1,547 research outputs found

    H(II) centers in natural silica under repeated UV laser irradiations

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    We investigated the kinetics of H(II) centers (=Ge'-H) in natural silica under repeated 266nm UV irradiations performed by a Nd:YAG pulsed laser. UV photons temporarily destroy these paramagnetic defects, their reduction being complete within 250 pulses. After re-irradiation, H(II) centers grow again, and the observed recovery kinetics depends on the irradiation dose; multiple 2000 pulses re-irradiations induce the same post-irradiation kinetics of H(II) centers after each exposure cycle. The analysis of these effects allows us to achieve a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the centers during and after laser irradiation.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Non Crystalline Solid

    Influence of hydrogen on paramagnetic defects induced by UV laser exposure in natural silica

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    Diffusion limited reactions of point defects were investigated in amorphous SiO2 exposed to UV laser light. Electron spin resonance and in situ absorption measurements at room temperature evidenced the annealing of E' centers and the growth of H(II) centers both occurring in the post-irradiation stage and lasting a few hours. These transients are caused by reactions involving molecular hydrogen H2, made available by dimerization of radiolytic H0.Comment: Submitted to Physica Status Solid

    Topological strings on noncommutative manifolds

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    We identify a deformation of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model on a Calabi-Yau manifold X which has the same effect on B-branes as a noncommutative deformation of X. We show that for hyperkahler X such deformations allow one to interpolate continuously between the A-model and the B-model. For generic values of the noncommutativity and the B-field, properties of the topologically twisted sigma-models can be described in terms of generalized complex structures introduced by N. Hitchin. For example, we show that the path integral for the deformed sigma-model is localized on generalized holomorphic maps, whereas for the A-model and the B-model it is localized on holomorphic and constant maps, respectively. The geometry of topological D-branes is also best described using generalized complex structures. We also derive a constraint on the Chern character of topological D-branes, which includes A-branes and B-branes as special cases.Comment: 36 pages, AMS latex. v2: a reference to a related work has been added. v3: An error in the discussion of the Fourier-Mukai transform for twisted coherent sheaves has been fixed, resulting in several changes in Section 2. The rest of the paper is unaffected. v4: an incorrect statement concerning Lie algebroid cohomology has been fixe

    Clifford-Finsler Algebroids and Nonholonomic Einstein-Dirac Structures

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    We propose a new framework for constructing geometric and physical models on nonholonomic manifolds provided both with Clifford -- Lie algebroid symmetry and nonlinear connection structure. Explicit parametrizations of generic off-diagonal metrics and linear and nonlinear connections define different types of Finsler, Lagrange and/or Riemann-Cartan spaces. A generalization to spinor fields and Dirac operators on nonholonomic manifolds motivates the theory of Clifford algebroids defined as Clifford bundles, in general, enabled with nonintegrable distributions defining the nonlinear connection. In this work, we elaborate the algebroid spinor differential geometry and formulate the (scalar, Proca, graviton, spinor and gauge) field equations on Lie algebroids. The paper communicates new developments in geometrical formulation of physical theories and this approach is grounded on a number of previous examples when exact solutions with generic off-diagonal metrics and generalized symmetries in modern gravity define nonholonomic spacetime manifolds with uncompactified extra dimensions.Comment: The manuscript was substantially modified following recommendations of JMP referee. The former Chapter 2 and Appendix were elliminated. The Introduction and Conclusion sections were modifie


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    O fenômeno social da Uberização vem provocando profundas transformações no mundo do trabalho. Milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo tem buscado através da plataforma Uber uma nova alternativa de gerar renda, seja como sua atividade principal, seja como complementação de outra fonte remuneração. Segundo dados da própria empresa, no Brasil, o número de motoristas chamados “parceiros” já ultrapassou a casa dos 500 mil, em um período de apenas 4 anos.A empresa Uber nasceu nos EUA em 2010, expandiu-se de maneira rápida e atualmente opera em mais de 600 cidades de 65 países. No Brasil são mais de 100 cidades em que a empresa desenvolve suas atividades. Surgida na onda da sustentabilidade, empunhando a bandeira da economia do compartilhamento, rapidamente a Uber subverteu a lógica do uso consciente e compartilhado dos veículos para se tornar uma gigante mundial, líder absoluta na “conexão” de motorista e usuários, com valor de mercado estimado em mais de US$ 70 bilhões.Em seu site a empresa usa jargões sedutores como: “faça um bom dinheiro”, “defina seu próprio horário”, “que tal ganhar sem ter chefe?” para conquistar novos motoristas. Uma estratégia que vem funcionando e multiplicando em larga escala não apenas os prestadores de serviço como também os usuários. Nesse sentido, o Brasil é o mercado em que a empresa mais cresce, sendo responsável por quase 20% de suas operaçõesSeria simplista afirmar que o período de crise pelo qual o Brasil passa poderia produzir um cenário de migração de empregos formais para a Uber. Claro que esse contexto pode contribuir consideravelmente, mas outro fator central precisa ser observado, o uso da tecnologia. As novas Tecnologias e Informação e Comunicação – TIC´s, a partir de dispositivos móveis em rede, passam a constituir uma rede digital que conecta tudo e todos de maneira global e em tempo real, implicando ciclos de convergências de processos físicos, econômicos, sociais, políticos e culturais.Essa nova relação estrutura-se em três pilares: usuário / tecnologia / trabalhador. Os usuários se beneficiam de um serviço rápido, eficiente e barato. As empresas de tecnologia lucram milhões de dólares. Os trabalhadores são submetidos a extensas jornadas, com recursos próprios, sem regulamentação e proteção social.A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica buscaremos apresentar os principais fatores de influência das novas tecnologias no trabalho dos prestadores de serviço de transportes de passageiros pela plataforma on line Uber. Um possível trabalho precário, desenvolvido na cidade de Porto Alegre – RS.Palavras –chave: Novas Tecnologias, Trabalho, Plataforma UBER

    The Lie-Poisson structure of the reduced n-body problem

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    The classical n-body problem in d-dimensional space is invariant under the Galilean symmetry group. We reduce by this symmetry group using the method of polynomial invariants. As a result we obtain a reduced system with a Lie-Poisson structure which is isomorphic to sp(2n-2), independently of d. The reduction preserves the natural form of the Hamiltonian as a sum of kinetic energy that depends on velocities only and a potential that depends on positions only. Hence we proceed to construct a Poisson integrator for the reduced n-body problem using a splitting method.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure