93 research outputs found

    Immersive virtual reality to improve functional capacities in people with multiple sclerosis: study protocol

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    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory, and chronic neurodegenerative disease caused by myelin loss in the central nervous system. One strategy that shows evidence of numerous benefits is therapeutic exercise, but these therapies, based on repetitive physical actions, can sometimes be unmotivating for patients. Our proposal suggests that an exergame programme with immersive virtual reality (IVR) is feasible for people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and will improve their physical function through more motivational sessions. We present a protocol for a single-blind randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility and impact on functional capacities of an 8-week IVR programme (ExeRVIEM protocol) in pwMS. Balance, gait, risk of falling, functional mobility and lower limb strength, fatigue, handgrip strength, and reaction times will be evaluated. The control group will maintain the usual activities scheduled in the centre, and the experimental group will add the ExeRVIEM protocol (two sessions per week). Therapies based on the combination of exercise and IVR explored in this study may offer new treatment approaches and open new lines of research in this field by improving the functionality of pwMS, as well as motivating patients and encouraging their adherence to treatment

    Feasibility and effects of an immersive virtual reality exergame program on physical functions in institutionalized older adults: a randomized clinical trial

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    One of the pillars which underpins active aging is found in the performance of physical activity. While adherence to physical activity programs has traditionally been low in older people, immersive virtual reality (IVR) could provide an alternative and complementary training mode. A randomized clinical trial was conducted to explore the feasibility and effects of a 10-week IVR exergame program on physical functions of 24 institutionalized older adults who were allocated to an experimental group (EG n = 13; 85.08 ± 8.48 years) and control group (CG n = 11; 84.82 ± 8.10 years). The IVR intervention was feasible, with no adverse effects being reported (no Simulator Sickness Questionnaire symptoms; low negative experience scores on the Game Experience Questionnaire 73.96%). The EG showed significant improvements: Tinetti scores for balance (1.84 ± 1.06; p < 0.001), gait (1.00 ± 1.08; p < 0.001), total score (2.84 ± 1.67; p < 0.001), and handgrip (4.96 ± 4.22; p < 0.001) (pre–post assessment). The CG showed significantly worsened compared to the EG: Five times sit-to-stand test, Tinetti scores for balance, gait, and total score, and the Timed Up and Go test total score (post-assessment). The findings show that the IVR intervention is a feasible method to approach a personalized exercise program and an effective way by which to improve physical function in the target population.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/15

    Los efectos de un programa de entrenamiento de resistencia de alta intensidad y fuerza excéntrica en el rendimiento de jugadores de balonmano

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    This study aimed to was to determine the effect of interval and resistance training with a focus on the eccentric phase on the cardiovascular fitness and strength of elite handball players. Thirty handball players were recruited and randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group (age= 20.93±1.70; weight= 78.20±4.58; height= 178.26±3.86) and a control group (age= 21.40±1.76; weight= 77.64±5.92; height= 176.87±4.43). The variables of this study were muscle strength and stamina, power, and cardiovascular fitness. They were assessed by chest press test, push-up, medicine ball throw test, and the Cooper Test, respectively. The training program took place over 12 weeks, with five sessions per week, consisting of two aerobic exercises, and three muscular resistance training exercises focused on the eccentric phase. To analyze the effect of training, a paired sample t-test was employed. The results of this study showed that there were significant pre- to post-test differences in muscle strength (p=0.001), muscle stamina (p=0.001), muscle power (p=0.001), and cardiovascular fitness (p=0.001). The results of the present study indicated that a 12-week eccentric-focused interval and resistance training program improved the strength, stamina, power, and cardiovascular fitness of elite handball players. Keywords: Interval training, Push up Test, medicine ball throw, preseason.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del entrenamiento interválico y de fuerza con un enfoque en la fase excéntrica sobre la aptitud cardiovascular y la fuerza de los jugadores de balonmano de élite. Treinta jugadores de balonmano fueron reclutados y divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos, uno experimental (edad= 20,93±1,70; peso= 78,20±4,58; altura= 178,26±3,86) y un grupo control (edad= 21,40±1,76; peso= 77,64±5,92; altura= 176,87±4,43). Las variables de este estudio fueron la fuerza y resistencia muscular, la potencia y la aptitud cardiovascular. Fueron evaluados mediante la prueba de presión de pecho, lagartija, prueba de lanzamiento de balón medicinal y la prueba de Cooper, respectivamente. El programa de entrenamiento incluyó 12 semanas, cinco sesiones por semana, dos ejercicios aeróbicos y tres entrenamientos de resistencia muscular enfocados en la fase excéntrica. Para analizar el efecto del entrenamiento, se empleó una prueba t de muestras pareadas. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que hubo diferencias significativas antes y después de la prueba en la fuerza muscular (p = 0,001), la resistencia muscular (p = 0,001), la potencia muscular (p = 0,001) y la aptitud cardiovascular (p = 0,001). Los resultados del presente estudio indicaron que un programa de entrenamiento de resistencia y de intervalos centrado en la fase excéntrica de 12 semanas mejoró la fuerza, la resisten-cia, la potencia y la aptitud cardiovascular de los jugadores de balonmano de élit

    Anthropometric analysis and performance characteristics to predict selection in young male and female handball players

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    The aim of this study was two-fold. The first aim was to determine if there were any anthropometric and physical performance differences (controlling for maturation) between male and female handball players selected in training categories as well as the relation of these differences with the performance level achieved. The second aim was to identify the discriminatory variables between the performance levels achieved. A total of 216 young handball players (125 men and 91 women) participated in the study. The data were classified by selection level (regional n=154; national n=62), gender (men; women) and age category (under-15; under-17). The use of MANCOVA analyses, controlling for maturation, identified how gender could determine variables related to handball players’ future competitive levels. The results revealed that anthropometric variables such as height, arm span, trochanter height, thigh girth, and leg girth were more influential in men than in women. In addition, the physical performance tests of vertical jump (squat jump and counter movement jump with/without arm) and 10x5 m shuttle run were determinants in both gender. Discriminatory analysis predicted that a combination of five variables (counter movement jump with arm, body mass, 10x5 m shuttle run, dominant hand length and trochanter height) would successfully distinguish between regional and national players, with a predictive accuracy of 81.9% for all player


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Anthropometric and physical performance parameters that determine competitive levels in handball need to be carefully studied to identify which of them can bring the optimal contribution when the talents for this sport are selected. Objective: To identify which anthropometric and physical performance variables evaluated in the basic categories (infantile, under-15 and cadet, under-17) have the greatest influence on professional levels attained by male and female handball players throughout their sports careers. Method: A total of 145 handball players (75 males and 70 females) participated in the study. Participants were initially evaluated during the season 1998-99 and their performance levels were supervised until March 2013. The resulting data were classified according to the performance level (regional n = 109; national n = 36), gender, and category (infantile, cadet). Results: The MANCOVA analysis indicated that the player’s maturation stage is one of the main parameters to be accounted for when selecting the variables that should configure a talent detection model for handball, which is also conditioned by sex. Anthropometric variables are highly influential in the case of male players, while physical performance variables (squat jump, counter movement jump, counter movement jump with arm, 10x5m shuttle run, 20 m shuttle run, and VO2 max) have a similar effect in males and females. Conclusion: The study of changes occurring in anthropometric and physical performance variables may yield useful information to detect talents in handball, and maturation is a key factor to choose the most appropriate variables.RESUMO Introdução: Os parâmetros antropométricos e de desempenho físico que determinam o nível competitivo no handebol devem ser submetidos a um estudo mais aprofundado para identificar quais deles podem contribuir de forma otimizada ao serem selecionados os talentos para esse esporte. Objetivo: Identificar quais variáveis antropométricas e de desempenho físico avaliadas nas categorias de base (infantil, sub-15 e cadete, sub-17) têm a maior influência sobre os níveis profissionais atingidos por jogadores de handebol do sexo masculino e feminino ao longo de sua carreira esportiva. Método: Um total de 145 jogadores de handebol (75 homens e 70 mulheres) participou do estudo. Os participantes foram inicialmente avaliados durante a temporada de 1998-99 e os níveis de desempenho foram supervisionados até março de 2013. Os dados resultantes foram classificados pelo nível de desempenho (regional n = 109; nacional n = 36), por sexo e por categoria (infantil, cadete). Resultados: A análise MANCOVA indicou que o estágio de maturação do jogador é um dos principais parâmetros a serem considerados ao escolher quais variáveis devem configurar o modelo de detecção de talento para o handebol, que também é condicionado por sexo. As variáveis antropométricas influenciam muito os atletas do sexo masculino, enquanto as variáveis de desempenho físico (salto agachado (squat jump), salto com contramovimento (counter movement jump), salto com contramovimento com braço (counter movement jump with arm), corrida vaivém (shuttle run) 10 x 5 m, corrida vaivém 20 m e VO2 máx) têm efeito semelhante em ambos os sexos. Conclusão: O estudo das mudanças que ocorrem em variáveis de desempenho antropométricas e físicas podem gerar informações úteis para identificar talentos para o handebol, e a maturação é um fator chave na escolha das variáveis mais adequadas.RESUMEN Introducción: Los parámetros antropométricos y de rendimiento físico que determinan el nivel competitivo en el balonmano deben ser sometidos a un estudio más profundo con el fin de identificar cuáles de ellos pueden contribuir de forma óptima para la selección de talentos para ese deporte. Objetivo: Identificar qué variables antropométricas y de rendimiento físico evaluadas en las categorías base (infantil, sub-15 y cadete, sub-17) tienen mayor influencia sobre los niveles profesionales alcanzados por los jugadores y las jugadoras de balonmano a lo largo de su carrera deportiva. Método: Un total de 145 jugadores de balonmano (75 hombres y 70 mujeres) participaron en el estudio. Los participantes fueron evaluados inicialmente durante la temporada 1998-99 y los niveles de rendimiento fueron supervisados hasta marzo de 2013. Los datos fueron clasificados según el nivel de rendimiento (regional n = 109; nacional n = 36), el sexo y la categoría (infantil, cadete). Resultados: El análisis MANCOVA indicó que la etapa de maduración del jugador es uno de los principales parámetros a tener en cuenta al seleccionar qué variables deben componer el modelo identificador del talento en balonmano, que también está condicionada por el sexo. Las variables antropométricas son las que mayor influencia presentan en los deportistas de sexo masculino, mientras que las variables de rendimiento físico (sentadilla con salto (squat jump), salto en contramovimiento (counter movement jump), salto en contramovimiento con brazos (counter movement jump with arm), 10 x 5 m shuttle run, 20 m shuttle run y VO2 máx) tienen una influencia similar en ambos sexos. Conclusión: El estudio de los cambios que se producen en las variables antropométricas y de rendimiento físico puede generar informaciones útiles para la identificación de talentos en el balonmano, y la maduración es un factor clave a la hora de escoger las variables más adecuadas

    Los efectosde la carga de entrenamiento de boccia sobre la inteligencia emocional y la calidad de vida en personas con parálisis cerebral

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    The aim of this research was to determine the correlation between the load (volume) of boccia training and emotional intelligence and quality of life in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). 165 individuals with CP who had severe activity limitations in their legs, arms and trunk (BC1) were voluntarily enrolled in this study. The type of design is characterized by being sectional-correlational. The participants were assigned to one of the boccia groups: G2 (2 hours/week), G4 (4 hours/week) and G6 (6 hours/week). The Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and WHOQOL-Bref world health organization's quality of life questionnaire assessed these patients' emotional intelligence and quality of life of these patients respectively. To determine the degree of association, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used, and one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni were applied to compare the variables between the groups. The normality of the sample was tested through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results showed how the training load is a conditioning factor for the levels of quality of life and emotional intelligence, identifying that the greater the load, the better the levels of the indicated parameters. The dimensions of quality of life: physical and psychological health are those with the greatest difference between group G2 (physical health: 19.61±6.83; psychological= 18.71±5.37) and group G4 (physical health: 58.25±16.61; psychological= 54.17 ±16.24) and G6 (physical health: 61.56±8.85; psychological= 56.29±3.48). Regarding emotional intelligence, we must highlight the emotion perception dimension as the one that is most influenced by the weekly training load (G2: 27.78±3.51, G4: 38.20±1.90, G6: 39.76±2.66). The results have indicated a moderate to strong evaluation between boccia training volume and emotional intelligence (0.842>r>0.744). and quality of life (0.899>r>0.770). Based on the results, and with the aim of optimizing the effects, it is recommended to practice Boccia in individuals with CP for four days a week. Keywords: Para-sport, Physical exercise, Brain impairment, Emotional.El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la correlación entre la carga de entrenamiento de boccia (volumen) con respecto a la calidad de vida e inteligencia emocional en personas con Parálisis Cerebral (PC). En este estudio participaron de forma voluntaria 165 personas con PC que presentaban limitaciones severas de actividad en piernas, brazos y tronco (BC1). El tipo de diseño se caracteriza por ser seccional-correlacional. Los participantes fueron asignados a uno de los grupos de boccia: G2 (2 horas/semana), G4 (4 horas/semana) y G6 (6 horas/semana). El test de inteligencia emocional de autoinforme de Schutte (SSEIT) y el cuestionario de calidad de vida de la organización mundial de la salud WHOQOL-Bref evaluaron la inteligencia emocional yla calidad de vida de estos pacientes respectivamente. Para determinar el grado de asociación se utilizó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson y para comparar las variables entre los grupos se aplicó ANOVA unidireccional y Bonferroni. La normalidad de la muestra fue contrastada a través del test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Los resultados mostraron como la carga de entrenamiento es un factor condicionante de los niveles de calidad de vida y de inteligencia emocional, identificándose que a mayor carga mejores niveles de los parámetros indicados. Las dimen-siones de calidad de vida: salud física y psicológicason lasque presenta mayor diferencia entre el grupo G2 (salud física: 19,61±6,83; psicológica= 18,71±5,37) y el grupo G4 (salud física: 58,25±16,61; psicológica= 54,17 ±16,24) y G6 (salud física: 61,56±8,85;psicológica= 56,29±3,48). Respecto a la inteligencia emocional, hay que destacar la dimensión percepción de emoción como la que más se ve influenciada por la carga de entrenamiento semanal (G2: 27,78±3,51, G4: 38,20±1,90, G6:39,76±2,66).Los resultados han indicado una correlación de moderada a fuerte entre el volumen de entrenamiento de boccia y la inteligencia emocional (0.842>r>0.744). y la calidad de vida (0.899>r>0.770). En base a los resultados, y con el objetivo de optimizar los efectos, se recomienda practicar Boccia en individuos con PC durante cuatro días a la seman

    Disseny i propietats psicomètriques del qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives

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    La gestió de qualitat és una estratègia de direcció i gestió utilitzada en tots els sectors inclòs l’esportiu. La seva aplicació es produeix primer en l’àmbit empresarial, a continuació públic i en menor mesura en el teixit associatiu. Davant la inexistència d’un instrument que avaluï la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives es va dissenyar el Qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en entitats esportives, EGCED fonamentat en el Model EFQM (European Foundation Quality Management) i adaptat per a federacions autonòmiques. En el present treball, s’exposa l’anàlisi de les seves propietats psicomètriques (fiabilitat i qualitat de les dimensions). Es va administrar el qüestionari en dues ocasions diferents (test-retest) a un grup petit de federacions esportives, calculant-se l’índex de consistència interna (alfa de Cronbach) amb les dades del test-retest per verificar la fiabilitat, i igualment es va determinar la qualitat de les dimensions en obtenir la distribució de les respostes (moda i variança) i l’índex de discriminació d’aquestes (correlació entre ítem i ítem-total). Els resultats obtinguts demostren que és una mesura fiable (α de Cronbach = 0,988-0,710) per conèixer la qualitat de la gestió de les federacions esportives territorials, i la seva interpretació permet determinar els punts forts, intermedis i febles que cal mantenir o reajustar i proposar estratègies d’actuació per millorar la gestió de l’entitat

    Effects of a high-intensity progressive-cycle program on quality of life and motor symptomatology in a Parkinson's disease population: a pilot randomized controlled trial

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    The benefits of aerobic exercise in persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) have been widely studied. Recent studies support the use of high-intensity aerobic exercise to improve oxidative stress values and functional performance in PD patients. The aim of this study is ascertain whether high-intensity aerobic training with lower extremity cycle ergometers and balance training can improve motor symptoms and quality of life in a PD population of Hoehn and Yahr disability score 1–3. The intervention took place in rehabilitation centers in secondary care. A pilot randomized controlled trial was carried out with 14 outpatients participated in the 8-week study. They were composed of a control group (CG; n = 7) that followed a balance protocol and an experimental group (EG; n = 7) that performed high-intensity (70% heart rate reserve) aerobic workout using a lower extremity cycle ergometer and a balance protocol once a week. The primary outcome measures included the 8-Foot Up-and-Go test, 6-Minute Walk test, 2-Minute Step test, Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ39), Movement Disorder Society—Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) and Tinetti test. Significant improvements in the PDQ39 (F1.23 = 3.102; sig = 0.036), the MDS-UPDRS III (F1.23 = 4.723; sig = 0.033), and MDS-UPDRS Total (F1.23 = 4.117; sig = 0.047) were observed in the EG as against the CG. After taking into account the number of subjects in each group, the results suggest that the PD population can withstand high-intensity aerobic workouts with a lower extremity cycle ergometer. This exercise is a beneficial therapy for them because it reduces motor symptoms of the disease and furthermore increases and improves patient's quality of life

    Health-related functional fitness within the elderly communities of five European countries: the in common sports study

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    (1) Background: The purpose of this study was to analyse the functional fitness and the anthropometric values of older adults participating in the “IN COMMON SPORTS” project. (2) Methods: A total of 418 participants (eastern European Group (GEE, n = 124) and southern European Groups (GES, n = 294) have been evaluated for anthropometric characteristics and fitness. (3) Results: The GES participants presented significant differences in anthropometric values and fitness, with the best values for upper and lower limb strength and aerobic resistance, while those from the GEE presented significantly better values for lower limb flexibility. (4) Conclusion: Older adults present differences in fitness in accordance with their country of residence, with the GES having the best functional fitness.European Commission, projet In Common Sports- Intergeneration Competition as Motivation for sport and Healthy Lifestyle of Senior Citizens | Ref. 590543-EEP-1-2017-1-PT-SPO-SC

    Degree of association between the body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI) in physically active older adults

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    Background: Aging is the main factor in the eventual development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) the prevalence of which is increasing progressively along with life expectancy. Therefore, it is essential to identify the most effective indicators for predicting the possible development of CVD. Anthropometric indices provide useful information for CVD risk evaluation. These are widely used for the simplicity of their estimates and their high correlation in the positive identification of CVD. The most used in the general population are the body mass index (BMI), the waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI). However, the behavior and association of such indices in physically active people over 65 years of age is not well established. Purpose: To analyze the behavior and association of the BMI, WHR, WHtR, BAI and CI in a group of active people over 65 years of age. Methods: A group of 608 European participants with a mean age of 68.05 ± 5.43yrs, composed of 74.2% female and 28.5% male, was randomly selected and evaluated for anthropometric parameters and body composition by a bio-impedance measuring device with four electrode sensor systems. A descriptive analysis was completed via measures of central tendency (mean and standard deviation) and percentage analysis. As the distribution of the sample was normal (parametric), an association analysis was carried out through the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), in order to determine the relationship between anthropometric and body composition indices. A P value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: The results show that BMI, BAI and WHtR are significantly related to % body fat (Fat %), with BMI reaching the highest correlation (r ¼ 0.612), followed by BAI (r ¼ 0.556) and WHtR (r ¼ 0.521). When the association between indices is considered, the WHtR and BAI and WHtR and BMI are those with the highest significant correlation (r ¼ 0.981 and r ¼ 0,789, respectively). As for the effects of gender, good to strong correlations were found between the BMI and the WHtR (r ¼ 0.731 for female, r ¼ 0.568 for male) and between the WHtR and the BAI (r ¼ 0.989 for female, r ¼ 0.985 for male). Conclusion: The most accurate anthropometric index for indicating the level of body fat present in an active population of 65 years of age or over seems to be the BMI, followed by the BAI and WHtR. However, the degree of association between body fat and anthropometric parameters seems to be conditioned by gender.Universidade de Vigo/CISU