34 research outputs found

    Practicals Make Perfect

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    High standards are essential for work in the foods world, says Winnifred Canno

    A Graduate Describes Food Publicity

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    Winnifred Cannon, home economics director for the American Meat Institute, explains her wor

    Help Yourself to Manners

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    Is eating one of your weaker points? Much of your pleasure at the dinner table is dependent upon your technique. A few pointers for smooth eating may be welcome and will help you test your habits

    Dear Freshman,

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    The other day I was talking to some girls-oustanding girls whom you\u27ll want to know. They were giving their ideas on what a freshman should do to get off to a grand start. I wish you could have heard them, for I know you would have appreciated the valuable tips from those who have gone before. I couldn\u27t resist jotting down some of their thoughts to tell you

    Top With Curls

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    Hair styles are heading for new heights this fall, in length, in curls, and in popularity. You who have finally mustered courage enough to change the long-worn bob, prepare yourselves for a boom- hair is rising to the top of the head

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.18, no.7

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    Education Comes from Within by Vega Hanke, page 1 Dining in a Diner by Jane Helser, page 2 Oh Say, Can You Ski by Katherine Dodds, page 3 Elective Returns by Ruth Marks, page 4 Good Looking Pottery Goes to Lunch by Doris Detjen, page 5 Schooling for Homemaking by Nina Johnson, page 6 Spring Tonic for Style by Harriet Graves, page 7 What’s New in Home Economics edited by Marjorie Pettinger, page 8 Personality Class by Roberta Stock, page 10 College Loans by Charlotte Backman, page 11 Alums in the News by Grace Strohmeier, page 12 Run Down Your Budget by Audrey Wells, page 13 Behind Bright Jackets edited by Winnifred Cannon, page 14 For Feet’s Sake by Vega Hanke, page 15 Wardrobe Reform by Margaret Sheridan, page 16 Keeping Posted by the editor, page 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.18, no.6

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    A College Girl’s Creed by Ruth Jensen, page 1 Tea Timing in Taste by Harriet Beyer, page 2 You and I and Radio by Berniece Williams, page 3 Your Fortune in Fashion by Ruth Hubley Thayer, page 4 Flashes from the Field of Research by Myrtle Campbell, page 5 From Cellulose to Satin by Audrey Wells, page 6 Sally Suggests Wardrobe Resolutions by Barbara Field, page 7 What’s New in Home Economics edited by Marjorie Pettinger, page 8 Good Light for Good Sight by Virginia Thompson, page 10 Centerpiece Styles by Nancy Fifield, page 11 Explore Your Vocation by Helen Greene, page 12 Alums in the News by Grace Strohmeier, page 13 Behind Bright Jackets edited by Winnifred Cannon, page 14 Does Your Vocabulary Date You? by Eleanor White, page 15 Keeping Posted by the editor, page 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.18, no.4

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    A Queen of Homemakers by Harriet Beyer, page 2 Dining Midst Drama by Daisy Mary Kimberley, page 3 Scientific Fun by Ruth Stultz, page 4 A Recipe for Life by Helen Greene, page 5 Fashions Are Fancy Free by Polly Towne, page 6 On a European Honeymoon by Gaynold Carroll, page 7 Home Economics for Homemakers by Daisy Mary Kimberley, page 8 Designs for Richer Living by Marie Larson, page 9 What’s New in Home Economics edited by Marjorie Pettinger, page 10 Food for the Masculine Taste by Ida Halpin, page 12 Behind Bright Jackets edited by Winnifred Cannon, page 13 Help Yourself to Manners by Winnifred Cannon, page 14 Personality in Bloom by Edith Wahrenbrock, page 15 Notes for Music Lovers by Jean Metcalf, page 16 Alums in the News by Grace Strohmeier, page 18 Grooming Guide by Ruth Jensen, page 20 Keeping Posted by the editor, page 2

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.18, no.3

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    Inside Information, page 1 Our Heritage by Daisy Mary Kimberley, page 2 Welcome by Genevieve Fisher, Dean, Home Economics Division, page 3 We Wondered “How?” – So We Asked by Berniece Williams, page 4 Behind the Kitchen Door by Myrtle Marie Campbell, page 5 Shopper Sally at Your Service by Barbara Field, page 6 Conventioning from Coast to Coast by Alvina Iverson, page 7 All Aboard for Mortar Board by Jane Currie, page 7 Dear Freshman, by Winnifred Cannon, page 8 Equipment Economics by Gwen Griffith, page 9 What’s New in Home Economics edited by Marjorie Pettinger, page 10 Coed Training for Football by Ida Halpin, page 12 “This Is the Way We Wash Our Clothes” by Marian Abbott, page 13 Alums in the News by Faithe Danielson, page 14 How Do You Rate? by Dorothy Evans, page 16 Behind Bright Jackets, page 18 To Your Dresser by Eunice Anderson, page 20 Keeping Posted by the editor, page 2