of acyl chain elongases (ELOVLs). Functional screening of differentially expressed ELOVLs by selective gene knockdown in SCC cell lines followed by phospholipidomics revealed ELOVL6 as the main elongation enzyme responsible for acyl chain elongation in cancer cells. Interestingly, inhibition of ELOVL6 drastically reduced colony formation of multiple SCC cell lines in vitro and significantly attenuated their growth as xenografts in vivo in mouse models. These findings identify acyl chain elongation as one of the most common traits of lung SCC discovered so far and pinpoint ELOVL6 as a novel potential target for cancer intervention.Team Raf Van de Pla