4,364 research outputs found

    Uniqueness theorems for meromorphic mappings sharing hyperplanes in general position

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    The purpose of this article is to study the uniqueness problem for meromorphic mappings from Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} into the complex projective space PN(C).\mathbb{P}^{N}(\mathbb{C}). By making using of the method of dealing with multiple values due to L. Yang and the technique of Dethloff-Quang-Tan respectively, we obtain two general uniqueness theorems which improve and extend some known results of meromorphic mappings sharing hyperplanes in general position.Comment: 10 page

    長者理財挑戰多 及早教育增保障

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    當人們進入人生的後半段,需要面對更多的不確定性及特別的財務挑戰。據加拿大財務及消費者機構 (FCAC) 在2014年的報告,長者在生命後期,大致要面對十個有關於財務方面的挑戰,分別是:1.為退休作計劃;2.住房改變的需要;3.再就業;4.疾病與殘疾的適應;5.將儲蓄轉變為不間斷收入;6.失去配偶或者同伴;7.處理可能出現的財務詐騙或者財務虐待;8.對親人或伴侶的照顧;9.旅遊;和10.房產安排

    Asia - Pacific Panaroma - Development of pension in China from a historical perspective

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    Traditionally in Chinese society, raising children to get support in old age had been the social norm and ethical value which people complied. Family took the main responsibility for taking care of older parents, and it was only when family could not afford to do so would society provide help. In a society where agriculture was the basis of economy, individuals would continue to work in the field as long as they could so as to earn a living, which is to say, in most cases, people would not stop working because of reaching a certain age, not to mention retirement

    Financial preparation and needs of older people

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    When people enter the later phase of their lives, they are prone to have more uncertainties and face unique financial challenges in life. According to a report in 2014 from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), there are roughly 10 money-related life events or changes in one’s later life, namely: 1. planning for retirement; 2. changing housing needs; 3. starting another career; 4. coping with illness or disability; 5. converting savings into ongoing income; 6. losing partner; 7. dealing with attempted fraud or financial abuse; 8. caring for spouse or other family members; 9. travelling, and 10. making estate arrangements

    智者專欄 - 孝的新詮釋:從「新廿四孝」談起

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    亞太 : 活用彈性退休 應對人資挑戰

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    放眼亞太 - 從歷史發展看中國的退休保障制度

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    Optional retirement : experiences in Asia-Pacific region to solve HR challenges

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    With population ageing and socio-economic development under way, reform of the retirement system has become one of the hottest topics around the globe. Traditionally, retirement is often referred to stoppage of labour and the eligibility to receive the accrued pension. From the perspective of social gerontology, retirement has at least two functions in an industrial society based on waged labours: 1) to recognise and reward employees’ past efforts, and 2) to remove older workers from the system to create more job opportunities for their younger counterparts. However, changes in the work patterns as well as the structural reform of the old-age security system make the strict distinction between work and retirement blurred. Longer life expectancy means that more elderly will live more than 20 years after retirement, who are healthy and willing to continue working. In addition, facing problems such as diminishing manpower supply, widening pension fund gap, and decreasing financial pressure, there are growing calls for retirement reform internationally

    The impacts of modernity on family structure and function : a study among Beijing, Hong Kong and Yunnan families

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    For a generation in many sociological literatures, China has provided the example of traditional family with good intra-familial relationship, filial piety and extended family support which is unusually stable and substantially unchanged. However, with the emergence of modernity, in the forms of industrialization and urbanization; capitalization and public policy transformation, the family structure has undergone changes where nuclear and asymmetrical types have emerged. At the same time, family support for the elderly is affected by the changes in family formation, family dynamics, as well as people’s values and their way of life. Do the theories concerning the relationship between modernity and family change that have been proposed and developed by western scholars, apply to Chinese societies also? Are there any differences between Western and Chinese culture in forming family organizations during modernity? For answering these questions, this study explores the impact of modernity on family structure and changing functions in terms of family support for elderly in China. The aim is to understand why and how family change in its structure and functions within modernity. To fit the purpose and nature of this study, the exploratory strategy is used. By adopting historical review in the first stage, families in six historical stages (legendary and heroic age; Neolithic age; Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasty; Spring and Autumn, Warring States, Qin and the Western Han dynasty; from Eastern Han to early and middle period of Qing; and Late period of Qing until more recent years) are examined to show the “macro-transformations” and “micro-adaptive adjustments” that had happened to Chinese families in history. Then, adopting the methodological concept of invariance, multiple-case (M-C) studies in three areas in China are conducted to illustrate the Chinese families in different level of modernization, namely the agrarian pre-modern (Yunnan), the transforming-mix modern (Beijing), and the capitalist modernized (Hong Kong). Based on the survey data and from analysis of semi-structured interview with 62 respondents about their own family experiences and 8 experts about their viewpoint and explanations, there is evidence showing that corresponding structure and family support for elderly changes are aiding modernization under diverse socio-economic characteristics (i.e. under developed, developing and developed localities). To explain this phenomenon under study, a geo-adaptation model is developed from both macro and micro perspective to give insight on how modernity affects the ways of family support for elderly members. It has concluded that the development of modernity, as one of the vital reasons, contribute to changes in family structure globally (i.e. from stem and extended to nuclear and diverse form), but the care function for the aged, is not destined to deteriorate. To some extent, the Chinese tradition of filial piety and the family policy could strengthen social cohesion by maintaining the core functions once provided by the stem and extended family