504 research outputs found

    The 2023 Italy-Albania protocol on extraterritorial migration management. A worst practice in migration and asylum policies

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    In November 2023, the Italian government concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), or Protocol, with the Albanian authorities envisaging extraterritorial migration and asylum management, including detention and asylum processing, in Albania. This Report examines the Protocol in light of EU, regional and international legal standards, and the main responses that it has attracted so far. It concludes that the MoU can be understood as a nationalistic and unilateral arrangement that, while not involving the EU, covers policy areas falling within the scope of European law. The MoU runs contrary to EU constitutive principles enshrined in the Treaties, including the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as international law. It should be regarded as a non-model in migration and asylum policies as it is affected by far-reaching illegality and unfeasibility grounds undermining both its rationale and implementation

    The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and the Dangerous Multiplication of ‘Anomalous Zones’ for Migration Management

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    In September 2020, the European Commission published what it described as a New Pact on Migration and Asylum (emphasis added) that lays down a multi-annual policy agenda on issues that have been central to debate about the future of European integration. This book critically examines the new Pact as part of a Forum organized by the Horizon 2020 project ASILE – Global Asylum Governance and the EU’s Role. ASILE studies interactions between emerging international protection systems and the United Nations Global Compact for Refugees (UN GCR), with particular focus on the European Union’s role and the UN GCR’s implementation dynamics. It brings together a new international network of scholars from 13 institutions examining the characteristics of international and country specific asylum governance instruments and arrangements applicable to people seeking international protection. It studies the compatibility of these governance instruments’ with international protection and human rights, and the UN GCR’s call for global solidarity and responsibility sharing. ASILE facilitates groundbreaking insights into the role and impacts of legal and policy responses – instruments – on refugee protection and sharing of responsibility from the perspective of their effectiveness, fairness and consistency with refugee protection and human rights. It does so through an examination and mapping of UN GCR actors – and their legal responsibilities and accountability – that have varying roles in the design and implementation of mobility and containment instruments applied to people in search of international protection across various world regions. The project studies the impacts of vulnerability and status recognition assessments – which often find expression in these same instruments and actors – on individuals’ rights and refugees’ agency. ASILE also aims at identifying lessons learned and ‘promising practices’ on refugee protection

    The European Commission's New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Horizontal Substitute Impact Assessment

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    This 'Horizontal Substitute Impact Assessment of the European Commission's new pact on migration and asylum' was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The impact assessment (IA) focuses on the main proposed changes implied by the European Commission's new pact, with a particular focus on the following four proposed regulations: 1) asylum and migration management regulation (RAMM); 2) crisis and force majeure regulation; 3) amended Asylum Procedure Regulation (APR); and 4) screening regulation. The horizontal substitute IA critically assesses the 'system' and underlying logic of the proposed new pact with the aim of analysing how the four Commission proposals would work and interact in practice. The IA also assesses whether and to what extent the proposed new pact addresses the identified shortcomings and implementational problems of current EU asylum and migration law and policy. Moreover, the IA identifies and assesses the expected impacts on fundamental rights, as well as economic, social and territorial impacts of the proposed new pact. The IA concludes that all of the assessed dimensions will be influenced by the proposed new pact. Although interviewed stakeholders indicate that, in certain cases, the new pact stands to have positive impacts on various aspects of migration and asylum in the EU, the overall consensus is that the new pact, as it is currently presented by the Commission, will have significantly negative consequences for Member States, local communities and migrants. Such potential negative effects have been found in all four dimensions covered by the IA: territorial, economic, social and fundamental rights

    Ma a cosa servono davvero i Cie?

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    Uno strumento di tipo poliziesco svincolato dall'onere della prov

    Ordine ai confini

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    Qualcuno sostiene che la situazione al confine greco-turco fosse come una bomba ad orologeria pronta ad esplodere e che l’Unione europea abbia perso l’occasione, durante questi anni anni in cui il controverso accordo con la Turchia sembrava aver creato una vasta zona cuscinetto in cui tenere a distanza dal confine europeo la gran massa di profughi in fuga dal conflitto siriano, per trovare un accordo sulla riforma del sistema d’asilo. In particolare, si sia lasciata sfuggire l’opportunità per trovare un accordo su su uno stabile meccanismo di distribuzione del cosiddetto “onere” dell’accoglienza, che necessariamente passa dalla riforma del regolamento di Dublino, su cui peraltro il Parlamento europeo aveva lavorato. Al contrario, si è puntato tutto sul rafforzamento di Frontex, sulla necessità di ripristinare “l’ordine ai confini”, come ha sottolineato la stessa presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen nel corso della conferenza stampa congiunta di martedì 3 marzo

    Senza registrazione, nessun diritto

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    il rapporto di Amnesty è interessante dal punto di vista per così dire «sociologico». Esso è in gran parte un atto di accusa contro l’Unione europea, colpevole di aver elaborato un modello di gestione della crisi migratoria che strutturalmente alimenta il rischio che migranti e rifugiati subiscano trattamenti inumani e degradanti

    L’approccio hotspot e il prezzo della coercizione

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    Il disegno della Commissione sembra diretto a «normalizzare» l’hotspot approach, per farne il perno istituzionale per gestire direttamente alla frontiera le nuove procedure accelerate di asilo e di rimpatri

    È il confinamento umanitario

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    Il divieto di iscrizione anagrafica è un tassello decisivo della strategia che mira a rendere impossibile la vita ai richiedenti asil

    La filosofia del “Migration compact”

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    Non è difficile individuare la differenza nella filosofia di fondo che ispira il cosiddetto “Migration compact”, pubblicato dal Governo italiano a ridosso di un’altra tragedia consumatasi nel Canale di Sicilia e le iniziative che seguirono il naufragio del 3 ottobre 2013, portando al lancio di una delle più vaste operazioni di ricerca e soccorso mai svolte nel Mediterraneo. In fondo è la medesima differenza che passa tra le proposte della “Task Force Mediterranean”, istituita dalla Ue all’indomani della tragedia di Lampedusa dell’ottobre 2013, e i contenuti dell’Agenda europea sulle migrazioni pubblicata nel maggio 2015, anche questa in seguito a un grave naufragio nelle acque del Mediterraneo. Ciò che balza immediatamente agli occhi è come gli imperativi umanitari, che hanno dominato le iniziative europee in materia di immigrazione a partire dall’ottobre 2013, siano stati rapidamente sostituiti dall’esigenza di tenere quanto più possibile a distanza migranti e richiedenti asilo, mettendo in sicurezza le frontiere europee