41 research outputs found

    Trust in the public sector: Is there any evidence for a long-term decline?

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    Concerns with declining public trust in government have become a permanent element of the contemporary political discourse. This concern also extends to levels of citizens’ trust in the public administration and public services. Trust is said to be declining, and this decline is generally seen as detrimental to public service delivery. In this article, we examine the main elements in this discussion, review the existing international survey data and summarise the main findings for OECD countries. Citizens’ trust in the public sector is found to fluctuate, and the data generally do not show consistently declining levels of trust. Furthermore, in some countries there simply is insufficient data to come to any conclusions at all about time trends in citizen trust in the public sector. Points for practitioners This article summarises some of the survey material on citizens’ trust in the public administration. It allows practitioners to compare trends in public trust in their country across time and space. The findings lead us to reject the hypothesis of a universal decline of trust in the public sector. The article warns against using opinion poll results without considering context. The long-term and comparative perspective on citizens’ trust in the public sector is all too often absent from the policy discourse that is frequently based on assumptions and ad-hoc approaches

    Visual attention to anti-smoking PSAs: smoking cues versus other attention-grabbing features

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    This study examines how addicted smokers attend visually to smoking-related public service announcements (PSAs) in adults smokers. Smokers’ onscreen visual fixation is an indicator of cognitive resources allocated to visual attention. Characteristic of individuals with addictive tendencies, smokers are expected to be appetitively activated by images of their addiction—specifically smoking cues. At the same time, these cues are embedded in messages that associate avoidance responses with these appetitive cues, potentially inducing avoidance of PSA processing. Findings suggest that segments of PSAs that contain smoking cues are processed similarly to segments that contain complex stimuli (operationalized in this case as high in information introduced) and that visual attention is aligned with smoking cues on the screen

    An Examination of Whether People Prefer Agents Whose Gestures Mimic Their Own

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    Abstract. Do people prefer gestures that are similar to their own? There is evidence that in conversation, people will tend to adopt the postures, gestures and mannerisms of their interaction partners [1]. This mirroring, sometimes called the “chameleon effect”, is associated with affiliation, rapport and liking. It may be that a useful way to build rapport in human-agent/robot interaction is to have the agent/robot perform gestures similar to the human. As a step towards that, this study explores if people prefer gestures similar to their own over gestures similar to those of other people. Participants were asked to evaluate a series of agent motions, some of which mimic their own gestures, and rate their preference. A second study first showed participants videos of their own gesturing to see if self-awareness would impact their preference. Different scenarios for soliciting gesture behavior were also explored. Evidence suggests people do have some preference for motions similar to their own, but self-awareness has no effect