4 research outputs found

    Identifying Trawl Marks in North Sea Sediments

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    The anthropogenic impact in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is high due to the presence of manifold industries (e.g., wind farms, shipping, and fishery). Therefore, it is of great importance to evaluate the different impacts of such industries, in order to enable reasonable and sustainable decisions on environmental issues (e.g., nature conservation). Bottom trawling has a significant impact on benthic habitats worldwide. Fishing gear penetrates the seabed and the resulting furrows temporarily remain in the sediment known as trawl marks (TM), which can be recognized in the acoustic signal of side-scan sonars (SSS) and multibeam echo sounders (MBES). However, extensive mapping and precise descriptions of TM from commercial fisheries at far offshore fishing grounds in the German EEZ are not available. To get an insight into the spatial patterns and characteristics of TM, approximately 4800 km2 of high-resolution (1 m) SSS data from three different study sites in the German EEZ were analyzed for changes in TM density as well as for the geometry of individual TM. TM were manually digitalized and their density per square kilometer was calculated. In general, TM density was highest in August and October. Moreover, different gear types could be identified from investigating individual TM in SSS data. Beam trawl marks were observed to have widths of up to 22 m whereas otter board marks showed widths up to 6 m. The persistence of TM was estimated to 2–7 days minimum for all three sites based on the SSS data from 2015–2019. A maximum persistence could be defined at one site (Dogger Bank) and it was five months for the investigation period 2016–2017. Besides the main factors driving TM degradation (wave-base impact, sediment-type), different methods for TM detection (SSS, MBES, under-water video) are discussed. The study provides valuable information on the physical impact of bottom trawling on the seabed and can support existing monitoring strategies

    Microfauna- and sedimentology-based facies analysis for palaeolandscape reconstruction in the back-barrier area of Norderney (NW Germany)

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    Palaeolandscape reconstructions at the German North Sea coast are essential for the understanding of coastal changes and dynamic landscape-forming processes. This study contributes to reconstructing Holocene coastal changes in the back-barrier area of the East Frisian island of Norderney and draws conclusions on the local palaeogeography. Five sediment cores were analysed in terms of sedimentology (grain-size distribution), geochemistry (TOC, TIC, N, C/N), microfauna (foraminifers and ostracods) and 13 radiocarbon dates. In order to identify driving environmental factors and support the facies interpretation, multivariate statistics (PCA) were carried out. Additional cores from the surrounding area (WASA Project and 'Landesamt fur Bergbau, Energie und Geologie' (LBEG) Hannover) enabled correlation of the investigated cores over a transect of similar to 6 km, showing six depositional environments, which can be used for landscape reconstruction. Deposition starts with periglacial (aeolian and glaciofluvial) Pleistocene sediments, with subsequent pedogenesis followed by swamp conditions that develop into a salt marsh. The overlying tidal-flat sediments are partially cut by (fossil and recent) channel deposits. A hiatus at the base of the tidal-flat deposits that spans some 3000 years hints at their reworking caused by a combination of antrophogenic coastal protection measures and the impact of storms. Furthermore, based on the profile correlation and the age data, a widespread salt-marsh area with a minimum age of similar to 4000 cal BP is defined for the 'Hohes Riff' in the southwestern back-barrier of Norderney Island

    Microfauna- and sedimentology-based facies analysis for palaeolandscape reconstruction in the back-barrier area of Norderney (NW Germany)

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    Palaeolandscape reconstructions at the German North Sea coast are essential for the understanding of coastal changes and dynamic landscape-forming processes. This study contributes to reconstructing Holocene coastal changes in the back-barrier area of the East Frisian island of Norderney and draws conclusions on the local palaeogeography. Five sediment cores were analysed in terms of sedimentology (grain-size distribution), geochemistry (TOC, TIC, N, C/N), microfauna (foraminifers and ostracods) and 13 radiocarbon dates. In order to identify driving environmental factors and support the facies interpretation, multivariate statistics (PCA) were carried out. Additional cores from the surrounding area (WASA Project and 'Landesamt fur Bergbau, Energie und Geologie' (LBEG) Hannover) enabled correlation of the investigated cores over a transect of similar to 6 km, showing six depositional environments, which can be used for landscape reconstruction. Deposition starts with periglacial (aeolian and glaciofluvial) Pleistocene sediments, with subsequent pedogenesis followed by swamp conditions that develop into a salt marsh. The overlying tidal-flat sediments are partially cut by (fossil and recent) channel deposits. A hiatus at the base of the tidal-flat deposits that spans some 3000 years hints at their reworking caused by a combination of antrophogenic coastal protection measures and the impact of storms. Furthermore, based on the profile correlation and the age data, a widespread salt-marsh area with a minimum age of similar to 4000 cal BP is defined for the 'Hohes Riff' in the southwestern back-barrier of Norderney Island