8 research outputs found
Stigmatization and Stereotypes in Patients with Epilepsy
Epilepsija je bolest mozga obilježena spontanim, nepredvidivim i prekomjernim elektriÄnim pražnjenjima odreÄenih dijelova mozga ili cijeloga mozga, koji se kliniÄki manifestiraju epileptiÄkim napadajima. EpileptiÄki napadaji mogu ukljuÄivati raznolike simptome i znakove, ovisno o zahvaÄenom dijelu mozga. Napad je izrazito traumatiÄan za
pacijenta i okolinu Äak i kada se dogaÄa rijetko. Jedan od faktora s izrazitim utjecajem na oboljelog je stigmatizacija socijalne okoline. Na stigmatizaciju moramo utjecati kvalitetnijom edukacijom populacije. Cilj edukacije je olakÅ”ati život, smanjujuÄi osjeÄaj nelagode koju napad može prouzroÄiti, ako se dogodi u javnom okruženju. Svrha rada:
Dokazati kako je znanje o bolestima važan faktor za smanjenje predrasuda. Metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 80 ispitanika zdravstvenih struka (medicinske sestre/tehniÄari, farmaceutski tehniÄar) te 84 ispitanika nezdravstvenih struka (prodavaÄ, frizer, kuhar, konobar). Prema mjestu stanovanja selo/grad raspodjela je 82 ispitanika sa sela i 82 ispitanika s mjestom stanovanja u gradu. Ispitivanje je provedeno anonimnom anketom. Rezultati: Za testiranje
radnih hipoteza koriÅ”ten je nezavisni T-test. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da veÄa razina znanja utjeÄe na manju razinu stigmatizacije osoba oboljelih od epilepsije. Potrebno je dodatno educirati opÄu populaciju, jer to je najbolji naÄin da se smanje predrasude prema veÄini bolesnika. TakoÄer, testirajuÄi drugu radnu hipotezu utvrdili smo da nema znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu osoba koje žive u urbanim ili ruralnim sredinama. ZakljuÄak: Treba naglasiti potrebu kvalitetnije edukacije zdravstvenih djelatnika i opÄe populacije. Stigmatizacija je povezana s razinom znanja i stoga možemo reÄi: āZnanjem protiv stigme!ā kako za epilepsiju tako i za mnoge druge bolesti kod kojih neznanje uzrokuje
socijalnu izolaciju i time produbljuje problematiku pacijentovog stanja.Epilepsy is a brain disease presenting with spontaneous, unpredictable and excessive electric discharges of parts of the brain or the whole brain which are clinically manifested by seizures. Epileptic seizures may include various symptoms and signs, depending on which part of the brain is affected. The seizure is highly traumatic for the patient and his surroundings even when a patientās seizures are rare. One of the major factors which affects patients is constant stigmatization by the society they live in. Stigmatization can only be affected by higher quality of education. The goal of high quality education is to make the life of patients easier by lowering the level of discomfort that the seizure brings if it happens in public. Goal: Demonstrate that knowledge about a disease is a major factor in reducing prejudice and stigmatization. Methods: The study was conducted on 80 medical professionals (nurses, pharmacists) and 84 other professional examinees (sellers,
hairdressers, cooks, and waiters). 82 examinees lived in a rural and 82 lived in an urban area. The examination was performed with an anonymous questionnaire. Results: The independent T-test was used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study showed that a higher knowledge level decreases stigmatization, which confirms the necessity of additional education of the general population. This is the best way to lower prejudice towards people suffering from epilepsy. By testing our hypothesis about the effect of the living area on stigmatization we came to the conclusion that there is no significant difference between examinees living in urban and rural areas. Conclusion: It is important to improve the education of medical employees and the general population. Stigmatization is associated with the level of knowledge.
That is why we should emphasize the motto: āKnowledge against stigma!ā for epilepsy and other diseases which cause social discomfort due to lack of knowledge
Stigmatization and Stereotypes in Patients with Epilepsy
Epilepsija je bolest mozga obilježena spontanim, nepredvidivim i prekomjernim elektriÄnim pražnjenjima odreÄenih dijelova mozga ili cijeloga mozga, koji se kliniÄki manifestiraju epileptiÄkim napadajima. EpileptiÄki napadaji mogu ukljuÄivati raznolike simptome i znakove, ovisno o zahvaÄenom dijelu mozga. Napad je izrazito traumatiÄan za
pacijenta i okolinu Äak i kada se dogaÄa rijetko. Jedan od faktora s izrazitim utjecajem na oboljelog je stigmatizacija socijalne okoline. Na stigmatizaciju moramo utjecati kvalitetnijom edukacijom populacije. Cilj edukacije je olakÅ”ati život, smanjujuÄi osjeÄaj nelagode koju napad može prouzroÄiti, ako se dogodi u javnom okruženju. Svrha rada:
Dokazati kako je znanje o bolestima važan faktor za smanjenje predrasuda. Metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 80 ispitanika zdravstvenih struka (medicinske sestre/tehniÄari, farmaceutski tehniÄar) te 84 ispitanika nezdravstvenih struka (prodavaÄ, frizer, kuhar, konobar). Prema mjestu stanovanja selo/grad raspodjela je 82 ispitanika sa sela i 82 ispitanika s mjestom stanovanja u gradu. Ispitivanje je provedeno anonimnom anketom. Rezultati: Za testiranje
radnih hipoteza koriÅ”ten je nezavisni T-test. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da veÄa razina znanja utjeÄe na manju razinu stigmatizacije osoba oboljelih od epilepsije. Potrebno je dodatno educirati opÄu populaciju, jer to je najbolji naÄin da se smanje predrasude prema veÄini bolesnika. TakoÄer, testirajuÄi drugu radnu hipotezu utvrdili smo da nema znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu osoba koje žive u urbanim ili ruralnim sredinama. ZakljuÄak: Treba naglasiti potrebu kvalitetnije edukacije zdravstvenih djelatnika i opÄe populacije. Stigmatizacija je povezana s razinom znanja i stoga možemo reÄi: āZnanjem protiv stigme!ā kako za epilepsiju tako i za mnoge druge bolesti kod kojih neznanje uzrokuje
socijalnu izolaciju i time produbljuje problematiku pacijentovog stanja.Epilepsy is a brain disease presenting with spontaneous, unpredictable and excessive electric discharges of parts of the brain or the whole brain which are clinically manifested by seizures. Epileptic seizures may include various symptoms and signs, depending on which part of the brain is affected. The seizure is highly traumatic for the patient and his surroundings even when a patientās seizures are rare. One of the major factors which affects patients is constant stigmatization by the society they live in. Stigmatization can only be affected by higher quality of education. The goal of high quality education is to make the life of patients easier by lowering the level of discomfort that the seizure brings if it happens in public. Goal: Demonstrate that knowledge about a disease is a major factor in reducing prejudice and stigmatization. Methods: The study was conducted on 80 medical professionals (nurses, pharmacists) and 84 other professional examinees (sellers,
hairdressers, cooks, and waiters). 82 examinees lived in a rural and 82 lived in an urban area. The examination was performed with an anonymous questionnaire. Results: The independent T-test was used to test the hypothesis. The results of the study showed that a higher knowledge level decreases stigmatization, which confirms the necessity of additional education of the general population. This is the best way to lower prejudice towards people suffering from epilepsy. By testing our hypothesis about the effect of the living area on stigmatization we came to the conclusion that there is no significant difference between examinees living in urban and rural areas. Conclusion: It is important to improve the education of medical employees and the general population. Stigmatization is associated with the level of knowledge.
That is why we should emphasize the motto: āKnowledge against stigma!ā for epilepsy and other diseases which cause social discomfort due to lack of knowledge
Physical activity of elderly people accommodated in residential institutions
Tjelesna aktivnost u starijoj životnoj dobi je vrlo važna jer starost, a i sama neaktivnost uzrokuju promjene koje se u pravilu mogu smanjiti i držati pod kontrolom redovitom tjelesnom aktivnoÅ”Äu. S porastom životne dobi i smanjenom tjelesnom aktivnoÅ”Äu dolazi do porasta broja kroniÄnih bolesti koje se mogu dobro kontrolirati redovnom umjerenom tjelesnom aktivnoÅ”Äu. U radu su prikazani rezultati ankete provedene meÄu korisnicima Doma za starije i nemoÄne osobe u Äakovcu. Prikazana je zainteresiranost ispitanika za tjelesnu aktivnost i njihovo znanje o utjecaju tjelesne aktivnosti na zdravlje te bavljenje tjelesnim aktivnostima. Anketom su obuhvaÄena 38 ispitanika od kojih je 28 ženskog spola, a 10 muÅ”kog spola. Dob ispitanika je u rasponu od 65 do 95 godina. Metoda prikupljanja podataka je anketa. Anketni listiÄ se sastoji od 16 pitanja od toga je 8 pitanja s ponuÄenim odgovorima, a 8 pitanja je s ponuÄenim odgovorima, ali s moguÄnoÅ”Äu nadopisivanja.Physical activity for the elderly is very important because age and inactivity cause changes that can usually be reduced and kept under control by exercising regularly. With increasing age and reduced physical activity there is an increase in the number of chronic diseases that can be controlled by regular moderate physical activity. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among the residents of the Home for the elderly and infirm in Äakovec. It shows the interest of the residents for physical activity and their knowledge about the impact of physical activity on health as well as their engagement in it. The survey covers 38 residents of which 28 female and 10 male. Ages range from 65-95. The data collection method used is survey. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions of which eight are multiple choice questions, and 8 multiple choice questions with the option of personal commentary
Background: Elder abuse and neglect can be defined as refusing or failing to fulfil a caregiver\u27s obligation to meet the needs of
elderly individuals in order to punish or hurt them. We aimed to explore perceptions of elder mistreatment of both caregivers and
residents during long-term care, and highlight significant differences in the overall mistreatment perception regarding sociodemographic
variables, as well as the type of care facility.
Subjects and methods: The study involved 171 caregivers and 245 elderly individuals in stationary facilities. Two structured
questionnaires were used - one for caregivers and the other for institutionalized elderly residents, whose initial validation
concerning question and factor selection has been based upon exploratory factor analysis and discriminant validity. Parametric and
nonparametric tests were employed in the statistical analysis, and statistical significance was set at p<0.05 (two-sided).
Results: We found significant differences in the perception of elder abuse and neglect between caregivers and elderly residents.
More specifically, caregivers tend to recognize unnecessary or inappropriate medical/care procedures as indicators of elder
mistreatment, while the elderly residents emphasize the removal of their personal belongings and inappropriate physical contact.
According to the care facility, residents reported abuse/neglect more frequently in extended care units (21.4%), compared to the
county-owned nursing home (11.4%) and private nursing home (12.1%) (p=0.001). Similarly, caregivers reported abuse/neglect
more frequently in extended care units (75.4%), in comparison to county-owned nursing home (24.6%) and private nursing home
(0%) (p=0.039). Shift work was also a significant predictor, as the morning nursing staff perceived abuse/neglect more frequently
Conclusions: This study has shown that residents and caregivers have contrasting vantage points in relation to elder
abuse/neglect perception, which underlines the need for evidence-based standardization of procedures to prevent any type of
elder mistreatment
Differences in Self-Assessment of Social and Emotional Loneliness and Self-Esteem with Regard to Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Elderly
Uvod: Usamljenost se karakterizira kao neugodna, bolna, anksiozna Äežnja za drugom osobom ili osobama, koja nastaje kada se osoba osjeÄa odbaÄenom, otuÄenom ili neshvaÄenom od drugih te joj nedostaje druÅ”tvo za socijalne aktivnosti i emocionalnu intimnost. Svrha istraživanja je usporediti razlike u samoprocjeni socijalne i emocionalne
usamljenosti te samopoÅ”tovanja s obzirom na mjesto stanovanja sudionika (dom umirovljenika ili vlastita kuÄa), sociodemografske karakteristike sudionika (spol, dob, braÄno stanje, razina obrazovanja) i zdravstveno stanje.
Sudionici i metode: Za prikupljanje primarnih podataka odabran je prigodan uzorak sluÄajnim odabirom od 379 sudionika na podruÄju Varaždinske i MeÄimurske županije pri Äemu je u istraživanju sudjelovalo 178 sudionika koji žive u kuÄama i 201 sudionik iz domova umirovljenika. Kao instrumenti istraživanja koriÅ”teni su ovi upitnici:
Rosenbergova ljestvica samopoŔtovanja, Ljestvica socijalne i emocionalne usamljenosti te polustrukturirani upitnik sociodemografskih podataka konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja.
Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da su sudionici u domu umirovljenika koji imaju nižu razinu obrazovanja i loÅ”ije zdravstveno stanje ujedno iskazali nižu razinu samopoÅ”tovanja, a neudati/neoženjeni sudionici su iskazali veÄu razinu usamljenosti u ljubavi i usamljenosti u obitelji. Kod sudionika u kuÄama rezultati su pokazali kako su sudionici stariji od 85 godina svoje samopoÅ”tovanje procijenili najnižim te su iskazali najveÄu socijalnu usamljenost i usamljenost u ljubavi.
ZakljuÄak: S obzirom da je usamljenost složen konstrukt, potrebno je provoditi daljnja, kontinuirana istraživanja iz drugih perspektiva kako bi
se mogli razviti modeli prevencije te poveÄala kvaliteta života osoba starije životne dobi.Background: Loneliness is characterised as an unpleasant, painful, anxious longing for another person or persons, occurring when one is feeling rejected, alienated or not understood by others and misses the company of others for social activities and emotional intimacy. The purpose of this study was to compare the level of perceived social and emotional loneliness in two groups of elderly people, one in institutions/retirement homes and the other in their homes/households,
and determine to which extent loneliness was linked with self-esteem and sociodemographic variables of the examinees.
Subjects and Methods: In order to gather primary data, a random sample of 379 participants from Varazdin and Medimurje County was selected, with 178 participants living in their homes and 201 institutionalized in retirement homes. The following questionnaires were used as the research instruments: Rosenbergās Self-Esteem Scale, Emotional and Social Loneliness Scale, Self-Care Scale, and a semi-standardized questionnaire of sociodemographic data that was designed
for the needs of this study.
Results: The results showed that the participants who live in retirement homes and have a lower level of education and worrisome health conditions also have a lower level of self-esteem, while the unmarried participants showed a higher level of loneliness in love and family. The results of those living in their home showed that the participants older than 85 estimate their self-esteem the lowest and had the highest level of social loneliness and loneliness in love.
Conclusion: Given that loneliness is a complex notion, it is necessary to conduct further research from different perspectives in order to develop prevention models, and thus prevent the consequences of loneliness, with the aim of achieving increased quality of life for the elderly
UÄinak ketamina na vijabilnost, primarna oÅ”teÄenja DNA i parametre oksidacijskog stresa u stanicama HepG2 i SH-SY5Y
Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic used to induce general anaesthesia in humans and laboratory animals. Due to its hallucinogenic and dissociative effects, it is also used as a recreational drug. Anaesthetic agents can cause toxic effects at the cellular level and affect cell survival, induce DNA damage, and cause oxidant/antioxidant imbalance. The aim of this study was to explore these possible adverse effects of ketamine on hepatocellular HepG2 and neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells after 24-hour exposure to a concentration range covering concentrations used in analgesia, drug abuse, and anaesthesia (0.39, 1.56, and 6.25 Ī¼mol/L, respectively). At these concentrations ketamine had relatively low toxic outcomes, as it lowered HepG2 and SH-SY5Y cell viability up to 30 %, and low, potentially repairable DNA damage. Interestingly, the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione (GSH) remained unchanged in both cell lines. On the other hand, oxidative stress markers [superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT)] pointed to ketamine-induced oxidant/antioxidant imbalance.Ketamin je disocijativni anestetik koji se koristi za izazivanje opÄe anestezije u odreÄenim medicinskim postupcima kod ljudi, kao i u anesteziji laboratorijskih životinja. Zbog svojih halucinogenih i disocijativnih uÄinaka koristi se i kao rekreacijska droga. Anestetici takoÄer mogu prouzroÄiti toksiÄne uÄinke na staniÄnoj razini i, utjeÄuÄi na preživljavanje stanica, izazvati oÅ”teÄenje DNA te neravnotežu oksidansa i antioksidansa. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti moguÄe Å”tetne uÄinke ketamina na hepatocelularne HepG2 i neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y stanice nakon 24-satne izloženosti Å”irokom rasponu koncentracija, ukljuÄujuÄi koncentracije relevantne u sluÄajevima koriÅ”tenja u analgeziji, zlouporabi droga i anesteziji (0,39, 1,56 odnosno 6,25 Ī¼mol/L). NaÅ”i rezultati pokazali su da je ketamin u ovim ispitivanim koncentracijama izazvao relativno nisku citotoksiÄnost, buduÄi da je do 30 % smanjio preživljenje stanica HepG2 i SH-SY5Y, ali je uoÄen neznatan porast razine primarnih oÅ”teÄenja DNA. Zanimljivo je da su razine reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS), malondialdehida (MDA) i glutationa (GSH) ostale nepromijenjene u objema staniÄnim linijama. S druge strane, markeri oksidacijskog stresa [suporeksid dismutaza (SOD), glutation peroksidaza (GPx), katalaza (CAT)] upuÄivali su na oksidacijsko-redukcijsku neravnotežu izazvanu ketaminom
Background: Elder abuse and neglect can be defined as refusing or failing to fulfil a caregiver\u27s obligation to meet the needs of
elderly individuals in order to punish or hurt them. We aimed to explore perceptions of elder mistreatment of both caregivers and
residents during long-term care, and highlight significant differences in the overall mistreatment perception regarding sociodemographic
variables, as well as the type of care facility.
Subjects and methods: The study involved 171 caregivers and 245 elderly individuals in stationary facilities. Two structured
questionnaires were used - one for caregivers and the other for institutionalized elderly residents, whose initial validation
concerning question and factor selection has been based upon exploratory factor analysis and discriminant validity. Parametric and
nonparametric tests were employed in the statistical analysis, and statistical significance was set at p<0.05 (two-sided).
Results: We found significant differences in the perception of elder abuse and neglect between caregivers and elderly residents.
More specifically, caregivers tend to recognize unnecessary or inappropriate medical/care procedures as indicators of elder
mistreatment, while the elderly residents emphasize the removal of their personal belongings and inappropriate physical contact.
According to the care facility, residents reported abuse/neglect more frequently in extended care units (21.4%), compared to the
county-owned nursing home (11.4%) and private nursing home (12.1%) (p=0.001). Similarly, caregivers reported abuse/neglect
more frequently in extended care units (75.4%), in comparison to county-owned nursing home (24.6%) and private nursing home
(0%) (p=0.039). Shift work was also a significant predictor, as the morning nursing staff perceived abuse/neglect more frequently
Conclusions: This study has shown that residents and caregivers have contrasting vantage points in relation to elder
abuse/neglect perception, which underlines the need for evidence-based standardization of procedures to prevent any type of
elder mistreatment
The effects of ketamine on viability, primary DNA damage, and oxidative stress parameters in HepG2 and SH-SY5Y cells
Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic used to induce general anaesthesia in humans and laboratory animals. Due to its hallucinogenic and dissociative effects, it is also used as a recreational drug. Anaesthetic agents can cause toxic effects at the cellular level and affect cell survival, induce DNA damage, and cause oxidant/antioxidant imbalance. The aim of this study was to explore these possible adverse effects of ketamine on hepatocellular HepG2 and neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells after 24-hour exposure to a concentration range covering concentrations used in analgesia, drug abuse, and anaesthesia (0.39, 1.56, and 6.25 Āµmol/L, respectively). At these concentrations ketamine had relatively low toxic outcomes, as it lowered HepG2 and SH-SY5Y cell viability up to 30 %, and low, potentially repairable DNA damage. Interestingly, the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione (GSH) remained unchanged in both cell lines. On the other hand, oxidative stress markers [superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT)] pointed to ketamine-induced oxidant/antioxidant imbalance