1,057 research outputs found

    Mechanisms underlying calcium sparks in cardiac muscle

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    This is the final version. Available from Rockefeller University Press via the DOI in this record

    Cross-sectional and longitudinal risk of physical impairment in a cohort of postmenopausal women who experience physical and verbal abuse.

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    BackgroundExposure to interpersonal violence, namely verbal and physical abuse, is a highly prevalent threat to women's health and well-being. Among older, post-menopausal women, several researchers have characterized a possible bi-directional relationship of abuse exposure and diminished physical functioning. However, studies that prospectively examine the relationship between interpersonal abuse exposure and physical functioning across multiple years of observation are lacking. To address this literature gap, we prospectively evaluate the association between abuse exposure and physical functioning in a large, national cohort of post-menopausal women across 12 years of follow-up observation.MethodsMultivariable logistic regression was used to measure the adjusted association between experiencing abuse and physical function score at baseline in 154,902 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) participants. Multilevel modeling, where the trajectories of decline in physical function were modeled as a function of time-varying abuse exposure, was used to evaluate the contribution of abuse to trajectories of physical function scores over time.ResultAbuse was prevalent among WHI participants, with 11 % of our study population reporting baseline exposure. Verbal abuse was the most commonly reported abuse type (10 %), followed by combined physical and verbal abuse (1 %), followed by physical abuse in the absence of verbal abuse (0.2 %). Abuse exposure (all types) was associated with diminished physical functioning, with women exposed to combined physical and verbal abuse presenting baseline physical functioning scores consistent with non-abused women 20 years senior. Results did not reveal a differential rate of decline over time in physical functioning based on abuse exposure.ConclusionsTaken together, our findings suggest a need for increased awareness of the prevalence of abuse exposure among postmenopausal women; they also underscore the importance of clinician's vigilance in their efforts toward the prevention, early detection and effective intervention with abuse exposure, including verbal abuse exposure, in post-menopausal women. Given our findings related to abuse exposure and women's diminished physical functioning at WHI baseline, our work illuminates a need for further study, particularly the investigation of this association in younger, pre-menopausal women so that the temporal ordering if this relationship may be better understood

    Differential responses of rabbit ventricular and atrial transient outward current (Ito) to the Ito modulator NS5806

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    Transient outward potassium current (I(to)) in the heart underlies phase 1 repolarization of cardiac action potentials and thereby affects excitation–contraction coupling. Small molecule activators of I(to) may therefore offer novel treatments for cardiac dysfunction, including heart failure and atrial fibrillation. NS5806 has been identified as a prototypic activator of canine I(to). This study investigated, for the first time, actions of NS5806 on rabbit atrial and ventricular I(to). Whole cell patch‐clamp recordings of I(to) and action potentials were made at physiological temperature from rabbit ventricular and atrial myocytes. 10 μmol/L NS5806 increased ventricular I(to) with a leftward shift in I(to) activation and accelerated restitution. At higher concentrations, stimulation of I(to) was followed by inhibition. The EC (50) for stimulation was 1.6 μmol/L and inhibition had an IC (50) of 40.7 μmol/L. NS5806 only inhibited atrial I(to) (IC (50) of 18 μmol/L) and produced a modest leftward shifts in I(to) activation and inactivation, without an effect on restitution. 10 μmol/L NS5806 shortened ventricular action potential duration (APD) at APD (20)‐APD (90) but prolonged atrial APD. NS5806 also reduced atrial AP upstroke and amplitude, consistent with an additional atrio‐selective effect on Na(+) channels. In contrast to NS5806, flecainide, which discriminates between Kv1.4 and 4.x channels, produced similar levels of inhibition of ventricular and atrial I(to). NS5806 discriminates between rabbit ventricular and atrial I(to,) with mixed activator and inhibitor actions on the former and inhibitor actions against the later. NS5806 may be of significant value for pharmacological interrogation of regional differences in native cardiac I(to)

    Heterogeneity of T-Tubules in Pig Hearts

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    BACKGROUND:T-tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma that play a key role in excitation-contraction coupling in mammalian cardiac myocytes. Although t-tubules were generally considered to be effectively absent in atrial myocytes, recent studies on atrial cells from larger mammals suggest that t-tubules may be more numerous than previously supposed. However, the degree of heterogeneity between cardiomyocytes in the extent of the t-tubule network remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to investigate the t-tubule network of pig atrial myocytes in comparison with ventricular tissue. METHODS:Cardiac tissue was obtained from young female Landrace White pigs (45-75 kg, 5-6 months old). Cardiomyocytes were isolated by arterial perfusion with a collagenase-containing solution. Ca2+ transients were examined in field-stimulated isolated cells loaded with fluo-4-AM. Membranes of isolated cells were visualized using di-8-ANEPPS. T-tubules were visualized in fixed-frozen tissue sections stained with Alexa-Fluor 488-conjugated WGA. Binary images were obtained by application of a threshold and t-tubule density (TTD) calculated. A distance mapping approach was used to calculate half-distance to nearest t-tubule (HDTT). RESULTS & CONCLUSION:The spatio-temporal properties of the Ca2+ transient appeared to be consistent with the absence of functional t-tubules in isolated atrial myocytes. However, t-tubules could be identified in a sub-population of atrial cells in frozen sections. While all ventricular myocytes had TTD >3% (mean TTD = 6.94±0.395%, n = 24), this was true of just 5/22 atrial cells. Mean atrial TTD (2.35±0.457%, n = 22) was lower than ventricular TTD (P3% (1.65±0.06 μm, n = 5, P<0.05). These data demonstrate considerable heterogeneity between pig cardiomyocytes in the extent of t-tubule network, which correlated with cell size

    Inducing Ito,f and phase 1 repolarization of the cardiac action potential with a Kv4.3/KChIP2.1 bicistronic transgene

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    The fast transient outward potassium current (I(to,f)) plays a key role in phase 1 repolarization of the human cardiac action potential (AP) and its reduction in heart failure (HF) contributes to the loss of contractility. Therefore, restoring I(to,f) might be beneficial for treating HF. The coding sequence of a P2A peptide was cloned, in frame, between Kv4.3 and KChIP2.1 genes and ribosomal skipping was confirmed by Western blotting. Typical I(to,f) properties with slowed inactivation and accelerated recovery from inactivation due to the association of KChIP2.1 with Kv4.3 was seen in transfected HEK293 cells. Both bicistronic components trafficked to the plasmamembrane and in adenovirus transduced rabbit cardiomyocytes both t-tubular and sarcolemmal construct labelling appeared. The resulting current was similar to I(to,f) seen in human ventricular cardiomyocytes and was 50% blocked at ~0.8 mmol/l 4-aminopyridine and increased ~30% by 5 μmol/l NS5806 (an I(to,f) agonist). Variation in the density of the expressed I(to,f), in rabbit cardiomyocytes recapitulated typical species-dependent variations in AP morphology. Simultaneous voltage recording and intracellular Ca(2+) imaging showed that modification of phase 1 to a non-failing human phenotype improved the rate of rise and magnitude of the Ca(2+) transient. I(to,f) expression also reduced AP triangulation but did not affect I(Ca,L) and I(Na) magnitudes. This raises the possibility for a new gene-based therapeutic approach to HF based on selective phase 1 modification

    Cellular Hypertrophy and Increased Susceptibility to Spontaneous Calcium-Release of Rat Left Atrial Myocytes Due to Elevated Afterload

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    Atrial remodeling due to elevated arterial pressure predisposes the heart to atrial fibrillation (AF). Although abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function has been associated with AF, there is little information on the effects of elevated afterload on atrial Ca2+-handling. We investigated the effects of ascending aortic banding (AoB) on Ca2+-handling in rat isolated atrial myocytes in comparison to age-matched sham-operated animals (Sham). Myocytes were either labelled for ryanodine receptor (RyR) or loaded with fluo-3-AM and imaged by confocal microscopy. AoB myocytes were hypertrophied in comparison to Sham controls (P<0.0001). RyR labeling was localized to the z-lines and to the cell edge. There were no differences between AoB and Sham in the intensity or pattern of RyR-staining. In both AoB and Sham, electrical stimulation evoked robust SR Ca2+-release at the cell edge whereas Ca2+ transients at the cell center were much smaller. Western blotting showed a decreased L-type Ca channel expression but no significant changes in RyR or RyR phosphorylation or in expression of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, SR Ca2+ ATPase or phospholamban. Mathematical modeling indicated that [Ca2+]i transients at the cell center were accounted for by simple centripetal diffusion of Ca2+ released at the cell edge. In contrast, caffeine (10 mM) induced Ca2+ release was uniform across the cell. The caffeine-induced transient was smaller in AoB than in Sham, suggesting a reduced SR Ca2+-load in hypertrophied cells. There were no significant differences between AoB and Sham cells in the rate of Ca2+ extrusion during recovery of electrically-stimulated or caffeine-induced transients. The incidence and frequency of spontaneous Ca2+-transients following rapid-pacing (4 Hz) was greater in AoB than in Sham myocytes. In conclusion, elevated afterload causes cellular hypertrophy and remodeling of atrial SR Ca2+-release