1 research outputs found

    Longitudinal cognitive screening study in community-dwelling individuals

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    Abstract -Cognitive changes in normal aging can be similar to the alterations that take place in the initial stages of a dementia process. Longitudinal studies can provide a better understanding of this progression. Objectives: To evaluate the cognitive and functional evolution of community-dwelling individuals without dementia through a three-year longitudinal study. Methods: 168 individuals were evaluated in 2006. Three years later in 2009, 73 of these subjects were reevaluated as regards cognition and functionality using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Brief Cognitive Battery (BCB) and the Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire. The statistical analysis included descriptive measurements, the Wilcoxon's test for intra-group comparison, and the Spearman's correlation coefficient test for comparing cognitive and functionality scores. Results: After three years, the Wilcoxon's test showed a discreet yet significant cognitive decline (MMSE: -0.7 points; p=0.02; Z= -2.29; and global score on the BCB: +3.6 points; p=0.02; Z= -2.29), in addition to functional decline (Pfeffer: +0.7 points; p= 0.001; Z= -3.38). Conclusions: After three years of follow-up we observed a discreet yet significant functional and cognitive decline in the subjects. Longitudinal cognitive screening represents an important strategy in the early identification of changes from normal conditions to a dementia process. Key words: longitudinal study, cognitive screening, dementia. Estudo longitudinal de rastreio cognitivo em sujeitos da comunidade Resumo -Mudanças cognitivas no envelhecimento normal podem se assemelhar às alterações nos períodos iniciais de um processo demencial. Estudos longitudinais possibilitam um entendimento melhor desta progressão. Palavras-chave: estudo longitudinal, avaliação cognitiva, demência