365 research outputs found

    Community Dynamics in the Mouse Gut Microbiota: A Possible Role for IRF9-Regulated Genes in Community Homeostasis

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    BACKGROUND: Gut microbial communities of mammals are thought to show stable differences between individuals. This means that the properties imparted by the gut microbiota become a unique and constant characteristic of the host. Manipulation of the microbiota has been proposed as a useful tool in health care, but a greater understanding of mechanisms which lead to community stability is required. Here we have examined the impact of host immunoregulatory phenotype on community dynamics. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to analyse the faecal bacterial community of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and C57BL/6 mice deficient for either type I interferon (IFN) signalling (IRF9 KO mice) or type I and type II IFN signalling (STAT1 KO mice). Temporal variation was found in all mouse strains. A measure of the ability for a community structure characteristic of the host to be maintained over time, the individuality index, varied between mouse strains and available data from pigs and human models. IRF9 KO mice had significantly higher temporal variation, and lower individuality, than other mouse strains. Examination of the intestinal mucosa of the IRF9 KO mice revealed an increased presence of T-cells and neutrophils in the absence of inflammation. SIGNIFICANCE: The high temporal variation observed in the gut microbiota of inbred laboratory mice has implications for their use as experimental models for the human gut microbiota. The distinct IRF9 and STAT1 phenotypes suggest a role for IRF9 in immune regulation within the gut mucosa and that further study of interferon responsive genes is necessary to understand host-gut microbe relationships

    MicroRNA29a regulates IL-33-mediated tissue remodelling in tendon disease

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) has the potential for cross-regulation and functional integration of discrete biological processes during complex physiological events. Utilizing the common human condition tendinopathy as a model system to explore the cross-regulation of immediate inflammation and matrix synthesis by miRNA we observed that elevated IL-33 expression is a characteristic of early tendinopathy. Using in vitro tenocyte cultures and in vivo models of tendon damage, we demonstrate that such IL-33 expression plays a pivotal role in the transition from type 1 to type 3 collagen (Col3) synthesis and thus early tendon remodelling. Both IL-33 effector function, via its decoy receptor sST2, and Col3 synthesis are regulated by miRNA29a. Downregulation of miRNA29a in human tenocytes is sufficient to induce an increase in Col3 expression. These data provide a molecular mechanism of miRNA-mediated integration of the early pathophysiologic events that facilitate tissue remodelling in human tendon after injury

    Lipocalin 2 in the central nervous system host response to systemic lipopolysaccharide administration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) is a bacteriostatic factor that may also modulate cellular function, however, little is known concerning the expression or role of Lcn2 in CNS inflammation. Therefore, here we investigated the regulation and possible function of Lcn2 in the CNS following peripheral lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection in mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A murine model for systemic endotoxemia was used in this study. Wild type or Lcn2 KO mice (both genotypes C57BL/6 strain) were given either a single or dual, staggered intraperitoneal injections of purified <it>E. coli </it>LPS or vehicle alone. The brain was examined for the expression and location of Lcn2 mRNA and protein and various markers for neuroinflammation were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although undetectable under physiological conditions, both Lcn2 mRNA and protein were induced to high levels in the brain after LPS injection. By contrast, RNA corresponding to the putative Lcn2 (termed 24p3R) receptor was present at high levels in the normal brain and remained unaltered by LPS injection. Differences between Lcn2 and 24p3R mRNA expression were found at the anatomic and cellular level. Endothelial cells, microglia and the choroid plexus but not neurons were identified as the main cellular sources for Lcn2 mRNA in the CNS. By contrast, 24p3R mRNA was detected in neurons and the choroid plexus only. Lcn2 protein was found to have a similar cellular localization as the corresponding RNA transcripts with the exception that subsets of neurons were also strongly positive. Various inflammatory, glial, and iron handling markers were analyzed and found to have similar alterations between WT and Lcn2 KO animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>1) Lcn2 production is strongly induced in the CNS by systemic LPS injection, 2) in addition to Lcn2 production at key gateways of bacterial entry to the CNS, neurons may be a target for the actions of Lcn2, which is apparently taken up by these cells, and 3) the cellular functions of Lcn2 in the CNS remain enigmatic.</p

    The initiator methionine tRNA drives secretion of type II collagen from stromal fibroblasts to promote tumor growth and angiogenesis

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    Summary: Expression of the initiator methionine tRNA (tRNAi Met) is deregulated in cancer. Despite this fact, it is not currently known how tRNAi Met expression levels influence tumor progression. We have found that tRNAi Met expression is increased in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, implicating deregulated expression of tRNAi Met in the tumor stroma as a possible contributor to tumor progression. To investigate how elevated stromal tRNAi Met contributes to tumor progression, we generated a mouse expressing additional copies of the tRNAi Met gene (2+tRNAi Met mouse). Growth and vascularization of subcutaneous tumor allografts was enhanced in 2+tRNAi Met mice compared with wild-type littermate controls. Extracellular matrix (ECM) deposited by fibroblasts from 2+tRNAi Met mice supported enhanced endothelial cell and fibroblast migration. SILAC mass spectrometry indicated that elevated expression of tRNAi Met significantly increased synthesis and secretion of certain types of collagen, in particular type II collagen. Suppression of type II collagen opposed the ability of tRNAi Metoverexpressing fibroblasts to deposit pro-migratory ECM. We used the prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor ethyl- 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (DHB) to determine whether collagen synthesis contributes to the tRNAi Met-driven pro-tumorigenic stroma in vivo. DHB had no effect on the growth of syngeneic allografts in wild-type mice but opposed the ability of 2+tRNAi Met mice to support increased angiogenesis and tumor growth. Finally, collagen II expression predicts poor prognosis in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Taken together, these data indicate that increased tRNAi Met levels contribute to tumor progression by enhancing the ability of stromal fibroblasts to synthesize and secrete a type II collagen-rich ECM that supports endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis

    Ly6c+ “inflammatory monocytes” are microglial precursors recruited in a pathogenic manner in West Nile virus encephalitis

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    In a lethal West Nile virus (WNV) model, central nervous system infection triggered a threefold increase in CD45int/CD11b+/CD11c− microglia at days 6–7 postinfection (p.i.). Few microglia were proliferating, suggesting that the increased numbers were derived from a migratory precursor cell. Depletion of “circulating” (Gr1−(Ly6Clo)CX3CR1+) and “inflammatory” (Gr1hi/Ly6Chi/CCR2+) classical monocytes during infection abrogated the increase in microglia. C57BL/6 chimeras reconstituted with cFMS–enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) bone marrow (BM) showed large numbers of peripherally derived (GFP+) microglia expressing GR1+(Ly6C+) at day 7 p.i., suggesting that the inflammatory monocyte is a microglial precursor. This was confirmed by adoptive transfer of labeled BM (Ly6Chi/CD115+) or circulating inflammatory monocytes that trafficked to the WNV-infected brain and expressed a microglial phenotype. CCL2 is a chemokine that is highly expressed during WNV infection and important in inflammatory monocyte trafficking. Neutralization of CCL2 not only reduced the number of GFP+ microglia in the brain during WNV infection but prolonged the life of infected animals. Therefore, CCL2-dependent inflammatory monocyte migration is critical for increases in microglia during WNV infection and may also play a pathogenic role during WNV encephalitis

    The stromal cell–derived factor-1α/CXCR4 ligand–receptor axis is critical for progenitor survival and migration in the pancreas

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    The SDF-1α/CXCR4 ligand/chemokine receptor pair is required for appropriate patterning during ontogeny and stimulates the growth and differentiation of critical cell types. Here, we demonstrate SDF-1α and CXCR4 expression in fetal pancreas. We have found that SDF-1α and its receptor CXCR4 are expressed in islets, also CXCR4 is expressed in and around the proliferating duct epithelium of the regenerating pancreas of the interferon (IFN) γ–nonobese diabetic mouse. We show that SDF-1α stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and Src in pancreatic duct cells. Furthermore, migration assays indicate a stimulatory effect of SDF-1α on ductal cell migration. Importantly, blocking the SDF-1α/CXCR4 axis in IFNγ-nonobese diabetic mice resulted in diminished proliferation and increased apoptosis in the pancreatic ductal cells. Together, these data indicate that the SDF-1α–CXCR4 ligand receptor axis is an obligatory component in the maintenance of duct cell survival, proliferation, and migration during pancreatic regeneration

    The stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha/CXCR4 ligand-receptor axis is critical for progenitor survival and migration in the pancreas.

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    The SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 ligand/chemokine receptor pair is required for appropriate patterning during ontogeny and stimulates the growth and differentiation of critical cell types. Here, we demonstrate SDF-1alpha and CXCR4 expression in fetal pancreas. We have found that SDF-1alpha and its receptor CXCR4 are expressed in islets, also CXCR4 is expressed in and around the proliferating duct epithelium of the regenerating pancreas of the interferon (IFN) gamma-nonobese diabetic mouse. We show that SDF-1alpha stimulates the phosphorylation of Akt, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and Src in pancreatic duct cells. Furthermore, migration assays indicate a stimulatory effect of SDF-1alpha on ductal cell migration. Importantly, blocking the SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 axis in IFNgamma-nonobese diabetic mice resulted in diminished proliferation and increased apoptosis in the pancreatic ductal cells. Together, these data indicate that the SDF-1alpha-CXCR4 ligand receptor axis is an obligatory component in the maintenance of duct cell survival, proliferation, and migration during pancreatic regeneration

    "More money for health - more health for the money": a human resources for health perspective

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>At the MDG Summit in September 2010, the UN Secretary-General launched the Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health. Central within the Global Strategy are the ambitions of "more money for health" and "more health for the money". These aim to leverage more resources for health financing whilst simultaneously generating more results from existing resources - core tenets of public expenditure management and governance. This paper considers these ambitions from a human resources for health (HRH) perspective.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using data from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) we set out to quantify and qualify the British government's contributions on HRH in developing countries and to establish a baseline.. To determine whether activities and financing could be included in the categorisation of 'HRH strengthening' we adopted the Agenda for Global Action on HRH and a WHO approach to the 'working lifespan' of health workers as our guiding frameworks. To establish a baseline we reviewed available data on Official Development Assistance (ODA) and country reports, undertook a new survey of HRH programming and sought information from multilateral partners.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In financial year 2008/9 DFID spent £901 million on direct 'aid to health'. Due to the nature of the Creditor Reporting System (CRS) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) it is not feasible to directly report on HRH spending. We therefore employed a process of imputed percentages supported by detailed assessment in twelve countries. This followed the model adopted by the G8 to estimate ODA on maternal, newborn and child health. Using the G8's model, and cognisant of its limitations, we concluded that UK 'aid to health' on HRH strengthening is approximately 25%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In quantifying DFID's disbursements on HRH we encountered the constraints of the current CRS framework. This limits standardised measurement of ODA on HRH. This is a governance issue that will benefit from further analysis within more comprehensive programmes of workforce science, surveillance and strategic intelligence. The Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health may present an opportunity to partially address the limitations in reporting on ODA for HRH and present solutions to establish a global baseline.</p

    Investigating the utility of saliva immunoglobulins for the detection of myeloma and using myeloma proteins to clarify partition between oral and systemic immunity

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    OBJECTIVES Myeloma is characterised by the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin (M-protein) and the free light chain (FLC) in blood. We investigated whether these M-proteins and FLC are detectable in myeloma patients' saliva to evaluate its utility for non-invasive screening and monitoring of haematological malignancies. METHODS A total of 57 patients with monoclonal gammopathy and 26 age-matched healthy participants provided paired serum and saliva samples for immunoglobulin characterisation and quantification. RESULTS Myeloma patients had IgG or IgA M-protein levels ranging up to five times and FLC levels up to a thousand times normal levels of polyclonal immunoglobulins. Despite these highly elevated levels, only two IgG and no IgA M-proteins or FLC could be detected in paired saliva samples. Most patients had reduced levels of serum polyclonal immunoglobulins, but all had normal levels of salivary IgA. CONCLUSIONS Immunoglobulin transfer from blood is not determined by levels in the systemic circulation and more likely dictated by periodontal inflammation and the integrity of the oral epithelium. Immunoglobulins secreted by bone marrow plasma cells do not substantially enter saliva, which represents a poor medium for myeloma diagnosis. These findings, along with normal salivary IgA levels despite systemic immunoparesis, support a strong partitioning of oral from systemic humoral immunity