127 research outputs found


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    A Biorremediação é uma tecnologia segura e eficiente quando comparada aos processos físicos e químicos convencionais utilizados no tratamento de locais contaminados. O petróleo e seus derivados, quando no ambiente, ocasionam grande impacto ecológico, além de infringirem a legislação ambiental. No entanto, o petróleo é uma fonte com alto teor de carbono e, por isso, seus hidrocarbonetos são atacados por micro-organismos quando entra em contato com o ar e umidade. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aplicação da técnica de atenuação natural monitorada (utilizando-se óleo e farelo de soja como bioestimulantes) como biorremediador em solo contaminado com o óleo diesel. O estudo foi realizado a partir do monitoramento da alteração de densidade do contaminante em função do tempo, o qual apresentou-se satisfatório devido a eliminação de bandas de absorção do contaminante acompanhada por espectrofotometria do UV-Vis

    Avaliação dos riscos psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho no Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Distrito Federal

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    Monografia (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Especialização em Clínica Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Gestão do Estresse, 2014.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os riscos psicossociais no âmbito do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Distrito Federal (CBMDF), com ênfase para a organização do trabalho, o estilo de gestão, o sofrimento patogênico e os danos relacionados ao trabalho. Para isso, aplicou-se o Protocolo de Avaliação de Riscos Psicossociais no Trabalho (PROART) em um total de 438 bombeiros militares da corporação, divididos por diferentes cargos, áreas, quadros, unidades e sexo. Os dados foram analisados tendo por base a teoria da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Os maiores riscos foram encontrados quanto à falta de recursos humanos, de flexibilidade das normas e de autonomia para realização das tarefas, à pequena participação dos funcionários nas decisões, além de espaço físico inadequado. Predomina-se um estilo de gestão com valorização da hierarquia, grande importância às regras e a existência de forte controle no trabalho. Os Bombeiros gostam do que fazem e se identificam com as tarefas. Não há falta de reconhecimento entre os colegas de trabalho, mas existe a percepção de falta de reconhecimento por parte da instituição e das instância superiores. As interferências políticas na Organização causam descontentamentos por parte dos militares. Os danos físicos representam maiores riscos do que os danos psicológicos e sociais, com ênfase para dores nas costas e alterações do sono. Praças e trabalhadores da área fim estão mais propensos ao adoecimento do que Oficiais e bombeiros da área meio. Condutores e Combatentes apresentam maiores riscos quando comparados aos demais quadros da Corporação. As unidades que apresentaram maiores problemas foram o 2º Grupamento Bombeiro Militar (GBM) e o 17º GBM. Os homens percebem maiores alterações quanto à Organização do Trabalho, Estilo de Gestão e Sofrimento Patogênico, enquanto as mulheres são mais acometidas pelos danos físicos, psicológicos e sociais. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de intervenções em curto e médio prazo na instituição.The aim of this study was to evaluate psychosocial risks in the Military Firefighters Corporation of the Federal District, with emphasis on the organization of work, management style, pathogenic suffering and damages related to work. For this purpose, the Psychosocial Risk Evaluation Protocol at Work (PROART) was applied to 438 firefighters of the corporation, divided in different posts, areas, boards, units and gender. Data were analyzed based on the Psychodynamics of Work theory. The results showed that the major risks were: the lack of human resources, rule flexibility and autonomy for carrying out the tasks; small employee participation in decisions; and inappropriate physical space. Hierarchy is highly appreciated, rules are enhanced and there is a strong control over work. Firefighters enjoy their work and identify themselves with the tasks. There is no lack of recognition awarded by the peers, but there is a perceived lack of recognition awarded by the institution and the upper body. Political interferences in the Organization cause discontentment by the militaries. Physical injuries represent greater risks than the psychological and social harms, with emphasis on back pain and sleep disorders. Non-commissioned officers and core activity workers are more likely to illness than officers and non-core activity workers. Drivers and combatant firefighters are at higher risk when compared to other boards of the Corporation. The units that presented the biggest problems were the 2nd and the 17th Military Firefighter Groupements. Men perceive greater changes to the Organization of Work, Management Style and Pathogenic Suffering, while women are more affected by physical, psychological and social harms. The results show the need of short and medium-term interventions at the institution

    Correction: optimized labeling of bone marrow mesenchymal cells with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and in vivo visualization by magnetic resonance imaging

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    Abstract Background Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising addition to traditional treatments for a number of diseases. However, harnessing the therapeutic potential of stem cells requires an understanding of their fate in vivo. Non-invasive cell tracking can provide knowledge about mechanisms responsible for functional improvement of host tissue. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have been used to label and visualize various cell types with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study we performed experiments designed to investigate the biological properties, including proliferation, viability and differentiation capacity of mesenchymal cells (MSCs) labeled with clinically approved SPIONs. Results Rat and mouse MSCs were isolated, cultured, and incubated with dextran-covered SPIONs (ferumoxide) alone or with poly-L-lysine (PLL) or protamine chlorhydrate for 4 or 24 hrs. Labeling efficiency was evaluated by dextran immunocytochemistry and MRI. Cell proliferation and viability were evaluated in vitro with Ki67 immunocytochemistry and live/dead assays. Ferumoxide-labeled MSCs could be induced to differentiate to adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes. We analyzed ferumoxide retention in MSCs with or without mitomycin C pretreatment. Approximately 95% MSCs were labeled when incubated with ferumoxide for 4 or 24 hrs in the presence of PLL or protamine, whereas labeling of MSCs incubated with ferumoxide alone was poor. Proliferative capacity was maintained in MSCs incubated with ferumoxide and PLL for 4 hrs, however, after 24 hrs it was reduced. MSCs incubated with ferumoxide and protamine were efficiently visualized by MRI; they maintained proliferation and viability for up to 7 days and remained competent to differentiate. After 21 days MSCs pretreated with mitomycin C still showed a large number of ferumoxide-labeled cells. Conclusions The efficient and long lasting uptake and retention of SPIONs by MSCs using a protocol employing ferumoxide and protamine may be applicable to patients, since both ferumoxides and protamine are approved for human use.</p

    Evaluation of the nipple-areola complex after reduction mammoplasty with dermal release versus resected volume of the breast tissue

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    Introduction: The nipple-areola complex (NAC) plays an important role both in breastfeeding and sexual lives of the patients. Because of this, we must mention possible complications of reduction mammoplasty, such change or even loss of sensitivity of the NAC. Method: This was a prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study to evaluate the relationship between the sensitivity of the NAC after reduction mammoplasty with dermal release and the resected volume of breast tissue. This study was conducted between August 2013 and August 2015 at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Pernambuco (HC-UFPE), in Recife City, Brazil. Results: The study involved 39 patients. The mean age and body mass index (BMI) of the patients were 31.7 years and 25.5 kg/m2, respectively. None of the patients was a smoker. The complication rate was 41%, including 7 cases of non-aesthetic scars, 6 cases of hematoma (bruises), and 4 cases of dehiscence. No patient had pain or NAC necrosis, and all the patients expressed being satisfied with the final surgical result. No statistically significant differences were found between the patients of the experimental and control groups, both in the group with resection of up to 300 g and those with resection >300 g. Conclusions: The maneuver of dermic release did not result in any differences in the sensitivity of the NAC, regardless of the quantity of resected breast tissue

    Evidências cientificas sobre o uso de Cromonas (Cromoglicatos) no tratamento da Asma / Scientific evidence on the use of Chromones (Cromoglycates) in the treatment of Asthma

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    As drogas, cromolina sódica e nedocromil, são comumente agrupadas como cromonas, também chamadas de cromoglicatos. As cromonas são listadas como terapias alternativas de controle inicial para asma leve em diretrizes nacionais e internacionais, embora os glicocorticóides inalatórios sejam os agentes preferidos. A baixa incidência de efeitos colaterais em comparação com os glicocorticóides inalatórios é a principal razão pela qual alguns pacientes preferem os cromonas aos glicocorticóides inalatórios. O cromoglicato e o nedocromil inalados agem prevenindo as respostas asmáticas precoces e tardias aos alérgenos e irritantes inalados, como exercícios físicos e ar frio. Esses agentes podem ser administrados profilaticamente 10 a 15 minutos antes da exposição a um desencadeador de asma conhecido, eles não têm propriedades broncodilatadoras agudas, ao contrário dos beta-agonistas de curta duração.  As cromonas também podem ser administradas regularmente como terapia de controle anti-inflamatório na asma persistente leve. As cromonas, embora menos eficazes que os glicocorticóides inalados, são virtualmente desprovidas de efeitos colaterais sistêmicos, eles podem ser agentes controladores alternativos ou aditivos desejáveis em crianças pequenas ou pacientes que não toleram ou não desejam tomar glicocorticóides inalatórios.

    Integrative proteomics and pharmacogenomics analysis of methylphenidate treatment response

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    Transcriptomics and candidate gene/protein expression studies have indicated several biological processes modulated by methylphenidate (MPH), widely used in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatment. However, the lack of a differential proteomic profiling of MPH treatment limits the understanding of the most relevant mechanisms by which MPH exerts its pharmacological effects at the molecular level. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the MPHinduced proteomic alterations using an experimental design integrated with a pharmacogenomic analysis in a translational perspective. Proteomic analysis was performed using the cortices of Wistar-Kyoto rats, which were treated by gavage with MPH (2 mg/kg) or saline for two weeks (n = 6/group). After functional enrichment analysis of the differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in rats, the significant biological pathways were tested for association with MPH response in adults with ADHD (n = 189) using genome-wide data. Following MPH treatment in rats, 98 DEPs were found (P 1.0). The functional enrichment analysis of the DEPs revealed 18 significant biological pathways (gene-sets) modulated by MPH, including some with recognized biological plausibility, such as those related to synaptic transmission. The pharmacogenomic analysis in the clinical sample evaluating these pathways revealed nominal associations for gene-sets related to neurotransmitter release and GABA transmission. Our results, which integrate proteomics and pharmacogenomics, revealed putative molecular effects of MPH on several biological processes, including oxidative stress, cellular respiration, and metabolism, and extended the results involving synaptic transmission pathways to a clinical sample. These findings shed light on the molecular signatures of MPH effects and possible biological sources of treatment response variability

    Transcriptional profiles of the human pathogenic fungus paracoccidioides brasiliensis in mycelium and yeast cells

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    This work was supported by MCT, CNPq, CAPES, FUB, UFG, and FUNDECT-MS. PbGenome Network: Alda Maria T. Ferreira, Alessandra Dantas, Alessandra J. Baptista, Alexandre M. Bailão, Ana Lídia Bonato, André C. Amaral, Bruno S. Daher, Camila M. Silva, Christiane S. Costa, Clayton L. Borges, Cléber O. Soares, Cristina M. Junta, Daniel A. S. Anjos, Edans F. O. Sandes, Eduardo A. Donadi, Elza T. Sakamoto-Hojo, Flábio R. Araújo, Flávia C. Albuquerque, Gina C. Oliveira, João Ricardo M. Almeida, Juliana C. Oliveira, Kláudia G. Jorge, Larissa Fernandes, Lorena S. Derengowski, Luís Artur M. Bataus, Marcus A. M. Araújo, Marcus K. Inoue, Marlene T. De-Souza, Mauro F. Almeida, Nádia S. Parachin, Nadya S. Castro, Odair P. Martins, Patrícia L. N. Costa, Paula Sandrin-Garcia, Renata B. A. Soares, Stephano S. Mello, and Viviane C. B. ReisParacoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, a disease that affects 10 million individuals in Latin America. This report depicts the results of the analysis of 6,022 assembled groups from mycelium and yeast phase expressed sequence tags, covering about 80% of the estimated genome of this dimorphic, thermo-regulated fungus. The data provide a comprehensive view of the fungal metabolism, including overexpressed transcripts, stage-specific genes, and also those that are up- or down-regulated as assessed by in silico electronic subtraction and cDNA microarrays. Also, a significant differential expression pattern in mycelium and yeast cells was detected, which was confirmed by Northern blot analysis, providing insights into differential metabolic adaptations. The overall transcriptome analysis provided information about sequences related to the cell cycle, stress response, drug resistance, and signal transduction pathways of the pathogen. Novel P. brasiliensis genes have been identified, probably corresponding to proteins that should be addressed as virulence factor candidates and potential new drug targets

    Vaccines for the Leishmaniases: Proposals for a Research Agenda

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    The International Symposium on Leishmaniasis Vaccines, held in Olinda, Brazil, on March 9–11, 2009, congregated international experts who conduct research on vaccines against the leishmaniases. The questions that were raised during that meeting and the ensuing discussions are compiled in this report and may assist in guiding a research agenda. A group to further discussion on issues raised in this policy platform has been set up at http://groups.google.com/group/leishvaccines-l
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