9 research outputs found

    Solutions of Navier Equations and Their Representation Structure

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    Navier equations are used to describe the deformation of a homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic medium in the absence of body forces. Mathematically, the system is a natural vector (field) O(n,\mbb{R})-invariant generalization of the classical Laplace equation, which physically describes the vibration of a string. In this paper, we decompose the space of polynomial solutions of Navier equations into a direct sum of irreducible O(n,\mbb{R})-submodules and construct an explicit basis for each irreducible summand. Moreover, we explicitly solve the initial value problems for Navier equations and their wave-type extension--Lam\'e equations by Fourier expansion and Xu's method of solving flag partial differential equations.Comment: 44 page

    Quadratic and cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians and super Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for general linear Lie superalgebras

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    We show that under a generic condition, the quadratic Gaudin Hamiltonians associated to gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n) are diagonalizable on any singular weight space in any tensor product of unitarizable highest weight gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n)-modules. Moreover, every joint eigenbasis of the Hamiltonians can be obtained from some joint eigenbasis of the quadratic Gaudin Hamiltonians for the general linear Lie algebra gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+k) on the corresponding singular weight space in the tensor product of some finite-dimensional irreducible gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+ k)-modules for rr and kk sufficiently large. After specializing to p=q=0p=q=0, we show that similar results hold as well for the cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians associated to gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). We also relate the set of singular solutions of the (super) Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n) to the set of singular solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+k) for rr and kk sufficiently large