7 research outputs found

    A new test method to determine the fire behavior of façades with etic system

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    New building high-energy efficiency requirements have introduced a significant utilization of combustible materials as thermal insulation in building envelopes and especially in façades. The damage occurring in case of fire can thus become considerable, due to greater fire spread. Risks for building occupants and unsafety for rescue team are added to social, economic, and environmental consequences. Despite the fire behavior of the single thermal insulation materials is known, the fire performance of the finished façade system is not yet predictable.This paper describes a proposal of a new medium-scale test method to evaluate the fire behavior for façades with external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). The project aimed to identify a test protocol conceived to be repeatable, versatile, and able to provide the relevant evaluation fire hazard quantities required for performing a fire risk assessment. Furthermore, the fire hazardous quantities collected during the test could also be useful for a fire performance-based design using fire safety engineering to define building fire safety requirements, occupant evacuation systems, the safety of rescue teams intervention and for estimating residual damage on the building and the adjacent ones after the outbreak of a fire

    La odontología en Argentina: historia de una profesión subordinada Dentistry in Argentina: the history of a subordinated profession

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    Este artículo aborda el proceso de profesionalización de la odontología en Argentina, a partir de fines del siglo XIX hasta 1940, desde una perspectiva de construcción social e histórica. El análisis permite identificar el peso de diversos actores y dimensiones, principalmente la incorporación de la enseñanza de la odontología en las universidades del país, las conflictivas relaciones con otras ocupaciones y profesiones del campo, en especial con los médicos, con los mecánicos dentales, con ejercientes irregulares (barberos, sangradores ) y con el estado. Se indaga en las estrategias gremiales, políticas y académicas desarrolladas desde distintas instancias para obtener la delimitación de un espacio de intervención exclusiva. Además, puede verificarse en la documentación revisada, el peso de la tradición artesanal y mercantil de la práctica odontológica, la escasa participación colectiva en el ámbito gremial y el débil compromiso con la salud pública.<br>Approaching from the perspective of social and historical construction, the article addresses the professionalization of dentistry in Argentina from the late nineteenth century to 1940. The study analyzes the weight of different actors and dimensions, particularly the introduction of dentistry studies into Argentinean universities and the conflicts between dentists and those in related fields (especially physicians, mecánicos dentales, and informal practitioners like barbers and bleeders) as well as conflicts with the State. The article explores the union, political, and academic strategies developed in an effort to define a space for exclusive intervention, and also looks at the earliest successes in tracing out a specific domain that would ensure professional autonomy and monopoly in the practice of dentistry. A review of documentation reveals the weight of craftsmanship and the mercantile tradition in dental practice, very limited collective participation in the union environment, and the field's weak commitment to public health