9 research outputs found
Solutions of Navier Equations and Their Representation Structure
Navier equations are used to describe the deformation of a homogeneous,
isotropic and linear elastic medium in the absence of body forces.
Mathematically, the system is a natural vector (field) O(n,\mbb{R})-invariant
generalization of the classical Laplace equation, which physically describes
the vibration of a string. In this paper, we decompose the space of polynomial
solutions of Navier equations into a direct sum of irreducible
O(n,\mbb{R})-submodules and construct an explicit basis for each irreducible
summand. Moreover, we explicitly solve the initial value problems for Navier
equations and their wave-type extension--Lam\'e equations by Fourier expansion
and Xu's method of solving flag partial differential equations.Comment: 44 page
Quadratic and cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians and super Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for general linear Lie superalgebras
We show that under a generic condition, the quadratic Gaudin Hamiltonians
associated to are diagonalizable on any singular
weight space in any tensor product of unitarizable highest weight
-modules. Moreover, every joint eigenbasis of the
Hamiltonians can be obtained from some joint eigenbasis of the quadratic Gaudin
Hamiltonians for the general linear Lie algebra on the
corresponding singular weight space in the tensor product of some
finite-dimensional irreducible -modules for and
sufficiently large. After specializing to , we show that similar results
hold as well for the cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians associated to
We also relate the set of singular solutions of the (super)
Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for to the set of
singular solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for
for and sufficiently large