4 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetic Assessment of Nevirapine and Metabolites in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Infected Patients with Hepatic Fibrosis â–¿

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    Nevirapine is a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor used as part of combination therapy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Nevirapine may be prescribed for patients with hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. Significant autoinduction of cytochrome P450 3A4 and 2B6 following multiple dosing prompted an assessment of the metabolic profiles in patients with liver disease receiving chronic nevirapine therapy. HIV-infected patients with hepatic fibrosis who were receiving a stable antiretroviral regimen containing nevirapine for ≥6 weeks had liver biopsy specimens assessed by Ishak histologic scoring and were grouped by severity (group 1, Ishak scores of 1 and 2; group 2, Ishak scores of 3 and 4; group 3, Ishak scores of 5 and 6). Steady-state trough nevirapine levels were determined for all patients, and additional measurements were obtained at 1, 2, and 4 h following nevirapine dosing for a subset of patients. The pharmacokinetics of nevirapine and its five metabolites were characterized, and a comparison of the results for the different Ishak groups was performed. Among 51 patients with hepatic fibrosis, the majority of whom were coinfected with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus, differences between the maximum and the minimum observed plasma concentrations demonstrated a statistically significant flattening of the systemic exposure curves with progression from Ishak group 1 to Ishak group 2 or 3, suggesting a decrease in systemic clearance with the progression of liver disease. However, there were no significant differences in the trough and the maximum nevirapine concentrations between the Ishak groups. The metabolite profiles were also comparable across the Ishak groups. In HIV-infected patients who were chronically treated with nevirapine and who had various degrees of hepatic fibrosis, including cirrhosis, trough plasma nevirapine concentrations were not significantly increased, and thus, no dose adjustment is warranted

    Toxicogenomics of nevirapine-associated cutaneous and hepatic adverse events among populations of African, Asian, and European descent

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    OBJECTIVE Nevirapine is widely prescribed for HIV-1 infection. We characterized relationships between nevirapine-associated cutaneous and hepatic adverse events and genetic variants among HIV-infected adults. DESIGN We retrospectively identified cases and controls. Cases experienced symptomatic nevirapine-associated severe (grade III/IV) cutaneous and/or hepatic adverse events within 8 weeks of initiating nevirapine. Controls did not experience adverse events during more than 18 weeks of nevirapine therapy. METHODS Cases and controls were matched 1: 2 on baseline CD4 T-cell count, sex, and race. Individuals with 150 or less CD4 T cells/μl at baseline were excluded. We characterized 123 human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and 2744 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and drug metabolism and transport genes. RESULTS We studied 276 evaluable cases (175 cutaneous adverse events, 101 hepatic adverse events) and 587 controls. Cutaneous adverse events were associated with CYP2B6 516G→T (OR 1.66, all), HLA-Cw*04 (OR 2.51, all), and HLA-B*35 (OR 3.47, Asians; 5.65, Thais). Risk for cutaneous adverse events was particularly high among Blacks with CYP2B6 516TT and HLA-Cw*04 (OR 18.90) and Asians with HLA-B*35 and HLA-Cw*04 (OR 18.34). Hepatic adverse events were associated with HLA-DRB*01 (OR 3.02, Whites), but not CYP2B6 genotypes. Associations differed by population, at least in part reflecting allele frequencies. CONCLUSION Among patients with at least 150 CD4 T cells/μl, polymorphisms in drug metabolism and immune response pathways were associated with greater likelihood of risk for nevirapine-related adverse events. Results suggest fundamentally different mechanisms of adverse events: cutaneous, most likely MHC class I-mediated, influenced by nevirapine CYP2B6 metabolism; hepatic, most likely MHC class II-mediated and unaffected by such metabolism. These risk variants are insensitive for routine clinical screening