12 research outputs found

    Re-school. Ripensare la scuola a partire dagli spazi.

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    Attraverso l’elaborazione di materiale istruttorio, il progetto Re-school si propone di supportare gli enti territoriali nell’individuazione di priorità di intervento sul patrimonio di edilizia scolastica; nella pianificazione strategica a scala regionale e nella definizione di linee guida regionali di intervento sugli edifici scolastici. In questa pubblicazione vengono riassunti i primi passi del gruppo di ricerca e si propone un metodo di lavoro per esplorare il potenziale di trasformazione del patrimonio dell’edilizia scolastica in Italia

    Morceaux choisis, tra architettura e design

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    Recensione della mostra "Marcel Breuer (1902-1981) Design & Architecture" tenutasi presso la Ciité de l'Architecture et du patrimoine e della mostra su Eileen Gray presso il Centre Pompidou (2013

    The satirical line. The image of the city as a cultural and social paradigm through the New Yorker’s cartoons 1968-1978

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    Between the Sixties and the Seventies the image of the city was the means of assessment for the assess a cultural defence of New York and at the same time, through the representation of architectures, a powerful system for social taxonomy. This work aims to explore how the New Yorker’s satirical line was able to influence and at the same time capture that view of the city which, in the same years investigated by this study, had an important role in the process of identity setting in northern American cities

    Un’eterogenea carrellata di blog e webmagazines

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    insieme di recenzioni di riviste e blog di architetura onlin

    The temples and the city. Models of religious coexistence in contemporary urban space. The case of Turin

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    il caso studio di Torino costituisce l’oggetto di una ricerca empirica che – effettuata facendo interagire gli approcci della storia delle religioni e dell’architettura – presenta materiali per una riflessione sulla gestione della diversità religiosa in epoca contemporanea : anche in contesti che storicamente hanno visto un monopolio da parte di una tradizione religiosa, si assiste oggi a cambiamenti non solo culturali, ma anche architettonici, di pianificazione e di organizzazione urbana dovuti alla diffusione di nuove religioni


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    Urban computing project originated from the aim to apply and experiment a new analytical approach to the city of Turin and Milan by improving different kinds of social connections through the use of widespread technologies such as Wi-Fi and smartphones

    Innovation in Practice in Theory: Positioning Architectural Design and its Agency.

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    The book is the result of a tripartite academic trajectory dedicated to the issue of innovation in practice. It gathers material produced for and during an interna-tional Ph.D. course, an international Summer School for Master students, and an international Ph.D. seminar, all held at Politecnico di Torino with the participation of students and faculty from TU Berlin, University of Belgrade, Architectural As-sociation, KTH Stockholm, Sciences Po, Centre Jean Pépin, CNRS Paris, Ecole National d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine. These three events also coincided, in temporal terms and in the general hypothesis being tested, with the fifth issue of the journal Ardeth (Architectural Design Theory) guest-curated by Andrés Jaque and dedicated to the theme of “Innovation as it happens.” These academic ex-periences are part of a wider thrust towards the consolidation of a growing net-work of schools and research groups working on the issue of innovation in the project of architecture: what does it mean to innovate the practice of architec-ture? Can we understand the project of architecture as a socio-technical object that, as much as other socio-technical objects, is susceptible to processes of innovation? Which paradigms of innovation can we refer to as architects? What is the role of critical theory in the research for innovation in the project? And, on the other hand, what is the contribution that pragmatist approaches can make when looking at day-to-day practice

    Il quartiere residenziale del "Pilastro" e l'area "Pioppe"

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    progetto elaborato nel quadro del workkshop internazionale After Urban Sprawl-Provincia di Bologna (2011